Julio Weston

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Julio Weston
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Languages Galactic Basic, Zabraki
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Average
Eye Color Green
Political Information
Affiliation Infinite Empire
Rank Ensign
Prior Affiliation Freelance ship thief
"What a mystery, huh? The Galaxy is full of them."
— Julio Weston, in a conversation with Adin Cole

Julio Weston is a Corellian pilot currently serving as an Ensign in the Infinite Empire's 1st Imperial Fleet. Before joining the Empire he stole ships from crowded starports and smuggled arms into GE controlled planets. After a decade of freelancing he decided to seek for a job and met Admiral Rar Lunko, who gave him a job on the 1st Imperial Fleet. He has still to stand out and advance on the ranks to become a notable figure.


Weston started on the Galaxy working at a shipyard he himself provided with ships he stole, along with his friend Bruno. Items, droids among other things inside were sold to make an extra profit and daily Julio would find strange things from all the places of the Outer Rim.

Not as sneaky as Fisher

One of his famous stories is about his escape from angry smugglers after a failed infiltration, as told here on detail by Julio:

Yeah there was this time where i had to sneak in a drydock where some smugglers had a ship we wanted. A Starchaser, no big deal. It was rumored it had a pack of quality Ryll inside that we could sell to somebody interested on going high. Too high for most Sentients. But oh well, it‘s all for the cash. So, i went and grabbed the case (which i still keep), but from the shadows some smugglers with Telltrigs and EE-3s emerged, then pursued me. Don‘t know why didn‘t they tell their partners. Maybe they wanted to cash the bounty all for them. Whatever, i grabbed some random thing, and accidentally activated a door past which there was a TIE Fighter. Nice - i said and hopped in. Around the corner appeared the three men again, but i gunned them down and got away! Strange is, the planet belonged to the Rebel Alliance. So why was there a TIE? Like i care, i‘m alive!“ - Julio Weston, at the Black Star Cantina “story round“

Situations like this happened at all times, and Julio told stories about no less of these situations at random cantinas, clubs and even in interrogation rooms to make time for “the guys“ to break him free.

Thanks for not smoking “There also was this time Bruno and i went to Coruscant. CORUSCANT! So cold and scary... when you are not carrying a blaster. What we did was the exact opposite of being unarmed. We even got a