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Somewhat strange, she wasn't in control. She had plenty of downtime to relax and enjoy life but she wasn't in control of her assignments. All through her childhood she fought for control, but ever since her experiences with Red Star, she knew she was better off letting others run operations. Undertaking physical labour operations and transport roles, Tex felt at peace running the errands without the stress of looking over her shoulder, or having to manage petty criminals on a daily basis. Whenever she wasn't working, she could easily be found in a nearby tavern, but it was her home. She had money and had purchased a small residence just outside the [[Dark Skies Gearworks]] headquarters, but she was rarely there due to her assignments, or the fun she was having with others at the tavern. Her life had changed, but many things still remained the same. However, despite all she had been through, she now felt that given everything, she was at peace.
Somewhat strange, she wasn't in control. She had plenty of downtime to relax and enjoy life but she wasn't in control of her assignments. All through her childhood she fought for control, but ever since her experiences with Red Star, she knew she was better off letting others run operations. Undertaking physical labour operations and transport roles, Tex felt at peace running the errands without the stress of looking over her shoulder, or having to manage petty criminals on a daily basis. Whenever she wasn't working, she could easily be found in a nearby tavern, but it was her home. She had money and had purchased a small residence just outside the [[Dark Skies Gearworks]] headquarters, but she was rarely there due to her assignments, or the fun she was having with others at the tavern. Her life had changed, but many things still remained the same. However, despite all she had been through, she now felt that given everything, she was at peace.
===Dealing with your Issues===
Tex had found herself advancing through [[Dark Skies Gearworks]] to become a trusted friend and colleague of [[Lilith Delcroix]]. As an unofficial second in charge she found herself receiving a large office in the [[Masterforge]] headquarters on [[Vorsia Companion]], right next the Lilith. While they worked together closely, Tex would often undertake assignments to allow her to see space when she could. Regularly embracing her drug and alcoholism, she would frequent various drinking establishments throughout the galaxy where she would often get into trouble. One such occurrence happened while resting on [[Vorsia III]] where she was attacked by a drunken female, who she was easily able to subdue and drag back to her ship. However, instead of torturing the woman like she might have done previously, she allowed her to rest in comfort. As she lay on the guest bed, Tex sat in the corner, admiring the beauty of the lady. When the lady awoke, Tex greeted her in the cockpit of her vessel and introduced herself to the heavily hungover lady who identified herself as [[Rina Waran]]. Over several hours Tex relayed stories about her past, and quickly identified the similar struggles and endeavours Rina had also encountered, which soon turned into a sexual affair that lasted well into the night.
As their friendship grew, Tex began to confide more and more with Rina, allowing her to become a personal aide and confidant who would in turn assist her in her work with Lilith. Rina was more than happy to work with her, which created strong trusting relationship, that would every-so-often evolve into a sexual one. Happy with their arrangement, Tex found herself with another individual she could trust implicitly with her personal and professional secrets. While the number was only two, Tex felt happy that both Lilith and Rina were people in her life. Through her work in [[Dark Skies Gearworks]], Tex helped Lilith implement new construction and production initiatives for the people of [[Vorsia]], creating greater profit margins for the recycling company while also encourage a greater range of sales for a range of galactic consumers. While she would still regularly screw around and cause trouble, Tex still found herself in a place of peace, once she enjoyed and one she continued to nurture with her two confidants and loves.

Revision as of 01:40, 14 February 2013

Tex Navos
Biographical Information
Race Kuati
Homeworld Kuat
Mother Lara Navos
Father Victor Navos
Born Year -11, Day 202
Physical Description
Gender Female
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Skies Gearworks
Prior Affiliation Red Star Ring

Tex Navos is a Kuati with a troubled nature. Despite the promise of a blossoming childhood, neglect from her parents meant her life would go down a different path. Instead of living in the Imperial realm as her parents would have wanted, she turned to a life of an unsavoury nature. Mixing with criminal crowds and developing drug addictions, her childhood was not a normal one. As she grew throughout her teenage years she began to tame herself, but still embraced her rebel nature. As time passed she found ways to use her skills and beauty for her own personal gain, running small syndicates and raids throughout the Inner Regions of space. After several years of incarceration, her rebellious nature relaxed as she entered another phase of her life. Embracing rebellion while enhancing her image in the business world. This nature helps Tex get what she wants, while remaining out of the law enforcement radar.

A Promise Broken

Swimming Against The Tide

Tex was born on the Kuat Hospital Station in the Kuat System to parents and Imperial officers Lara and Victor Navos. Both seasoned Imperial star fighter pilots, their loyalty was always towards the Galactic Empire, leaving Tex to be second fiddle. Up until the age of five, Tex was confided to a small living quarters on various Imperial stations around the system, never allowed to travel or explore while her parents were out on duty. Rarely seeing them between tours of duty, Tex was raised by various support staff and medical droids, immediately changing her life prospects from one of luxury to one of neglect and rebellion against ones elders. As she grew to the age of seven she would begin to regularly sneak out of her quarters, memorising the various security protocols on each particular station to evade detection. Her escapades would allow her to steal various medical supplies and equipment, hoarding it in a personal footlocker that travelled with her. Very perceptive and quiet throughout each journey, she was rarely discovered as she stole Imperial equipment, however when she was, she was disciplined severely. Due to the nature of the offences, her mother and father were held accountable for their daughters actions, which meant Tex's own was far worse. Locked up by her mother and beaten by her father, Tex over the years contracted not only a number of painful bruises and broken bones, but an ever-growing hatred for all things Imperial.

When she wasn't being beaten or attempted to compromise Imperial protocols, she would spend her time learning about the various materials she had managed to collect. Mechanical devices, droid components and medical supplies gave her a multitude of possibilities as she filled the hours of solitude. As she grew older she managed to construct small devices to help with her adventures. On her thirteenth birthday she managed to manufacture a number of rudimentary electronic lock breakers that allowed her to gain access to the docking bay. Dodging various personnel and a number of armed patrols, she was able to gain access to a console and download a number of pilot training programs to her personal datapad for her to study. As she returned to her private room, she spent hours studying the various layouts of the ships and the various controls through the embedded imagery.

Jailbreak - Escaping the Imperial Station.

Annals of Imperial starships from Kuat and Corellia were photographically downloaded into her mind as she learnt the ability to fly without even being inside a vessel. Hiding her personal datapad under a loose tile when her parents remembered her existence, Tex plotted her escape from her life of imprisonment and solitude.

At the age of fourteen she attempted her first escape. Evading various patrols throughout the station, she made it past a number of security checkpoints before being apprehended by security. Severely beaten by her father for the insubordination, she became even more enraged. After a number of weeks recovery and recuperation, she and her family were moved to another station in Kuat, the Golan II station, Kuat Sentry. While most Imperial security protocols were the same across stations, Tex was still forced to learn new patrol patterns and manoeuvres to avoid patrols. Complications also arose when she soon realised her personal datapad and supplies were confiscated and thus remained on the previous station. After a number of weeks of stealing various new supplies and an empty datapad, Tex navigated her way to the stations armoury in order to download a number of blaster and fighting proficiency programs. Using the walls of her room as training tools, she punched and kicked them as hard as she could, regularly causing herself pain and physical injury. After various sessions of medical treatment, her threshold for pain had increased and her flexibility had also seen a significant improvement. With the remaining plans she obtained, she built a rudimentary blaster, using plasteel pieces as ammunition. Engrossing herself in the craft, she would disassemble and reassemble her blaster hundreds of times per day. Once the task was mastered, she attempted it blindfolded, allowing her to not only commit the task to second nature, but to also heighten her perception as she listened to passing patrols in case they looked in on her. Days after her fifteenth birthday, she was ready to try escaping once again.

Succeeding where she hadn't before, she had managed to slice her way through security and reach one of the docking stations onboard the station. As she opened the hatch, she failed to realise a newly installed security protocol that raised the alarm throughout the station. As a red alert was heard throughout the station, Tex sprinted through the doorway, tackling a lone Imperial Security Bureau representative. As the officer lay unconscious on the floor, Tex grabbed his blaster, a Imperial Munitions 22T4, and began to prepare a shuttle for departure. As the shuttle powered up, various Imperial personnel began firing from inside the docking bay, including her father Victor. Pre-occupied with trying to stay alive, Tex placed a manufactured restraining bolt on an Imperial BD-3000 droid and tasked it to get the ship in orbit while she fought of her attackers. With her father screaming over the blaster fire, Tex was severely outnumbered, but had decent cover from the ramp of the shuttle. As her father moved closer, trying to board the shuttle and stop her, Tex found her window of escape closing rapidly. As the ship coaxed into life, Victor jumped for the shuttle in a desperate attempt to get onboard. As he hung on desperately as the ship began takeoff procedures, Tex crouched down and looked at her helpless father. As he screamed profanity and hatred at her, Tex simply took a deep breathe and smiled, before shooting her father repeatedly. As her father's body fell helplessly to the floor of the docking bay, Tex smiled and closed the ramp of the shuttle, before hastily engaging the hyperdrive to avoid a number of fighter squadrons.

With the ship safely in hyperspeed, Tex turned the blaster on the droid and watched as its various parts and components shattered at the force of a blaster bolt to the head. Completely relaxed at the thought of having just killed her own father, Tex disassembled the droids parts, collecting what was worthwhile. As she exited hyperspeed in the nearby Alderaan system, and with her salvage proving fruitful, she ejected the scrap parts and her stolen blaster out the airlock. Landing on the planet Delaya, she torched the vessel and sought refuge on the outskirts of Delaya City. Selling the remnants of the droid at a highly inflated price, Tex bought several weeks worth of basic accommodation and began her new life free from dictatorial parents and the Imperial insignia.

Finding Your Own Path

Her life remained relatively tame for several years after her escape. She watched two birthday's pass without the neglect of her parents, and her living situation had also improved since her time on the various Kuat stations. While remaining outside the scope of the law, she did however manage to pick up a number of unsavoury habits. She regularly was spotted in a number of alcoholic establishments which she accessed with false identification. Earning the little money she could cleaning bathrooms and pitting herself against others in minor fights, she found herself actually enjoying her lifestyle. As she approached adulthood she found herself in minor altercations on occasion throughout various bars, while also picking up a Death Stick habit to help pass the time and heal her various wounds. Her stature and abilities in fighting got her a number of jobs and contracts throughout the criminal underworld in the Alderaan system. Over the next few years she upped her cash-flow by beating the drugged out impoverished and harassing cowardly public figures. Outside of work hours she would drink herself senseless or smoke whatever drugs she could gain access to, while sleeping with anyone who shared her nature. Never one for relationships, she would still be splitting her time between a number of sexual partners, often avoiding the confrontation and simply joining sessions together where possible. Her rebellious nature, despite the vulgar appearance, was one she embraced and always wanted more of. The booze, the drugs, the sex made her life hers, and the free-willed nature let her do what she wanted, free from the captivity of others.

While undertaking several contracts, she began to attract the eye of the authorities, in particular a number of Imperial delegates that were negotiating with the Tenloss Syndicate. After a number of surveillance operations and hours of research, the Imperial authorities located Tex. While she continued beating pathetic sellouts senseless, her mother Lara was summoned to Delaya by the Imperial Security Bureau. As she collected a Ryll stash for her employer, Tex was ambushed by her mother and a small squad of officers during transit from Delaya Beta to Delaya City. While her two companions were executed without question, Tex was apprehended by her mother for questioning. During hours of interrogation by her mother, Tex simply smiled and stared at her mother. With countless questions regarding how she managed to escape the station, Tex resisted all forms of harassment and simply shouted various vulgar profanities back at her despised mother.

Tex Navos File Photograph.

Disgusted and disowned by her mother, Tex was soon escorted to a Tenloss holding facility while transportation back to Imperial space was organised. Throw helplessly into the facility like piece of trash, Tex spent a number of days, including her twentieth birthday, inside the rundown facility. Regular fights and threats from the other inmates helped keep her skills sharp, not the mention happy, while she waited for the next step of her journey to begin.

When she wasn't fighting she was making new connections. She dodged a number of fights over several days as her body recuperated from her various minor wounds and met a number of underlings from a various galactic criminal enterprises. She listened intently as they happily spoke of their various exploits for the Hutts in the Outer-Rim and bounty hunters in the inner regions of space. Her rebellious nature struggled to cope with her time inside as she couldn't access her stash of drugs to keep her anger subsided. She made do with whatever contraband was floating around the holding facility that she shared with a number of sexual partners as she simply tried to make it through the day. Enjoying the power she had over others, Tex began to plan an escape for her and a group of her compatriots. Bending the other female inmates to her will, she encouraged them to follow her instructions through promises of riches and physical intimacy. After several weeks of planning, a number of inmates staged a riot which allowed Tex and her three associates to slip out of the prison. Close to her escape, she let her associates find a vehicle for their extraction, while Tex went in search of her mother.

After navigating a number of tight, burning passageways, Tex found her mother Lara fighting off a number of inmates. As she quickly incapacitated her attackers, Lara turned and faced her daughter. She screamed in horror wondering how her innocent looking daughter could be the cause of such mayhem. Tex simply smiled and explained how neglect and poor parentage lead her down this path, and that only her parents were to blame. Lara swiftly raised her blaster at her daughter, before becoming preoccupied with another inmate. Unloading a number of bolts into the inmate, she turned back to find Tex had closed in, and was slowly impaling her with a piece of glass. Casting her mothers blaster aside, Tex looked into her eyes as she twisted the glass in her chest, removing the last signs of life from her body. Releasing her grip, Tex watched as her mother collapsed on the ground in front of her. Unfazed by her action, she simply smiled once again and spat on her mothers motionless body, before returning to the holding facility exit and escaping in a commandeered Koro-2 Airspeeder.

Embrace Your New Found Power

Having successfully escaped two holding facilities in her lifetime, Tex now found herself in a position of control and power. Having instrumentally rescued a number of compatriots, she no longer needed to search for jobs to service enterprises, she could now search for jobs to service her own agenda. Unofficially forming the organisation known as the Red Star Ring, Tex and her associates began to build capital to help with their criminal activities. What began as petty theft and robbery for starships to finance operations, soon grew larger. Tex and other associates would reprogram stolen droids and starships to keep tracking threats to a minimum, while other new recruits would bring in more credits from pickpockets and other criminals. As the enterprise grew, Tex faced a number of leadership challenges, which soon grew into a growing pile of bodies as she dispatched all those opposed her. Her rebellious and violent nature that empowered her would not tolerate joint leadership, or insubordination of any kind. With a growing group of followers and an increase fleet, the Red Star Ring soon escalated into meagre forms of piracy, robbing haulers and other vessels of their cargo. This helped Tex fuel her various drug addictions, but also kept her followers happy with plenty of drugs, alcohol and sex to keep them entertained, not to mention a handy haul of credits.

As the operation continued to grow, so did her credit balance. Using her body as a tool to entice others to her will and with the promise of drugs and credits, Tex had unwavering loyalty. This loyalty ensured that her funds were reaching the millions within a very short time. Those her questioned her motives or nature were swiftly eliminated without hesitation, laughing at those who thought she did what she did solely for money. Despite all the sex and all the criminality she embraced, she did it because she enjoyed it. With her operations within the Alderaan growing rapidly, Tex handed oversight of Red Star's Alderaan operations to trusted associate Rass Volkov, before setting up another operation on Javaal in the Brentaal system. With another hub in place, profits continued to grow allowing Tex to experience a greater life of luxury that she had been robbed of during her childhood. Hung up in Administration of loosing the thrill of being on a job, Tex decided on occasion to embrace her inner deviant and undertake a spice run or robbery from time to time. Beating political figures while smoking a death stick never got old for her, as she truly enjoyed what she did. As a personal birthday gift for her twenty-second birthday, she decided to target a competitors cargo and run them out of business. Swiftly eliminating any resistance, she commandeered the vessel with her crew and began celebrating by plundering the haul. Unbeknownst to Tex however, the vessel had become a target of the Imperial Port Authority as was impounded before they could escape. Finding the whole ordeal incredibly coincidental and hilarious, Tex offered little resistance as she was arrested by Imperial officers and taken to Coruscant for imprisonment.

Something's Got To Give

Change of Pace

Tex was thrown into the Imperial prison system, locked away in solitary confinement with little hope of escape. Away from temporary prison facilities and facing charges including the murder of her parents, two Imperial officers, her chances of release were slim. For the next year she spent little time with anyone. Trapped within four solid walls, there was little to do other than think and combat withdrawal from her drug addictions. She kept her fitness up and her mind off the various withdrawal symptoms by beating the walls with her fists and feet, but when she wasn't, her mind wandered. Thinking back to her early childhood through to the actions in her life, she wondered what she would change. While she had a violent nature, her impulses were to act quickly, and she failed to see to bigger picture. She didn't play well with most people and didn't encourage debate, much like her parents. She sat in her dark cell and thought about what she would change. She wouldn't and didn't want to quench her need for drugs or sex, but impulse control would be a necessary change.

Tex enjoys her new lifestyle.

In an effort to get out of solitary confinement, Tex began to exude a changed nature to her captors. Around her twenty-forth birthday, she was released from solitary confinement and placed back with the rest of the inmates the Imperial Government had rounded up. While antagonised and berated daily, she resisted the urge to fight back, choices her methods of retaliation meticulously. Instead of embracing a fight, she would play one inmate against another, allowing her revenge to be done by proxy and thus avoid punishment. Despite the enjoyment she received from manipulation, Tex needed to rid herself of incarceration. Returning to her childhood ways, Tex kept to herself and began to study the various security protocols in effect. Through weeks of planning and preparation, Tex found a structural weakness in security. While being escorted with another group of inmates, Tex subtlety kicked an environmental alarm panel, causing a system-wide shut down of the various prison sectors. During the confusion, Tex snuck through a number of security checkpoints and onto a departing shuttle headed for the Outer-Rim. Given its non Imperial nature, Tex was free and clear once again.

Embrace The Second Chance

Free once again, Tex knew her chances of escaping a forth time would be minimal at best. As the shuttle landed on the Eidola Pirates world of Roon, Tex immediately began to restructure her life. Remotely accessing a cache of her funds from her days in Red Star, she syphoned off funds to newly created private accounts. With her credits secured, she hired a local programmer to build a small software program. Once complete, she adjusted the coding matrix and added additional processes to the command system which allowed her to gain access to the Imperial database for a short time. Through hidden encryption protocols she modified her identification file, changing her details and photograph to ensure safe passage through Imperial space would be restored, before destroying all access to the program. As she lay back and took a deep breathe, her old life of criminal enterprises had closed, but her free-willed nature was still continuing. She began to frequent a number of taverns throughout Roon, embracing her thirst for alcohol and drugs once again, but limiting her temptation to Death Sticks to ensure her mind remained sharp. Aside from her normal habits of physical intimacy and drinking, she also began to develop a Pazaak habit on Roon. Like before, she used her looks and powers of speech to entice others into letting her win. The habit was quite successful, but soon caused to have a lack of people wishing to play with her. Acknowledging a need for a new adventure and place of business, Tex secured a private vessel and soon left the Eidola occupied world in search for a new task to occupy her time when she wasn't drinking or screwing around.

As she travelled and got her affairs in order, Tex found herself wanted to disappear from the limelight for a while. She had enough credits to live her life, and taverns could be found all throughout the galaxy, but anonymity and peace were hard to find. Scouring through the various registered and non-for-profit organisations in existence, Tex became intrigued by the operations being run by Lilith Delcroix under the banner of Dark Skies Gearworks. The operation was neutral, but also had an aura of Imperial and criminal leanings which seemed to fit with Tex's history. Landing on the outskirts of their corporate headquarters on Vorsia, Tex observed the organisation for a number of days, trying to understand the culture and operation of the business. Its legitimate nature was new to Tex, but the administration and understanding of such a business was not very different from that of ones she had seen before. Appearing as a tourist in a local tavern, Tex watched Lilith Delcroix with some colleagues before enticing her over for a conversation with a cool glass of Corellian Ale. Speaking openly about her past, Tex revealed her struggles and her desire for change, at least in parts of her life. Her days of theft and robbery were done, and Lilith appeared to understand wholeheartedly. Not known for agreeing to business with a handshake instead of a blade, Tex smiled and shook Lilith's hand, thus beginning her new endeavour in life with Dark Skies Gearworks.

Somewhat strange, she wasn't in control. She had plenty of downtime to relax and enjoy life but she wasn't in control of her assignments. All through her childhood she fought for control, but ever since her experiences with Red Star, she knew she was better off letting others run operations. Undertaking physical labour operations and transport roles, Tex felt at peace running the errands without the stress of looking over her shoulder, or having to manage petty criminals on a daily basis. Whenever she wasn't working, she could easily be found in a nearby tavern, but it was her home. She had money and had purchased a small residence just outside the Dark Skies Gearworks headquarters, but she was rarely there due to her assignments, or the fun she was having with others at the tavern. Her life had changed, but many things still remained the same. However, despite all she had been through, she now felt that given everything, she was at peace.

Dealing with your Issues

Tex had found herself advancing through Dark Skies Gearworks to become a trusted friend and colleague of Lilith Delcroix. As an unofficial second in charge she found herself receiving a large office in the Masterforge headquarters on Vorsia Companion, right next the Lilith. While they worked together closely, Tex would often undertake assignments to allow her to see space when she could. Regularly embracing her drug and alcoholism, she would frequent various drinking establishments throughout the galaxy where she would often get into trouble. One such occurrence happened while resting on Vorsia III where she was attacked by a drunken female, who she was easily able to subdue and drag back to her ship. However, instead of torturing the woman like she might have done previously, she allowed her to rest in comfort. As she lay on the guest bed, Tex sat in the corner, admiring the beauty of the lady. When the lady awoke, Tex greeted her in the cockpit of her vessel and introduced herself to the heavily hungover lady who identified herself as Rina Waran. Over several hours Tex relayed stories about her past, and quickly identified the similar struggles and endeavours Rina had also encountered, which soon turned into a sexual affair that lasted well into the night.

As their friendship grew, Tex began to confide more and more with Rina, allowing her to become a personal aide and confidant who would in turn assist her in her work with Lilith. Rina was more than happy to work with her, which created strong trusting relationship, that would every-so-often evolve into a sexual one. Happy with their arrangement, Tex found herself with another individual she could trust implicitly with her personal and professional secrets. While the number was only two, Tex felt happy that both Lilith and Rina were people in her life. Through her work in Dark Skies Gearworks, Tex helped Lilith implement new construction and production initiatives for the people of Vorsia, creating greater profit margins for the recycling company while also encourage a greater range of sales for a range of galactic consumers. While she would still regularly screw around and cause trouble, Tex still found herself in a place of peace, once she enjoyed and one she continued to nurture with her two confidants and loves.

Notable Galactic Positions
Preceded By:
Overseer of Red Star Ring
Year 9, Day 138 - Year 11, Day 202
Succeeded By:
Rass Volkov