Alex Tylger

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Alexander Tylger
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Arxian
Mother Xalil Zaarin Tylger
Father Laz Tylger
Spouse Widower
Siblings Kaninen, Jennifer, Cordelia, Victor (half-brother)
Children Tara, Airoria, Kimberly, Ayanna
Born Year -36 Day 286
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.9 meters (6'2")
Coloring Dark
Eye Color Heterochromia (Red & Blue)
Political Information
Affiliation Hapes Consortium
Rank King
Positions King
Prior Affiliation Galactic Empire
Dark Empire
Awards Gold Medal of Command, Silver Medal of Command, Medal of Service, Silver Medal of Tactical Achievement, Silver Medal of Combat

Alexander Tylger (Alexander Rai`ix Chume Tylger Pal`durath Hapesah) (born Year -36, D286) is the King of the Hapes Consortium. Originally from the planet Arxian in the Zadaria system, he ascended the Hapan throne after King James made him heir apparent in Year 10. With the abdication of James in Year 11, the Consortium observed the "Month of the Vacant Throne" before the coronation on D108 where Tylger also adopted the Pal`durath surname. He is the third male to reign as monarch in the formerly matriarchal state.

Prior to his final rise to power, Tylger shifted between military and political life as the need arose, eventually settling in the government once and for all in Year 4. His career, both before and after this, was a turbulent one, often straining his relationship with fellow Hapan officials. Within the Hapan political circles, Tylger became a controversial figure, forming a conservative bloc along with several nobles of similar heritage. Over the years they successfully blocked the influence of foreign ideals and revolutionary ideas, keeping the Consortium on a more traditional path, and earning him the nickname "Dragon of Lorell Hall."

Since becoming ruler of the Hapes Consortium, Tylger has sought to bring about a renaissance of power and cultural revival among his peoples, drawing upon his heritage to instill a sense of continuation in the line of Hapan monarchs.

Early History

Childhood & Heritage

Alexander Tylger was born in Year -36 on the planet Arxian in the Zadaria system. He was the firstborn child of Grand Duke (Tarix) Laz Tylger and Grand Duchess (Ta`din) Xalil Tylger. The Tylger family was a former militaristic Duchy that had resided in the Lorell system prior to the conflict, and had been elevated to higher status by aiding the Draconian invasion of Lorell in Year -80. As thanks for their assistance in winning the Hapan Civil War's first battle, Princess Da`tan Pal`durath, daughter of the last reigning Queen Mother, took Alexander's grand-uncle, Xariq Tylger, as her consort. Consequently, the Tylger family became closely tied to Da`tan's branch of the warring Pal`durath dynasty.

Tylger had a luxurious and pampered childhood, enjoying the benefits of being born in to the extended family of Princess Lana Da`tanah Pal`durath who had become the leader of the Draconian Union after the death of Princess Da`tan. Unaffected and unaware of the horrors of the Hapan Civil War, the Tylger children were part of the Draconian Royal Court and had the privilege of being potential heirs to the throne along with the children of House Ci`hani.

Due to Lord Laz Tylger's affection for the local religious movements of the Arxian system, Alexander and his siblings were all baptised in accordance with the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox movement and partially educated during their early years by the prophetesses of the religion. Much time was spent travelling across the Gateworlds and Rifle Worlds regions, visiting worlds of importance within Princess Da`tanah's dominion. Lorell, the Tylger family's home before the elevation to Grand Duchy, was one of the places frequented along with Selab, the cultural capital of the Hapes Cluster.

In Year -31, Tylger's mother was assassinated while giving a speech to a crowd in the capital on Arxian. Princess Da`tanah, as the cousin of Lord Laz Tylger, became the guardian of the Tylger children and later adopted them in accordance with ancient Hapan traditions as she had no issue of her own. The Princess, viewed by many across the Hapes Cluster as a tyrannical and dangerous despot, cared for the Tylger children over the next few years and they came to think of her as their mother. The upbringing by the Princess, along with his father, tutoring on topics of philosophy and religion, as well as economic and political topics, had a major impact on his life and later choices.

The Princess made early arrangements for Alexander to eventually marry his own second cousin Ynsin Ci`hani as soon as he would come of age. Advisors of the Princess revealed after the end of the civil war that Da`tanah planned to rule the Hapes Consortium herself if the Union won the day, and that Ynsin would have eventually been Queen Mother with Alexander as the consort. While Tylger himself has rarely spoken in public about his conversations and discussions with the Draconian Princess, it has become clear that the monarch instilled a undying sense of loyalty in the boy from an early age on.

At the end of the Hapan Civil War, Tylger observed firsthand the despair and depression of the Royal Draconian Court from Year -29 when House Olanji was defeated in the Charubah system, on to the signing peace treaty of Year -27. Particularly bad was the period surrounding his eighth birthday in Year -28 as Princess Da`tanah died in the Second Battle of Gallinore alongside one of the Olanji twins. A number of nobles committed suicides within the Royal Draconian Palace upon hearing the news of the battle. Tylger himself was left bitter and resentful towards the victors of the conflict, blaming them for the death of Da`tanah.

Teenage Years

Early Military Service

Royal Hapan Navy

Imperial Navy


Royal Hapan Navy

Early Government Service

Governor of Lorell

Prime Minister & Regent

Life in Exile

Return to Hapes

Minister of Law

Royal Hapan Navy

Minister of Culture

Minister of the Interior

Lord Regent

Crown Prince


Royal Styles of
Alexander Rai`ix Chume Tylger
Reference style His Majesty
Spoken style Your Majesty
Alternative style Sire/Erenedi

Tylger's time as Crown Prince (Chume`da) was short, and largely a mere formality to make his rise to the throne more formalized, as James' abdication had been in the planning for close to a year prior. Between D80 and D108 of Year 11, the Hapes Consortium observed the "Month of the Vacant Throne," a centuries old ceremonial period between abdication of the former ruler and coronation of the new. During this time, Tylger held regular lengthy sessions in the Royal Council where the future of the Consortium was outlined. Having been Lord Regent for two years prior to his ascension, the transition between the two monarchs was uneventful and smooth, with his position and authority already cemented in the minds of those he would otherwise have to contend with.

Following his elaborate coronation ceremony in the throne room of the Fountain Palace, Tylger sent couriers to a number of the Galaxy's most prominent leaders and heads of state, inviting them to attend a coronation ball on Hapes. The decision was controversial in Hapan political circles, as such ceremonies had typically been reserved for the Hapan elite. Regardless, the majority of the invited officials from both sides of the Galactic Civil War attended the ball. Tylger justified his decision by insisting that such an event could help promote peace and understanding among the warring parties, and strengthen ties to neutral powers. Ultimately, the event failed to accomplish the intended goals, rather serving to underline the rift, with the limited interaction between guests from opposite sides.

Initial Conflicts & Foreign Policy

The message of peace the coronation ball was meant to send was also overshadowed by the Consortium's increasing participation in military operations outside the Hapes Cluster in the period around transfer of power. News agencies pointed a spotlight on Hapan forces involved in the Cron Conflict, speculating in a shift from traditional isolationism under the new monarch.[1] In reality, the Hapan forces had been committed to assisting the Tion Hegemony under the reign of King James, though efforts were intensified following Tylger's ascension.

Tylger committed a fifth of the Hapan military to the war, with the naval element blockading the affected systems of the Tion Cluster, and also intercepting Cron encampments on the planet. The newly reinstated Royal Guard's (Chume`doro) commando units were also dispatched to face Cron's forces on the ground, becoming the spearhead of the Hapan assault.

The Consortium's longstanding friendship with the Tion Hegemony and Tylger's personal friendship with the late Jeff Corbin played a large part in his willingness to ensure the continuation of the Corbin dynasty in Tion. Hapes had already assisted its citizens working in Tion during the Allied Tion affair years earlier that led to the founding of the Tion Hegemony. With Tion's application to join the Imperial Union, the new Hapan monarch hoped that a successful quelling of the insurrection would help Tion's legitimacy in the eyes of the Galactic Empire and ensure full membership in the Union.

Relations between the Trade Federation and the Consortium had also been strengthened in the twilight of James' reign, leading to an alliance formed out of the Neshig Accords, which were promptly reaffirmed at the start of the reign when both sides committed forces to the security of the Neshig sector following a meeting between Tylger and Viceroy Jansen. A temporary power outage on one of the previously anonymous gas giants of the sector brought the situation in to the limelight when mercenaries and scavengers converged on the planet, provoking a strong response and threat of retalitation from the two governments that drew some criticism.[2]

Mere months later, Hapes committed elements of its military to a joint operation with the Trade Federation in defence of a Federation affiliate, Haor Chall Engineering, whose governance of several planets was threatened. Operation Strongarm became the third military conflict outside the Hapes Cluster in the first six months of Tylger's reign, ending in a peace agreement following the Chume`doro's capture of senior officials on the side of the aggressors.

At the end of Year 11, Tylger ventured to Imperial Centre along with the rest of the Imperial Union's senior leadership to meet with Emperor Cherokee who had come to power following a bloodless coup that overthrew Emperor Bonias some months earlier. A new charter outlining the purpose and workings of the Union was signed at the conclusion of the meeting, reaffirming Hapan committment to the alliance they had helped forge four years prior.[3]

Adventures & Personal Projects

Supremacy Project

In Year 4, Tylger used knowledge obtained by the Dark Empire during the events known as "From The Ashes" to plan an expedition to the X-110 system where the Imperial Core had gone in search of Gorn Veynom. Tylger took his heavily modified Tabder-class Heavy Hauler and two escorting Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers from the Hapes Cluster to X-110 in hopes of salvaging several ancient wrecks that were located in the system.

While there, they encountered a delusional man in an adrift YT-510 who spoke of a supposedly cloaked ship. Thinking little of the man's claims, the family flotilla proceeded to venture in to the system's massive asteroid field where they salvaged numerous wrecks, both large and small. Several TIE/ln Starfighters and an RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor heavily damaged in a skirmish between the Imperial Core and the Rebel Alliance were also salvaged.

Once everything was collected, the fleet returned to the Lorell system where the wrecks were unloaded next to the Antarian Rangers' research station, Babylon 6. Considerable time and money was spent repairing and reassembling the largest capital ships, using schematics found in its old computer systems. Other salvaged vessels were used for spare parts and components to complete the primary vessel. The result was the Supremacy-class Attack Ship, the only one of its kind known to still be in operation. However, Tylger was displeased with the ship's overall performance and decided to strip it of much of its armaments before selling it to Thraken Solo.

Dark Fleet Crisis

In the summer of Year 6, Tylger embarked to the little known Adumar system along with members of his family in response to a message transmitted over the Galactic News Service. A renegade fleet had been plaguing worlds on the fringes of the Galaxy, and a considerable reward was offered to those interested in aiding. The message attracted an assortment of figures, including Adam A Flynn and different mercenaries. As the various attendees descended towards the planet surface, it soon became obvious that it was a trap, and everyone became entangled in the planet's bizarre civil war and traditionalist fighting.

After proving their honour in ceremonial duels arranged by the planet's government officials, the Tylger family engaged in a skirmish with various mercenaries over a downed Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser located in the swamp while also attempting to protect the life of Flynn who had fallen under sniper fire. In the end, several of the mercenaries made off with several ancient ARC-170 Aggressive Recon Fighters that had been located within the Dreadnaught, while the Tylger family salvaged the Dreadnaught itself and the remaining compliment of Clone Wars-era starfighters.

Economic Projects

Tylger has been the owner of several corporations and organizations over the years. Following his time as Prime Minister of the Consortium and self-imposed exile, he converted the private security force HapSec in to Loronar Security which was sold to Haden Rodery in Year 2.

He later inherited ownership of Astralwerks Engineering from Juno Xaed who he proceeded to sell to Eldrik Kuraine some time around Year 2 or Year 3 for the sum of 40 million credits (at the time a significant sum).

In year 7, Tylger purchased StormOne Recycling from Isoldor Storm and turned it in to Endara Reclaim Industries, making it a municipal corporation of the Hapes Consortium. The company was briefly considered part of the Akheton family, in part due to Tylger and Dverol Nact's joint business ventures while Akheton was affiliated with the Consortium. As Akheton's relations with Hapes were severed and the original Akheton Mining Corporation was bought by Hapes to become the Endara Mining Corporation, Tylger gifted Endara Reclaim to his daughter Tara Tylger in Year 8. While it was part of The Damned's conglomerate, the company retained its status as a Hapan municipal corporation. When The Damned dissolved a few years later, Tara transferred share majority back to her father who promptly sold it to the Hapan state, making it a Hapan crown corporation.

Tylger also invested credits in to The Damned's conglomerate in general, financing their renaming from Storm Security (which had previously been Tylger's Loronar Security), and also sponsoring the creation of Centurion Arms.

Personal Life, Personality & Beliefs

Tylger is a tall Hapan with a tan complexion and dark hair. He was supposedly born with heterochromia iridum, with one eye being bright blue and the other dark red. This is considered to be somewhat of an imperfection among the beauty-obsessed Hapans. A skirmish with pirates in the Transitory Mists during the early days of his military career led to to the loss of his right hand, which had to be replaced by an artificial one. For much of his life, the cybernetic replacement was worn in the form of an exposed metallic skeletal hand, but in recent years it has been replaced with one covered by synthetic skin, leaving no apparent evidence of artificiality.

Considered laid back with a peculiar sense of humour by those who know him on a personal level, Tylger has typically projected an image of being a no-nonsense, strict, and rigid government official to the public across his career. This public image was strengthened by traditional use of majestic plural in public speeches following his rise to the throne. He follows typical Tini'duranist and Draconian beliefs that are synonymous with Hapan conservatism.

Since becoming King, Tylger has moved out of his old island estate on Arxian and taken up residence on Hapes in the Royal Hapan Palace situated in the capital city of Chume`Dan.


Prior to his ascension to the Hapan throne, Tylger was something of a socialite and jet setter, both inside the Hapes Cluster and elsewhere in the Galaxy. He frequented exclusive establishments such as the C-3 Passenger Liner Scorpio and other resorts that attracted the galactic elite. There, and in galactic trading circles, he established many connections that secured lucrative business and trading deals that expanded his family's significant wealth. While retiring from casual trading years ago, he has maintained numerous sources of income that fill House Tylger's coffers, including prominent commercial endeavours on his home planet of Arxian.

View on the Galactic Civil War

"The Hapes Consortium has endured for four thousand years and will continue to thrive long after rebellions and insurrections have crumbled in to dust. We share the Emperor’s vision of a Galaxy where order reigns, as this will mean a peaceful future for the Hapes Cluster."
— Tylger in his speech to the Galaxy's leaders at the Coronation Ball in Year 11.

Tylger has typically adhered to the traditional Hapan belief that the affairs of the Galaxy outside the Hapes Cluster is of little concern to Hapans or the Hapes Consortium. However, being on the centre stage of the Black Sun Crisis which threatened the Hapan control of the planet Lorell, he became keenly aware of the dangers that break with isolationism posed to the Consortium. This particular event is often cited as what thrust the Hapes Consortium in to the galactic limelight and making it a major player in galactic political affairs. As such, King James sought diplomatic relations with the major powers of the Galaxy which eventually led to the founding of the Imperial Union.

The Rebel Alliance and Jedi Order's hostile reaction to the Consortium's non-aggression pact with the Galactic Empire in Year 4 cemented Tylger's beliefs that the rebel factions of the Galaxy could not be trusted to respect Hapan sovereignty. While not seeking conflict with the states that make up the Galactic Alliance, Tylger's reign has been marked by skepticism towards the efforts to reinstate the Galactic Republic, seeing democracy as a direct threat to the Hapan monarchy.

Views on religion

Tylger's father, Laz Tylger, is a staunch follower of the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox Movement that developed in Zadaria during the Hapan Civil War, and gave military support to it as it experienced a conflict with more liberal branches of the religion. Consequently, Alexander was raised to be a follower of the religion and remained devoted to it until recent years. Upon his ascension to more senior offices within the Hapan Government, Tylger seemingly abandoned his religious beliefs, or at least became less public about them. Typically the Hapan monarchs have historically been skeptical of religion, and religious practice was outlawed for centuries in the Consortium due to the Queen Mothers of old fearing that deity worship would interfere with devotion to the Crown. It was not until the Hapan Civil War that the old bans were lifted due to lack of enforcement, and the reunification of the Consortium brought about religious freedom. Even so, Hapan monarchs have typically been atheists, and the Royal Court preaches devotion to the sovereign above all.

Views on the Force

Owing to the demise of the Lorell Raiders at the hands of the Jedi Knights prior to the founding of the Hapes Consortium, Hapans have been notoriously skeptical of Force users and great steps were taken in the past to dismiss the Force as mere superstition. Once the Consortium closed its borders, knowledge of the Force was unfamiliar to anyone outside the Royal Court.

While Kings Andrew and James before him remained casually indifferent towards the Force, Tylger has displayed a great deal of skepticism in line with the monarchs of old. He has frequently stated that much of the Galaxy's suffering over the millennia is owed to petty conflicts between what he describes as selfish cults of Force users seeking supremacy. Even so, the Consortium has maintained its own Force Order in recent years that serves the Hapan throne. Tylger displayed paranoia of the Force during his Coronation Ball, which saw many of the Galaxy's leaders and Force wielders in attendance, by wearing a Ysalamiri on his shoulder, and also decorating the room with the creatures in order to temporarily diminish the power of Jedi and Sith alike.

Positions & Titles

Hapan Throne
Preceded By:
Jessy James
King of the Hapes Consortium
Year 11 Day 108 - present
Succeeded By:
Preceded By:
Jessy James
Crown Prince
Year 11 Day 46 - Year 11 Day 80
Succeeded By:
Preceded By:
Zell Jaak
Lord Regent
Year 9 Day 331 - Year 11 Day 46
Succeeded By:
Locke Firecam
Hapan Nobility
Preceded By:
Laz Tylger
Grand Duke of Zadaria
Year 3 Day 205 - Year 11 Day 46
Succeeded By:
Preceded By:
Laz Tylger
Grand Duke of Zadaria
Year -1 Day 46 - Year 1 Day 312
Succeeded By:
Laz Tylger
Hapan Royal Council
Preceded By:
Celestin Abriel
Minister of the Interior
Year 9 Day 183 - Year 11 Day 46
Succeeded By:
Vorn Krace
Preceded By:
Minister of Culture
Year 4 - Year 9 Day 183
Succeeded By:
merged with Interior
Preceded By:
Minister of Law
Year 3
Succeeded By:
Zell Jaak
Preceded By:
Year 1
Succeeded By:
Leto Tini'duran
Preceded By:
Prime Minister
Year 1
Succeeded By:
Jax Seer
Hapan Government
Preceded By:
Archon of the Hapan Rim Worlds
Year 6 - Year 9 Day 183
Succeeded By:
Baldamar Dronos
Preceded By:
Governor of Lorell
Year 0
Succeeded By:
Kosh Naranek


  1. Outer Rim Bulletins ~ Issue VII, Edition II - (Posted by Drexel Skorzeka on Year 11 Day 157)
  2. Outer Rim Bulletins ~ Issue VII, Edition II - (Posted by Drexel Skorzeka on Year 11 Day 157)
  3. Union Leaders Assemble at Coruscant - (Hacked by Jarek Sankin on Year 11 Day 357)