Aliit Jaik`ran

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Aliit Jaik`ran
General Information
Status Current
Leader Shaa Cideg
Headquarters Belsmuth II
Historical Information
Founded Year 8 Day 239, Reconstituted Year 13 Day 250
Political Information
Affiliation Mandalore
Type Mandalorian Clan

Aliit Jaik`ran is a Mandalorian Clan that recognizes Korlan Mereel as Mand'alor. The current Aliit`buir Shaa Cideg, and the Aliit`alor is Bosnoff Larkin.

Clan Overview

The Jaik`ran is a small clan. While its members may not be the most talkative, they are a close-knit clan. Despite their history as hunters, most of the modern Jaik`ran members follow more technically inclined professions. The one exception for joining the clan is that membership within Mandalore or MandalCorps (Motors, Tech, or Mining) is a required prerequisite.

The clan's official colors are green, light gold, and blue. The green is symbolic of the jungles and forests the clan resided in, with gold and blue symbolizing the island and ocean, respectively.

Clan History

The Ancient Past

A clan founded on the far island of Im`pavic, the Jaik`ran are one of the most diverse in appearance simply because the population is, by necessity, almost entirely half-breeds. The Jaik`ran was founded during the 500 Years' War by a group of warriors who did not believe that one city should have dominance over the others. Taking to the treacherous island chain, they set out to make a clan of their own.

After ten years on their new island, a disturbing trend became all too noticeable. While they were healthy and suited for their new home, with their immune systems strong to combat the hazardous environment, all of the children of this clan were male. At first, this was a good sign for the clan to have so many young, strong warriors; the daughters of the previous years would have their choice of the strongest to have their children. However, it soon became apparent that no one was having female children.

Another fifteen years passed and the trend of the years before was becoming dangerous. Suddenly the number of females that would be the mother of this new clan was known to be scarce. As the younger generations began to fight over what females there were, the elders began to discuss the problem. It was decided that the females were too precious a commodity to risk; the remainder of the females were confined to a compound where they could be safely guarded. Their every need was met to its fullest with each unspoken female swarmed with suitors, but this was to prove not enough as the curse of their separation from the other clans became apparent. Prizing their skills in the wilderness, and their knowledge of stealth and the terrain, a new tradition was established that would result in the survival or decimation of their clan. The unmated males went out into the war that ripped Mandalore, to insure their clan's survival. With the coming of the next dark moon, females of many clans disappeared into the darkness, without a sound being heard. In the coming dawn of that day, many awoke to find mates, daughters, and friends missing without a trace of where they could have gone; most blamed the other cities, and the fighting continued unabated. Alas, this was not the only such incident. Only having brought back enough to ensure another generation as the curse held true, a plan had to be designed to continue the clan. Rules were made, as well as complex rituals,s that would prevent their clan from ever being found while ensuring that the capture of mates would be possible. This, of course, has changed over time; females are considered no less warriors than men. Although still rare among the Jaik`ran, the females have become far more independent.

Recent History

Not much has been recorded of the modern Jaik`ran history. The Jaik`ran was one of the 12 prominent clans still around during Mandalore's revival under Mand`alor DeMeer. The Aliit`buir of the Jaik`ran in this period was Maxamilian Olson. However, most of the records of the clan during this period have been lost or destroyed. The clan fell into disarray over the years.

However, halfway through Year 12, an albino Noghri by the name of Ne`tra Kaal rediscovered the ruined Jaik`ran hall on Iznica. He soon established himself as the Aliit`buir of the newly reformed Jaik`ran. Soon afterward, he found several followers to help him maintain the clan, including Andrava and Rendinard Magnus, Shaa Cideg, Khan Crabu, and former Aliit`buir Maxamilian Olson. However, Kaal eventually left the Jaik`ran and Mandalore altogether.

With Kaal gone, the position of Aliit`buir fell to Andrava Magnus, who was appointed as Kaal's second in command. This was a quiet period for the Jaik`ran as only Andrava, Shaa, and occasionally Maxamilian and Rendinard were still around. Shaa occasionally enquired about the clan's status. However, he was soon informed that Andrava, along with his brother Rendinard, had departed from Mandalore. Surprised by this news, Shaa immediately called for a clan meeting, but no one responded. After a week of waiting for a response, Shaa learned he was the last member of the Jaik`ran. Dismayed, he took the role of Aliit`buir upon himself and vowed to restore the Jaik`ran to prominence.

Under the leadership of Aliit`buir Cideg, the clan remained fairly stagnant for a few months, until a stranger appeared in the clan hall on Belsmuth I. This individual, Bosnoff Larkin, requested membership in the clan, which was granted. He was followed soon after by Quentin Wurtz, a friend, and coworker of Shaa. The trio constitutes the heart of the clan, and together they keep the Jaik`ran alive. While evaluating how they want the Jaik`ran to be in the future, they decided to move their home base from Belsmuth I to Belsmuth II, due to the increased size and varied terrain of Belsmuth II.

Clan Traits

-The Jaik'ran as a people tend to be of the mind to live life fast and hard, taking in everything that is pleasurable with reckless abandon. The jungles have been hard on them but they have survived, life has been hard on them, they have survived whatever is ahead, they will survive. There is never a time when the guard is let down, lest they be struck by the unexpected and decimated. Calculating and brutal in most senses, but with an inner soul that delights in the simple pleasures. They treasure adaptivity over all other things save stealth.
-As a clan, their shared features tend to dark haired and deeply tanned skin. They prefer their hair long and mane-like and it is their pride. To shave it is to take away his pride and to break the clansman; this is one of the worst forms of punishment that they inflict on their own save banishment into the jungle.
-It is considered an honor for them to procreate since their clan's life depends on it. Mating is not essential for this, but a mate without a child speaks badly of the pair.
-To the right-hand side of their manes, they wear their mate locks, each woven with a length of their mate's hair twined with theirs and tied off with something of personal meaning between the pair. On that strand, there are often a number of bone beads carved into the shapes of animals or plants, or myths. Each bead on a mate-lock represents a child that came of that mating. To the left-hand side of the mane are the child locks. These ranges greatly depend on the wearer's personal style, varying from simple braids with a single carved bone bead on the end to more elaborate ones that are woven with the hair of that child and also bearing the same sort of bead.
-The beads themselves are linked to the one true clan trait that all members and half-breeds of this clan possess. Marked at birth by the blood of the war from which half of their heritage was stolen, all children of this clan have large and very visible birthmarks that range in placement.
-It is considered a mark of honor with the totems to have a mark that is distinguishable as an animal or plant or mythical creature. Generally, children with a mark such as this, are said they are destined for greatness and their names are chosen to reflect what it is that their mark reveals about them. Some of these marks are even said to be hereditary. When the child reaches adulthood, the mark is embellished with tattooing to give it more distinctive lines and make it more visible. Those without a recognizable mark tend to opt for patterns or objects as their tattoos of adulthood.
-Until the age of 16, all children of the clan are kept clean-shaven and their hair above shoulder length.

Clan Totem

Clan Roster

Current Members

Former Members