Aliit V'r'caah

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Aliit V'r'caah
General Information
Status Active
Leader Venari Haliat
Motto Kot bal Ijaat
Historical Information
Founded Year 8 Day 277
Political Information
Affiliation Mandalore
Type Mandalorian Clan
Holosite Aliit V'r'caah

Clan Overview

Great hunters of the Dxun jungle, the V'r'caah are patient, independent, and persistent. Highly motivated and intuitive, the members of this clan value personal honor and talent for the hunt above all else. For this reason, V'r'caah culture has attracted many warrior races and even some Force users during its history. The hunters of this clan revere their prey as sacred and small ceremonies are observed at every stage of a hunt. If the result of any hunt is an orphaned whelp, the hunter is bound by honor to raise the beast personally, train it and look after its welfare. The V'r'caah are celebrated specialists in the handling of war beasts.

Clan History

Originally founded by House Dra'kmus, Clan V'r'caah has evolved considerably over the years. But despite the sometimes radical social and cultural changes, many of the original Dra'kmus traditions are still observed.

House Dra'kmus was of an Alderaanian line from Planet Onderon who were characterized by their dark hair and blue eyes. The Dra'kmus was a matriarchy, traditionally ruled by the eldest female. The matriarch presided over the Council of Elders, which was attended by the eldest females of all the central Houses.

Clan V'r'caah was founded on Day 277, a date which is still annually celebrated when the matriarch Luu'na Chki migrated to the forest moon of Dxun accompanied by several affiliated families, and hunting suddenly became the primary source of food for the pioneer colonists. In their new wilderness home, the settlers soon began to encounter large, dangerous predators like the Acklay, the Katarn, and the Rancor and they were deeply impressed. Hunting parties started going out to capture the young, to be broken and trained and then used as loyal war beasts. These domesticated predators came into the hunt under the control of a handler, who typically favored melee fighting. Unique fighting styles were developed which complimented the use of specific war predators. The Acklay-inspired martial art Ktynga was practiced exclusively by the clan females, while the Katarn-inspired martial art Pna'kotic was only studied by the males. When practiced side-by-side, the contrast between the two styles created a harmonious threat to the opposition.

House Dra'kmus was renowned for being assertive, strong-willed, and at times even a bit cold and ruthless. Their territorial nature helped them to survive on Dxun and remain the dominant family in the Council of Elders, even as new and influential Houses began to embrace V'r'caah culture and grow to prominence within the clan. Over the years, the Dra'kmus Dynasty eventually fell into decline, and much like the rest of Mandalore, Clan V'r'caah was transformed by social reforms and diversified by higher classes of immigrating warriors.

The distinction between females and males in regard to political and military roles was cast aside in favor of a more classical sense of equality. The practice of gender-specific martial arts also declined, and the Ktynga and Pna'kotic styles were fused into a single beast-warrior's art which came to be known as Vheh'adalor Bora. This style eventually adopted the principles of Jakelian blade-dancing as it evolved, becoming more refined and attainable to non-V'r'caah Mando'ade.

During the reign of the Wookiee Aliit'buir Seane River, Clan V'r'caah withdrew from public affairs and embraced an isolationist philosophy that permitted the clan to mature and perfect its hunting craft in relative seclusion. The Vheh'adalore of this era is acclaimed by many historians as the finest beast warriors the clan ever produced.

Today, the Council of Elders is presided over by the dynasty of Aliit'buir Venari Haliat, who has led Clan V'r'caah out of isolation to share its legacy.

Clan Traits

Because the most successful hunts are solitary expeditions, members of Clan V'r'caah are characterized by a strong sense of independence and tend to develop balanced skill sets in order to remain versatile. Strength, dexterity, and dodge techniques are studied equally, with some slight preference for the development of dexterity. The hunters of the clan often appraise one another by their ability to strike true.

While Vheh'adalore often prefers to melee alongside their war beasts in close quarters, captive whelps are most often the result of ranged encounters. For this reason, members of Clan V'r'caah develop martial art and ranged combat skills equally, with a slight preference for marksmanship at range.

The art of hunting could be said to be an art of patience, stillness, and awareness. To excel in their craft, V'r'caah hunters must also develop an aptitude for perception and stealth. However, talent for detecting prey is given preference by many hunters on the grounds that stealth becomes less important at greater distances.

Since the hunters of Clan V'r'caah are bound by honor to raise any brood orphaned by the hunt, they generally do not engage creatures that are not desirable war beasts. The result of this tendency is that hunters must also develop a basic understanding of medical treatment, to keep their expedition alive until the hunt is concluded.

Hunting and beast handling are surface affairs. While many V'r'caah clansmen are exceptional vehicle drivers and speeder pilots, the clan is not particularly well known for its star pilots, engineers, or scientists. Most of the V'r'caah members who assume government positions serve in the ground forces of the military, where they are in a better position to practice their carefully honed arts.

Clan Totem

V'r'caah clansmen wear the Pantera's Head Erased.