Burgga Kostijic Mafa

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Burgga Kostijic Mafa
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nal Hutta
Clan Kostijic
Mother Nashi Kostijic Mafa
Father Godoba the Hutt
Born Year -559 Day 306 (581 years)
Languages Huttese
Galactic Basic
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 3.7 meters
Weight 1,225 kilograms
Coloring Tan/Green
Hair Color None
Eye Color Red (right), opaque (left)
Political Information
Affiliation Hutt Clan Consortium
Kostijic Kajidic
Port Nowhere
Title His Gluttonousness
Rank Granee Lorda
Awards Operation Kowak Medal

Burgga Kostijic Mafa is a male-identifying Hutt from the planet Nal Hutta. He was born into a wealthy and influential Hutt Kajidic known as Kostijic, and was the son of a pair of high ranking clan members. Burgga’s uncle Mogubbo the Hutt had been the leader of the Hutt clan, and had chosen his nephew as the heir to the Kostijic criminal empire. Yet after his death, the unexpected revelation of Mogubbo’s illegitimate son saw Burgga’s fortunes turn, and led to his eventual banishment from the Kostijic clan, and exile from Nal Hutta.

Burgga is a feared and respected figure within the galactic criminal underworld and Hutt Space, who had painstakingly built his own criminal empire in the face of hardships and setbacks. He manages his organisation and operations from the shadow port of Port Nowhere, with the ultimate goal to reclaim leadership of the Kostijic Kajidic, and to take revenge on those who had wronged him.


Heir to the Kostijic clan (Year -559 to Year -237)

In 559 BCGT, Burgga was born on Nal Hutta into a wealthy and well-respected Hutt crime family known as the Kostijic Kajidic. His mother was a high ranking family member within the Hutt clan who commanded both great respect and fear within her underlings, alongside her partner, Burgga's father. As the Kostijic Kajidic was responsible for managing the hyperlanes within Hutt Space - and operated heavily within the smuggling business as a result - Burgga grew up in the midst of the greed and corruption that was so commonplace within Hutt society. As a result, already from a young age he became fascinated with the skillful graft his parents and other relatives employed in enlarging their wealth and influence within Hutt Space, and developed his own aspirations to join their criminal empire one day. Even as a young Huttlet, Burgga became a keen observer who took in and analysed all that happened around him, supplementing the lessons and instructions he received from senior family members with the insights he had formed on his own. This dedication to their criminal activities as well as his keen intellect, drew the attention of Burgga's uncle Manju the Hutt, the head of the Kostijic clan and a member of the Hutt Grand Council, who had taken on a vested interest in the upbringing of his nephew.

As Manju claimed to have never fostered any children of his own, he saw the potential in Burgga to one day inherit the Kostijic criminal empire and his seat on the Grand Council, and continue their Kajidic's great legacy. As such, when he had entered his adolescent years, Burgga left the care of his mother and was instead placed under the tutelage of his uncle, who intended to teach his nephew the finer tricks of their nefarious trade. It is from this moment on that the young Hutt took on a more publicly visible role within Manju's criminal organisation, by attending the pod races that their family hosted and profited from, being present during important negotiations with other Hutt clans, or even observing executions of enemies and traitors to the Kostijic Kajidic. His uncle's mentoring started to transform Burgga into a Hutt that was expected to one day eclipse both his parents in the respect and fear that they commanded, and into what Manju began to consider as a worthy successor. However, shortly after Burgga's 322nd birthday, his uncle unexpectedly passed away, ending his tutelage prematurely.

Young Burgga.

With the death of Manju the Hutt, and in light of his apprenticeship under him, Burgga was announced the designated heir to the Kostijic Kajidic, which by this time easily rivalled any other Hutt clan in size, scope, wealth and influence. Yet during the ceremony of Burgga's installation as the new head of the Kostijic family, a male Hutt by the name of Gorggo intruded upon the proceedings with the claim to be the illegitimate son of Manju Kostijic Mafa, and thus the rightful successor to his father's criminal empire. The ceremony ended abruptly thereafter, while an emergency meeting was called by the most senior members of the Hutt clans to determine the veracity of Gorggo's claim. The details of the investigation were submerged beneath murky depths, and Burgga suspected that his unexpected rival had managed to bribe the senior members of the Kostijic Kajidic with promises of greater shares of the wealth and influence that he sought to inherit. Yet upon the conclusion of the investigation, Gorggo was proclaimed to be the son of Manju Kostijic Mafa, and his claim as heir to the Hutt clan’s seat on the council was chosen as the stronger one. To add insult to injury, Gorggo's first act as the new head of the Kostijic clan was to remove Burgga from the Hutt family, and forever banish him from Nal Hutta, so as to ensure that he would have no vengeful rival he would have to keep an eye on. Without wealth, influence or pull within his own Kajidic anymore, Burgga departed his homeworld of Nal Hutta in shame, but determined to one day have his revenge.

Exile (Year -237 to Year 22)

After his banishment from Nal Hutta, Burgga found himself in a precarious position, as he had no longer any support from his Kajidic and no access to its vast resources. Yet determined to continue mastering the ways of the criminal underworld, the Hutt started to associate himself with various prominent, shady figures affiliated with a number of criminal organizations operating in Hutt Space and beyond. The process of ingratiating himself with new mentors and criminal bosses took Burgga many decades, yet if there was one thing that the Hutt did not lack in it was patience, and a natural longevity that allowed him to bide his time. Over time, he had built up a veritable menagerie of tutors and advisors who all contributed in their own way to the finalization of the training that Burgga’s uncle had started. Unbeknownst to his former Kajidic, the Hutt had managed to fulfil the expectations that had been set for him from a young age, and he became a force of the criminal underworld to be reckoned with.

Over the decades that followed, Burgga started building up his own small criminal empire in the shadows of the underworld, making sure his growing wealth and resources were not noticed by his enemies in the Kostijic clan. Burgga had adopted the shadow port of Port Nowhere not only as his new home, but also as his base of operations for his growing criminal organization. His ruthless ambition attracted loyal followers, and allowed him to build up a dedicated workforce to further his operations within the criminal underworld. Generations upon generations of enforcers, informants, smugglers and labourers fell into the hands of the Hutt, who was edging ever closer to achieving his ultimate goal of revenge on Gorggo the Hutt, and the members of the Kajidic that had so readily betrayed him.

Return from the Shadows (Year 22 - Present)

Burgga's palace on Tatooine.

More than two and a half centuries after Burgga had been forced out of his Kajidic and banished from Nal Hutta, Gorggo the Hutt was assassinated on the orders of an unknown and mysterious client. While the senior members of the Kostijic clan launched an investigation into the murder of their clan leader - as Hutts do not take kindly to assassinations - they also were forced to find a successor to their family’s criminal empire, as Gorggo died childless and without a designated heir. While rivalries started to arise between the most senior clan members as each sought to seize the mantle of leadership for themselves, Burgga boldly returned to his homeworld of Nal Hutta, and announced his intent to reclaim what had always been rightfully his.

Backed by the small criminal empire that he had painstakingly built over the centuries, Burgga not only displayed his aptness as a leader, but he was also able to intimidate and demand respect through force if necessary, in order to secure his claim to the Kostijic Kajidic.


Like most Hutts, Burgga strikes an imposing image with his 3.7 metres tall figure, and 1,225 kilograms heavy bulk. His outward characteristics align with his masculine identity, and he has a thick, wrinkly skin that is of a tanned green complexion. His one good eye is of a menacing red hue, while his other eye had been damaged beyond repair during his time learning the nefarious ways of the underworld, and has turned entirely opaque as a result. He wears a set of precious aurodium piercings along the corners of his mouth, meant to overtly display his wealth to all who would set their gaze upon the Hutt.