Chiss Constitution

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The Chiss Constitution is the primary legal document of the Chiss Ascendancy. It covers the core Chiss Institutions and their roles in Chiss Society.


The Chiss Constitution has its roots in the Chiss Charter, which led to the first modern Chiss Senate.The Charter was criticized for allowing House Sabosen to rule over Chiss Society as constitutional monarchs.

Two factions were instrumental in shaping the final draft. The first being the traditionalists who wanted to preserve elements of the Chiss Charter which protected the traditional chiss institutions, and the moderates, who wanted a bill of rights and protection from unlimited power by a single Chiss House.

It would be abolished in Year 21 and eventually replaced by the Ascendancy Articles


We the Chiss Houses, on behalf of Chiss Society, declare the founding of a new Chiss Ascendancy.

We Pledge to Govern under the Terms of Governance set forth in these Articles and to only seek the improvement of Chiss Society and the Chiss Ascendancy. The Ascendancy henceforth will commit itself to upholding the historical, cultural, and social Chiss values of the past whilst operating under the acknowledgment that we must do so in the current social and economic circumstances. We hereby ratify this document for the growth and stability of Csilla, the Csilla system, and subsequent colonies in the name of the Chiss Ascendancy.


Section 1) Classification of Citizenship

1.1) Chiss Citizenship: Members of the Chiss race who have no other citizenships or allegiances outside of the Ascendancy.

1.2) Non-Chiss Citizenship: Members of non-Chiss races who have no other citizenships or allegiance outside of the Ascendancy.

1.3) Dual Citizenship: Chiss and non-Chiss that have an allegiance, citizenship or membership outside of the Ascendancy but are still eligible for citizenship. Other allegiances are limited to non-hostile entities.

1.4) Expatriates: Members of the Chiss race who are not eligible for citizenship or who choose not to be a citizen of the Ascendancy. Expatriates are not exiled from Chiss space.

1.5) Exiles: Members of the Chiss race who have irrevocably broken Chiss customs and/or laws and are not permitted within the borders of the Ascendancy.

Section 2) Bill of Rights

2.1) Freedom of Religion: All citizens have the right to practice their religion as they see fit as long as it does not undermine the laws of the Ascendancy or infringe on the rights of other citizens to practice their religion

2.2) Freedom of Speech and Public Assembly: All citizens have the freedom of speech and assembling publicly as long as it does not undermine the authority of the Ascendancy or the rights of other citizens to express their freedom of speech and assembly. Marriages will be recognized as long as the spouse is another Citizen or an Expatriate. Citizenship may be granted by the Judicial Circuit upon recognition of a marriage.

2.3) Freedom of Property: The property of a citizen may not be seized without due process.

2.4) Right to Community: All Citizens,regardless of race, may join a Chiss House.

2.5) Right to Fair Trial: All citizens have the right to due process and fair trial under the full extent of Chiss Law. No Ascendancy citizen can be mistreated or coerced under duress barring the involvement of a military court martial.

2.6) Right of Petition: All citizens have the right of petition. They are eligible to receive material and immaterial aid from the Ascendancy, Chiss Houses, or other Chiss organizations.


Section 1) Chiss Houses

1.1) Each Chiss House must contain at least three(3) Citizens, of which two(2) must be Chiss. One of the Chiss must be the Aristocra and the other must be a Blood Born. Each House may only use official titles for its members. No other titles will be recognized.

1.1a) Merit Adoptives are newer members of a Chiss House.

1.1b)Trial Born are the more experienced members of a Chiss House promoted at the discretion of House Leadership.

1.1c)The Syndic is the Commander of the Household Phalanx and House Quartermaster. The Syndic may also be House Regent if no Blood Born is available to ascend to the Aristocracy. There is only 1 Syndic permitted per Chiss House. A Syndic may be Non-Chiss if not prohibited by the laws of that Chiss House.

1.1d) Blood Born are historically relatives of the Aristocra, but each House reserves the right to promote non-relations to this status. This promotion will be recognized as long the House Member to be elevated is a Chiss.

1.1e) The Aristocra is the leader of the House and has final authority on all internal House affairs. An Aristocra’s House Decree will be recognized as legal as long as it does not conflict with Chiss Law.

1.1f) Each Chiss House must register their Heraldry, History, and Responsibilities with the Chiss Parliament. A Responsibility is the Bureau or Department of the Chiss Ascendancy that is the House will oversee. A Chiss House must have at least one Responsibility and it must be approved by the Council of Families.

1.2)Each Chiss House must conduct at least one Roll Call every thirty(30) days confirming that it has maintained its Virtue of Service and Merit of Power. Merit of Power is determined by whether a Chiss House has kept an active membership. Virtue of Service is determined by whether a Chiss House and its members have fulfilled their responsibilities and duties to Chiss Society.

1.3)A Chiss House that has failed to fulfill its Virtue of Service and/or Merit of Power will be Censured. A Censured Chiss House may not vote until the next Family Roll Call. At least one(1) Family Roll Call must be conducted once every thirty days.

Section 2) Council of Families

2.1)The Chiss Parliament shall be organized into the Council of Families and the Chiss Senate. Proposed Laws may originate in either the Council of Families or the Chiss Senate.

2.2)The Council of Families shall consist of the legally recognized Chiss Houses(as per Article II Section 1). It may Recognize Chiss Houses, Exile Chiss Houses, Appoint Justiciars, Conduct a Family Roll Call, Ratify Treaties, and create Senate seats.

2.3)Senate approval is required to Amend the Constitution , Declare War, Demote a Ruling House. These votes cannot be vetoed by the Ruling Circle.

2.4)A Chiss House may be elevated to Ruling House status by vote of at least three-fourths(3/4) of the Ruling Circle and confirmation by the Judicial Circuit. The number of Ruling Houses cannot be greater than four(4).

2.5)The Council of Families shall elect a Crahsyndic to serve a presiding officer of the Chiss Parliament. The Crahsyndic serves until death,resignation, or removal by vote of No Confidence.

2.6)The Crahsyndic cannot be a member of a Ruling House or a Dual Citizen, but must be Chiss.

2.7)The Crahsyndic may be removed by the Council of Families.

2.8)Every thirty (30) days, the Council of Families must vote whether to dismiss the Chiss Senate. The Council may also vote to change the number of Senate seats. The number of Senate seats may only be changed once per thirty(30) days within the limitations of Article II, Section 3.

Section 3) Chiss Senate

3.1)The Chiss Senate represents the Chiss Citizens at large.Once every three(3) months, a public referendum shall be held on the Chiss Holonet as to whether the Chiss Senate should be called.

3.2)If the Chiss Senate is called, any Senator elected within the last 90 days that is still a Citizen retains their seat.

3.3)Senate Elections will be managed by the Judicial Circuit. Any citizen may declare their candidacy and political parties are permitted. There will be seven days permitted for declarations and than a seven day voting period with at least one debate. The debate shall be held in the format and at a time to which all candidates agree.

3.4) A Senator may submit a proposal or petition for a vote, with a simple majority being required for passage.

3.5)A Senator’s term is for ninety(90) days. A Senator may also be removed due to death, resignation, or criminal actions.

3.6)The number of Senate seats must be at least four(4) but no more than nine(9), with one seat reserved for Chiss candidates only and another for Dual Citizens only.

3.7) The Chiss Senate may pass a vote of No Confidence on a Crahsyndic. This vote cannot be vetoed by the Council of Families of Ruling Circle.

Section 4) The K’arci bah Vutavcah

4.1)The K`arci bah Vutavcah(Festival of Gathering) must begin no later than seven days after Day 333 CGT, and lasts for seven days. The venue and time shall be announced on the Chiss Holonet.

4.1a)All recognized Chiss Houses must send at least one representative.

4.1b)The K`arci bah Vutavcah shall be presided over by the Crahsyndic.

4.2)Any Exiles are permitted to attend, unless specifically barred by order of the Judicial Circuit.

4.3)The assembled Chiss Houses shall vote on reauthorization of the Chiss Constitution. If the vote does not achieve a simple majority, then the Senate is convened to discuss Amendments.

4.4) Any Exiles may appeal their exile to a Justiciar present. At least one Justiciar must be in attendance and must make all decisions regarding Exile appeals before the end of the of the K`arci bah Vutavcah.


Section 1) Judicial Circuit

1.1) The Judicial Circuit shall be the supreme Judicial Authority of the Chiss Ascendancy

1.2) The Judicial Circuit consists of three(3) Judiciars are appointed and confirmed by a vote of 2/3 majority of the Council of Families.

1.3) Judiciars cannot be a Ruling Aristocra or Senator.

1.4) A Justiciar may be removed by a Parliamentary Vote of No Confidence.

1.5)The Judicial Circuit may nullify case outcomes of House Courts, CEDF Court Martial, Other lower courts, and even its own rulings after a review of the case.

1.6)The Judicial Circuit may rule on a disputed Aristocracy(right to lead a Chiss House).

1.7)The Judicial Circuit shall oversee all Senate elections.

Section 2) Court Process

2.1) The Judicial Circuit shall appoint a Justiciar to serve as Judge for the trial. The Judicial Circuit shall also appoint an Advocate to represent the Prosecution. The Accused and Prosecution can name whomever they wish as their advocate, as long as that individual is in good standing with the Chiss Ascendancy. In the case that the accused is unable to obtain an advocate, the Judicial Circuit shall appoint one.

2.2) The Justiciar will propose whether the trial be held via holonet or in an available courtroom. Once both Advocates agree on a format and start date, the trial begins.

2.3) The Justiciar informs the accused of the charge(s) against them. If the accused pleads “guilty”, then the Justiciar will inform the accused of their punishment. If they plead “Not Guilty”, the trial will go to the next stage.

2.4) When a Justiciar receives a case, they will determine if a trial is required. If so, then both advocates will present their evidence.

2.5) Once the trial proceeds, both Advocates take turns Presenting their evidence. After opening statements, they may call witnesses. If they call witnesses, they will take turns questioning them. After the Advocate who called the witness speaks to them, then the other Advocate may question the witness.The trial is closed by each advocate making a closing argument. The Justiciar reviews the trial and all evidence and renders a verdict on each specific charge.

2.6) All trials will be recorded. Any trials whose contents are deemed classified will be declassified after three months, unless overridden by the Judicial Circuit. The declassification process can only be extended to one year after end of the trial at maximum.

2.7) If the Prosecution in the case is the Chiss Ascendancy government, then their Advocate is known as the State Advocate.

2.8) The Death Penalty is prohibited as a form of punishment for any crimes.

2.9) The Highest Punishments are to be Life Imprisonment or Exile.

2.9a) The Transport of Prisoners is to be handled by the CEDF.

2.9b) A Citizen who is Exiled is transported to Non-Chiss Territory, removed from all Chiss communication channels and forbidden to return.

2.9c) No Citizen may trade or communicate with an Exiled Person without permission from the Council of Families.

2.9d )An entire House may only be exiled by a 2/3 majority vote of Parliament. An Exiled House loses its votes in parliament and all of its members lose citizenship.

2.9e) Members of an Exiled House other than the Aristocra may appeal their exile before the Judicial Circuit. Their citizenship is restored if they are found not guilty and they join a Non-Exiled Chiss House.


Section 1) Cabinet Seats

1.1) Daily management of the Chiss Ascendancy shall be the responsibility of the Chiss Cabinet. The Chiss Cabinet consists of leaders of various Departments of the Chiss Ascendancy.

1.2) Each Department with a Cabinet seat is staffed by whomever is selected by the Chiss House which oversees it.

1.3)Cabinet seats are granted by the Ruling Circle. No Departments may be created,dissolved or merged without the approval of the Ruling Circle.

1.4) The Crahsyndic is the chair of the Chiss Cabinet and serves until death, resignation, or removal by the Chiss Parliament(as per Article Two) or Ruling Circle.

1.5)If all members of the Defense Hierarchy are also members of the Chiss Cabinet, then the Chiss Cabinet may exercise the powers of the Defense Hierarchy until ordered to relinquish that authority by the Council of Families. This vote cannot be vetoed by the Ruling Circle.

Section 2) Colonial Phalanxes

2,1) Colonial Syndics command Colonial Phalanxes, which are teams of Combat Engineers and Pilots that protect Chiss Colonies. Colonial Syndics are appointed by the Ruling Family to which the Colony is assigned and serve until death, resignation, or removal by that Ruling Family.

2.2)A Colonial Syndic may appoint an Assistant Syndic as a primary aide.

2.3) Each Colonial Phalanx is overseen by a single Ruling Families. A Ruling Family may oversee more than one Colonial Phalanx.

2.4) Colonial Phalanx may only be created by the Chiss Cabinet.

Section 3) CEDF and Asrallka

3.1)The CEDF is the military of the Chiss Ascendancy and must be commanded by a Chiss, but not a Dual Citizen.

3.2)The Supreme Commander of the CEDF is appointed by the Ruling Circle and serves until death,resignation, or removal by the Council of Families or Ruling Circle.

3.3)The Supreme Commander may organize the structure,ranks, and staff of the CEDF as they see fit.

3.4)The Supreme Commander of the CEDF manages the CEDF with the support of the Defense Hierarchy. Appointments to the Defense Hierarchy must be approved by the Council of Families. Only the Crahnllsan(Director of Asrallka) and the CrahKassan may be appointed without consulting Parliament. The identity of the Crahnllsan is known only to the Ruling Circle and the Supreme Commander of the CEDF.

3.5)The CrahKassan oversees logistics for the CEDF and serves until death, resignation or removal by superiors.

3.6)The CrahKassan may call up one or more Colonial Phalanxes to augment a CEDF operation at the request of the Defense Hierarchy.

Section 4) Chiss Sages

4.1) The Chiss Sages are the sole Force Organisation of the Chiss Ascendancy, but members may be permitted to join or retain membership in any other Force Organisations.

4.2) The Grand Sage of the Chiss Sages is granted a Non-Voting seat to consult on matters related to the Force.

4.3) The Grand Sage may organize the structure,ranks, and staff of the Chiss Sages as they see fit.

4.4) The Grand Sage may be appointed by either the Council of Families or Ruling Circle.

4.5)The Grand Sage cannot be a Ruling Aristocra, but must be Chiss.

4.6) The Grand Sage serves until Death, Retirement, or No Confidence Vote by either the Council of Families or Ruling Circle.


Section 1)Ruling Circle

1.1) The Ruling Circle is the primary Executive authority for the Chiss Ascendancy.

1.1a) The Ruling Circle shall consist of the Aristocra of the Ruling Houses.

1.1b) The Ruling Circle shall be Head of State of the Chiss Ascendancy.

1.2) Any Law, Act, or Motion passed by the Chiss Parliament will be enacted when the Ruling Circle are in agreement.

1.3) Exiled Houses, as defined under Article II, shall not be granted a seat on the Ruling Circle.

1.4) A Ruling House Aristocra cannot be a dual citizen, and must rescind all non-Ascendancy affiliations and Citizenships upon elevation to the rank of Aristocra. Exceptions may be permitted for titles and duties granted by a Treaty of Alliance .

1.5) The Ruling Circle reserves the right to pass Ruling Decrees. A Ruling Decree remains in effect for 30 days until vetoed by the Chiss Parliament.

1.6) A Ruling Decree may be challenged on Constitutionality by any Citizen in the Judicial Circuit, and declared void if found to be unconstitutional.

1.7) The Ruling Circle may assume all the powers of the Council of Families if no Non-Ruling Houses are seated in the Chiss Parliament. This must be reauthorized by the Judicial Circuit every 30 days.

1.8) If a State of Emergency is declared, then the Ruling Circle is granted the power to Declare War without Senate approval.

Section 2)Grand Aristocra

2.1)The Ruling Circle may elect one of its members to serve as Grand Aristocra. The Grand Aristocra serves until death or resignation.

2.2)The Grand Aristocra is Head of Government for the Chiss Ascendancy.

2.3)If there are any positions within the Chiss Ascendancy that are unassigned, the Grand Aristocra may assume the responsibilities of those positions until those position are filled.

2.4)The Grand Aristocra may declare a State of Emergency, upon approval of the Ruling Circle. While under a State of Emergency, the Grand Aristocra may suspend Chiss Senate elections. The State of Emergency shall be ended upon vote of the Council of Families, and the vote cannot be vetoed by the Ruling Circle.

Ratified Year 18 Day 203