Fury-class Imperial Interceptor

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Fury-class Imperial Interceptor
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 5
Sublight Speed 70 MGLT
Max Speed 700 km/h
Maneuverability 4.00
Sensors 6
Escape Pods No
Docking Bay No
Hangar Bay Yes
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators No
Docking Port 0
Medical Room 1
Storage Room Yes
Recycling No
  • Heavy Laser: 4
  • Concussion Missiles: 2
Cargo Stats
Weight 2,094 T
Volume 20,139 m³
Weight Capacity 800 T
Volume Capacity 1,500 m³
Max Passengers 15
Party Slot Size 6.00
Hull Statistics
Length 100 m
Hull 600
Shield 698
Ionic Capacity 660
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 1,122,712
Quantum 171
Meleenium 1,666
Ardanium 116
Rudic 862
Rockivory 128
Tibannagas 12
Varmigio 488
Lommite 20
Durelium 163
Bacta 1
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation No Affiliations

The classification of the Fury-class as an interceptor is something of a misnomer, as the vessel is actually equal parts light warship and executive personnel transport. First used by the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War in the mid-fourth millennium BCGT, the Fury Class Imperial Interceptor played a key role in many battles, including the recapture of the Sith home world of Korriban and the reconquest of Ord Radama. Relatively fast and well-armed, these ships were more than a match for the Republic's smaller warships, such as the Defender-class corvette.

Structurally, the Fury-class resembles an elongated, flattened, longitudinally-split diamond, with a rectangular hull module connecting the two halves of the diamond. A hexagon-shaped cockpit module sits at the front of this hull section, with a large window providing excellent views in the forward arc for the pilot and navigator. The aft section of the lateral, diamond-shaped hull modules features extendable dorsal and ventral plates that can be raised to provide additional stability in atmospheric flight as well as improve heat dissipation in battle. Weapon systems were relatively sparse, with most versions of the ship featuring a pair of twin heavy lasers mounted on rotating mounts at the sides of the hull, plus varying numbers of projectile weapon launchers above and below the main hull unit.

While the Fury class was used frequently as a light warship, it also found significant employment as an executive transport for high-ranking members of the Sith Empire. To facilitate this, the ships are equipped with numerous control panels, holoprojectors, comfortable suites, and a large communications room to enable easy coordination with other high-ranking individuals or the command of small task forces. While the Fury-class' heyday was almost four thousand years ago, they can still be found today in small numbers in the hands of collectors and Sith sympathizers who carefully hoarded them and kept them secret during the days of the Galactic Republic. Since the fall of the Republic, these ships can be seen from time to time, serving as a reminder of darker days and great strife.

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