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General Information
Status Active
Leader HellHouse Members
Historical Information
Founded Year 21 Day 248
Political Information
Affiliation Non Faction Group
Industry Entertainment

The HellHouse is a private club in a station in the deep corner of the galaxy. Its members use it as a gathering corner, operation planning, armory, office space as well as rooms for each member. It could be seen as a giant chaotic scenario but only same minded people are invited to join them. No one can be a part if not invited first…

Station Area

The Bar

The Bar area, where most of the members spend their time when they are in the area, Alcohol, game of chance and screen showing the latest news and sport event in the galaxy are running all day long.

The lounge allow the customer to relax near a fire and a great view of the galaxy as well as host conversation in an environment that allow them to be comfortable for hours.


The armory is filled with equipment ready for the next operation, as well as with innovation in term of Body armor and weaponry.


Each member have their office space available for them, to either deal with personnel matter or work on a trade. The station is also equip with a conference room available for larger event.

Living quarters

Multiple room allow every member to have their own room, which they can decorate as their own wish.

Cargo Area

History of the HellHouse