Juganoth Mining Strives for Success

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Posted by Bruce Spear Jr on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the Carrack-class Light Cruiser Black Pearl at galactic position (-497, -312).

Bruce Spear Jr, of Juganoth Mining, held a press conference on Tatooine today to announce a fundamental change taking place in the company. Since Mining seems to be an unprofitable function these days of scarce productivity, it has decided to cast its fortune elsewhere, devoting all its energy to its new goal, unsafe food handling.

As a kickoff to the new initiative, Bruce Spear Jr led the former miners of Juganoth Mining on a wild day of hellraising at all the planetary grocery stores, even stoping at several marketplaces, to handle food products in an entirely unsanitary manner. Things seemed to be going well until Kloran, another member of Juganoth Mining was seen exiting a genital-emptying station without first washing his paws. At that point Imperial Security tried to step in to escort the rambunctious ruckus-raisers to a secure holding facility, but after Bruce pulled out what was thought to be a large blaster, but later turned out to be a vacuum cleaner from Blee'Kerst, they abandoned the pursuit, allowing Bruce Spear Jr and others to quickly run to their waiting ship and fly out of the system.

Rumours abound that Bruce may've accidently maimed or even killed the little-known Vodo Bonias, when his Dreadnaught accidently struck an small Imperial craft bearing the hailing "Widowmaker" fleeing the system. Says Spear "I actually stopped the Black Pearl, and tried to reach the Comms crew onboard the Widowmaker to exchange insurance numbers, but once they started firing their guns, albeit wildly, I let off a salvo that tore the back half off their ship, and fled through the mess of inflatable nerf dolls being released through the gaping hole which had apparently cut through Vodo's personal chambers."

Bruce and his band of hellraisers were last seen headed towards Calamari, where it is suspected they will try to spread their bacteria and germs amidst the fish food.