Kessel Run II Bigger Prizes

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Posted by Midge Cellewan on Year 5 Day 277

Onboard the YV-666 MCS Star Pike at galactic position (61, 95).

The Kessel Run Logo is overtaken by the view of a news room. A middle aged Corellian is seen at the desk.

"Greetings, Citizens of this fair galaxy. I am Zoe Kharnovia with the Corporate Sector News Network of SEMINc, here with the well known trader, Midge Cellewan who has some great news for all you pilots of this galaxy."

The comlink is passed to Midge

"Greetings Race Fans, Midge Cellewan here once again bringing you more racing pleasure. The first Kessel Run was a success and the next one looks like it will be an even bigger hit. It is currently in its planning stages but for now the given date is October 15th 9:00 PM US EST. Here is a preview of the zoomed out race course our daring space pilots will be braving"

"The Big news is, thanks to our sponsors, we have raised enough to offer some rather large prizes to our compeititors. The First place prize of this Kessel Run will be a YV-666, second place a CR-110b, third place a YT-2000 and fourth place will be awarded 3 million credits. for more information and a map of the course click Here"

"As Always, there are rules:

1. Entry fee is 250k Per Ship, to be sent to Midge Cellewan

2. Co-Pilots ARE allowed

3. Racers will enter checkpoints (Single Occupancy Fighters, 3 at each checkpoint) To prove racing on legal Track.

4. No shooting other ships :P

5. You may not begin the race on race day till I give the ok.

6. No cheating, its not possible so dont try it....

7. After registering Enter the name of your ship below, whos flying (including co-pilot) and the type of ship it is (valid handles only) "
