Kuna's Fist (System)

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Kuna`s Fist
General information
Sector Moddell
Galactic Coordinates (-194, -259)
Date of Discovery Before record-keeping began
Planets 3
Suns 1
Moons 0
Asteroid Fields 0
Controlled By Trade Federation
Astrographic Entry Kuna`s Fist

The Kuna`s Fist system is located in the Moddell sector controlled by the Trade Federation.


Planet Position Type Size Population Controller
Kuna`s Fist III (18, 2) comet 1x1 0 None
Kuna`s Fist Sun (7, 7) sun 30x30 0 None
Kuna`s Fist II (15, 12) gas giant 20x20 1,017,078 Trade Federation
Kuna`s Fist (5, 12) gas giant 17x17 1,243,530 Trade Federation