Michael Pangborn

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Michael Pangborn
Biographical Information
Race Human
Died Year 7
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Positions Sector Adjutant

Sector Adjutant Michael T. Pangborn was a decorated Imperial officer executed in Year 7 by the SoroSuub Corporation while leading a Special Forces team in enemy territory. Following his demise, a press release was issued by Moff Jake Kiltar who posthumously awarded Pangborn with the Imperial Gold Cross "for his work far above and beyond the call of duty."


Michael Pangborn joined the Galactic Empire during the first reign of Emperor Vodo Bonias. He later served in a variety of positions including: Director of Imperial Research & Development, Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency, Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Fleet, Provost General of the Imperial Academy, Navy Inspector General, Director of Imperial Management and Administration, Director of Resources and Allocation, Acting Minister of the Ministry of the Interior, and the 2nd in Command of the Oversector Outer Rim.

In Year 6, Pangborn played a crucial role in preserving the stability of the Empire. At the time, the controversial policies of Grand Moff Daelin Zerk incited a number of Imperial officers and enlisted personnel to revolt. However, Captain Pangborn convinced a large number of the revolt's supporters to return to the Empire and signed a peace treaty with Emperor Vodo. This partly defused the situation and reduced support for the revolt. Those who did not sign the treaty formed the New Imperial Order.

In Year 7, Pangborn led a Special Forces team into enemy territory to establish an Imperial foothold for future expansion with the Oversector Outer Rim when his team was ambushed by a squadron of SoroSuub mercenaries. Pangborn managed "to hold off the vile mercenaries long enough to allow his team to evacuate hundreds of thousands of citizens from the Tantra system, but was hit by enemy fire while placing the last refugees on-board the transport. Doctors at Khuiumin were unable to heal his injuries and bacta had no effect. His sacrifice for the Imperial people will be long remembered."

News report upon SA Pangborn's death.

Khuiumin (Imperial News Service). It is with great sadness and regret that I bring you news of the assassination of Sector Adjutant Michael T. Pangborn by the SoroSuub Corporation. Sector Adjutant Pangborn was leading a Special Forces Team in enemy territory to establish an Imperial foothold for future expansion with the Oversector Outer Rim when his team was ambushed by a squadron of SSC mercenaries. Pangborn managed to hold off the vile mercenaries long enough to allow his team to evacuate hundreds of thousands of citizens from the Tantra system, but was hit by enemy fire while placing the last refugees onboard the transport. Doctors at Khuiumin were unable to heal his injuries and Bacta had no effect. His sacrifice for the Imperial people will be long remembered.

Sector Adjutant Pangborn had a storied history in the Empire. Originally working for Emperor Vodo eight years ago, Pangborn has served in a variety of positions, including the Director of Imperial Research & Development, Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency, Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Fleet, Provost General of the Imperial Academy, Navy Inspector General, Director of Imperial Management and Administration, Director of Resources and Allocation, Acting Minister of the Ministry of the Interior, and the 2nd in Command of the Oversector Outer Rim. His contributions to the Empire in the areas of command, leadership, and administration will be remembered throughout the Galactic Empire.

Today is officially declared a galaxy-wide day of mourning for our fallen comrade. May his soul rest with the force, and may his words and actions guide us in our future endeavors. It is my pleasure to posthumously award Sector Adjutant Pangborn with the Imperial Gold Cross, for his work far above and beyond the call of duty.

See also