Raw Materials

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Raw Materials Table
Name & Image Usage W / V (T/m3) Rarity Rate Price
Quantum Armour 12.000 / 1 130 488
Meleenium Durasteel 11.000 / 1 500 52
Ardanium Fuel Canisters 8.000 / 1 150 423
Rudic Electronics 1.000 / 1 120 540
Ryll Drug 1.000 / 1 30 8125
Duracrete Building Material 8.000 / 1 250 163
Alazhi Bacta 2.000 / 1 60 1885
Laboi Lightsaber 4.000 / 1 2 65000
Adegan Lightsaber 3.000 / 1 2 65000
Rockivory Antigrav Unit 12.000 / 1 100 260
Tibanna gas Blasters / Lasers 0.160 / 1 200 260
Nova Explosives 2.000 / 1 50 2600
Varium Droids / Equipment 10.000 / 1 90 1300
Varmigio Hyperdrive 9.000 / 1 240 208
Lommite Transparisteel 6.000 / 1 200 293
Hibridium Cloaking Technology 14.000 / 1 30 9100
Durelium Hyperdrive 8.000 / 1 120 1690
Lowickan Valuable Gems 4.000 / 1 25 11050
Vertex Valuable Gems 4.000 / 1 80 1300
Berubian Valuable Gems 3.000 / 1 2 65000
Bacta Medical Equipment 0.800 / 1 0 18850