Republic Protectorate of Quantxi

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Republic Protectorate of Quantxi
Political information
Type of government Stratocracy
Head of State Governor General
Affiliation Anti-Imperial
Societal information
Territory Quantxi
Language(s) Galactic Basic
Currency Galactic Credit
Historical Information
Formed from Ternion Corps
Date of establishment Year 22 Day 100
Status Active
Holosite {{{holosite}}}

The Republic Protectorate of Quantxi was the governing body of the moon Quantxi, and sought to promote the welfare of Clone War veterans and their descendants and to ensure the legacy of the Grand Army of the Republic. The government continues without terrestrial territory after selling the moon in year 23.


The Republic Protectorate of Quantxi was formed in Year 21 when the Ternion Corps took formal control of the moon Quantxi. Ever since the Galactic Civil War, Quantxi was a sparsely-populated planetoid used as a repository for space debris from around the Bright Jewel sector. In recent years the Ord Cartel, a mid-size criminal enterprise, had taken up residency on the moon, using the vast collection of leftover metal and weaponry to create fortresses from where they could safely manage their drug and sentient traffic enterprises. The moon, whose official owner had been long lost to history, was raffled off during the first annual Galactic Fest in an effort to revitalize that sector of space. Ternion Corps, being the winning party, proceeded to lay siege to the moon and eventually succeeded in eliminating the Cartel.

Ternion Corps was a loose association of veterans groups of the First Galactic Civil War and their descendants, the majority of whom were clone soldiers. The shared mission of these groups was to preserve the legacy of the clone soldiers, many of whom found themselves destitute or the targets of discrimination following their decommissioning during the Empire’s turbulent infancy. While the initial allure of acquiring Quantxi was the access to the moon’s collection of rare Clone War-era ships, vehicles, and equipment, discussion soon began about the moon’s potential as a home for its membership and their families safe from the prejudices of the wider galaxy. On Y22 D100, representatives from a majority of the Corps units signed the Protocols of Protection and Unity, the governing documents for the Republic Protectorate of Quantxi (RPQ). The Protectorate worked for a standard year to transform the junkyard planetoid into a modern military installation. Over that time, however, Imperial Union forces expanded their foothold and began fortifying the Bright Jewel system. Unwilling to launch a campaign while so distant from allies, one that would undoubtedly result in Quantxi's destruction, the Protectorate turned to master Con Semper of the Altisian Jedi Order and honorary commander of the Corps. Semper helped broker a deal with mandalorian warrior and honorary major Kaze Zill for an undisclosed sum to buy the moon, and the Protectorate left Quantxi on Y23 D256 leaving it under Zill's command. The Protectorate continues as a micronation without terrestrial territory, continuing its mission in deep space.

System of Government

The RPQ is a stratocracy adapting the structure of the Grand Army of the Republic for self-governance. It is governed by a Governor General, who is elected every five years. The Governor general presides over a War Cabinet, composed of representatives from each of the four departments of the Protectorate: the Reformed Army of the Republic, the Protectorate Strategic Command, the Protectorate Research Command, the Protectorate Diplomatic Command. The War Cabinet membership is chosen by the Governor General from the senior leadership of each department. The Governor General and their cabinet is charged with the direct supervision and administration of the Protectorate within the bounds of the Protocols and Protectorate law. Each of the four departments is structured as a military unit as needed, with regiments, companies, squads, and their respective officers. The government is comprised entirely of clones and works exclusively for the betterment and welfare of Clone Wars veterans, clones, and their descendants.

The current War Cabinet consists of: Governor General: Rex Republica

Supreme Commander of the RAR: Winner Ryx

Strategic General: Zed Nar

Research General: Cap Pinu

Diplomatic General: Dak Etho

Reformed Army of the Republic: While the entirety of the RPQ is a military organization, the Reformed Army of the Republic are those citizens who are directly responsible for the immediate defense of the Protectorate's interests, and the tip of the spear for its military endeavors. All citizens are required to serve at least three years on active martial duty in the RAR, symbolic of the duration of the First Galactic Civil War. Basic education, medical care, law enforcement, and job training are performed by the RAR, as all citizens regardless of occupation are regarded as members of the military.

Protectorate Strategic Command: The Protectorate Strategic Command is responsible for the procurement, transportation, and maintenance of all material necessary for the life and defense of the Protectorate. It oversees mining and refinement of ores and bacta, production of ships and equipment, and the maintenance of power grids, shield systems, and food and water production. Strategic Command also launches salvage operations and procures and restores Clone Wars era technology and ships.

Protectorate Research Command: The Protectorate Research Command is responsible for the protectorate’s specialized academies and research facilities, ensuring the Protectorate can keep pace with the wider galaxy. In addition to development of new technologies and astronavigation, it manages the archives where histories of the clones, their service, and subsequent experience are assembled and preserved.

Protectorate Diplomatic Command: The Protectorate Diplomatic Command are those trained to nurture relations between the Protectorate and other governments and groups, with a special interest in ensuring the dignity and quality of life of the descendants of the GAR across the galaxy, and the elimination of slavery and exploitation. Diplomatic Command officials also manage the trade and economic policies as they pertain to outside organizations.


The soldiers of the RPQ see themselves on a 'Last Campaign' of the Clone Wars, this time not to defeat an external threat but one internal to the former Galactic Republic. They believe the Grand Army of the Republic to have been the finest fighting force ever assembled, and hope that by its reformation and perfection the highest ideals of the Republic might be established, defended, and offered to all in need. The Last Campaign, the Protectorate has embarked on three missions:

1. Identifying all surviving members of the GAR and their descendants. Once identified they are offered a place within the RPQ or connected with the nearest unit of the Ternion Corps. Their family and service history is recorded and any artifacts preserved. This mission also includes the acquisition and restoration of any and all available ships, vehicles, or equipment from the era. Where those identified are unable or unwilling to join or relocate, the Protectorate will lobby their government to ensure their welfare and security.

2. Honoring the Legacy of the GAR. Because the GAR was decommissioned over a period two decades following the war and the formation of the Galactic Empire, much of its history has been lost, obscured, or disputed. Even the basic facts of the war are disputed from system to system, depending on which side the system identified with or how the local governments want to protect their secrets or defeats. The Protectorate hopes to assemble and preserve the most detailed and accurate history of the war and its soldiers and promote the truth of that period of history to the galaxy. Beyond publications and conferences, the Protectorate sponsors living history events and exhibits where denizens of the galaxy can meet clones and encounter the ships, vehicles, and equipment that once defended democracy across the galaxy. This mission also includes the establishment and maintenance of various monuments, historical markers, and celebrations at sites significant to the war and those who served.

3. Reforming and Perfecting the Grand Army of the Republic. To complete any of its objectives, the Protectorate must have a standing force even larger than the GAR at its peak. To accomplish this, the Protectorate works with galaxy-renowned cloning scientists to produce legions of fresh clones from surviving genetic samples. Work is always ongoing to locate, repair, and preserve genetic samples of survivors and their descendants, along with research to ensure the viability and stability of the Grand Army for generations to come. Clones are now all human genders and may have slight variances clone to clone based upon which sample they were cloned from. This mission also encompasses the manufacturing necessary to feed, clothe, train, and arm the clones for their life of service.

Notable Partnerships

While the Republic Protectorate of Quantxi is led exclusively by clones, the Protectorate maintains a close relationship with the Altisian Jedi Order, who serve as an advisory body. Several of the Altisians such as Con Semper and Paul Luz use their knowledge and experience to help further the cloning technology and genetic research vital to the PRQ's misson. Other members like Vir Calder help fund different aspects of the Protectorate's mission and aid the clone diplomats in building relationships throughout the galaxy. Given the disastrous role Jedi played in the Clone Wars, support for the Altisians is not unanimous within the Protectorate, and the Jedi are not privy to all the aspects of the Protectorate's work. This said, both the current War Council and the Altisian Order work daily to build trust and atone for the sins of the past.