The Alliance Mourns the Death of Caitlin Green

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Posted by Avatar on Year 5 Day 261

Onboard the YT-510 Excelsior in system Republica.

Adbatar, Republica - Dirk Jameson reporting.

"Citizens of the Galaxy, this is Dirk Jameson here with several Alliance ships that have gathered here near the Republica Sun. The reason for this gathering is a sad and mournful one, as the members of the Alliance hold memorial services for Caitlin Green, of the Alliance Army."

"Approximately one week ago, Caitlin was riding in a speeder her family, when there was a tragic accident, a collision with another speeder in the opposite lane. Caitlin Green was killed."

The camera pans to one side of the reporter, showing a podium in an open room in front of a gathering of Alliance Officers. A form steps up to the podium, a Gand wearing a ceremonial Alliance Starfighter Command Uniform.

"We have been told that the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, Avatar Voidrunner, will be speaking at these memorial services."

The Gand at the podium looks down for a moment, his compound eyes downcast, before he begins to speak, and the camera zooms in slightly.

"Avatar is here with a heavy heart today, for we are forced now to bid farewell to one of our friends, one of our comrades in the fight against tyranny. Caitlin Green's career in the Army was cut tragically short, and we all suffer due to the loss of this promising young officer. In her time with the Alliance, she became friends with many of us, and her energy and activity were examples to us all."

Avatar again paused for a moment, before bringing up into view of the gathered officers and the camera, a case containing a medal.

"Alliance High Command has posthumously awarded Caitlin Green with the Rebel Heart, and may the loss of her life not be in vain, let her dedication to the fight against the Empire inspire us all."

"While she has shed her mortal coil, Caitlin has become one with the Force, as we all are destined to become, and so, we know that there will be a time when we will be reunited with her, and with all the others we hold dear who have passed on."

Avatar then turned to face out a large transparisteel viewport which looked out into space, towards the Republica Sun. From one side of the room, the commander of the Army Honor Guard called the room to attention, and all the Alliance members in the room stood smartly, and then all saluted out towards space in unison.

Out towards the sun, a bright point of light fired forwad from the Alliance fleet, flanked by a formation of X-wings in the "Missing Man" formation, escorting the casket containing the remains of Caitlin Green into the Sun.