Tyrath Sadow

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Tyrath Sadow
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children Unknown
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation Unknown
Rank Unknown
Positions Unknown
Prior Affiliation New Imperial Order, Heirs of Ziost, Trax Sector Vehicles

The child was found wrapped in bundles of blood stained cloth and had been packed securely into an escape pod which crashed close to a Coruscani mansion when household security droids immediately surveyed it for potential danger. After sighting the cloth, one unraveled it to find the child, unharmed and quiet, resting naked on his side. The other took a sample of the still reasonably moist blood on the cloth in tandem. They immediately contacted their owner, Fam Tari-Antar with suspicion. He confirmed that there was no danger and commanded the droids to bring the child before his wife, Silos. Upon sighting the baby the Twi'lek woman was keen to adopt. Sighting the smile on Silos' face as she grasped the baby, Fam couldn't help but agree in its adoption They therefore brought the child up as if it were their own child despite its obvious humanoid origins as opposed to their Twi'lek origins. In view of its past they choose to call it a withered, wretched name to remind them of the harsh circumstances that brought the child to them and so Tyrath came to be.

Eventually his talents were analysed by a member of the ISB who offered the youngster a position in the New Imperial Order (NIO). The position aggravated Tyrath who detested the command hierarchy of which he had no influence and he was quick to depart, the possibility of becoming something powerful being a much more desirable destiny. He would consider the exploits of Mandalore or Marka Ragnos and dream of leading a massive fleet of ships, raiding planets for every last resource, acquiring wealth and expanding asset base. Finally, conquering the galaxy. It was such a tongue-teasing prospect but he could always dream, as ineffective and useless as it may be. History showed that dreams focused willpower which enlightened Tyrath to them.

After some wandering he became one of the founders of Heirs of Ziost remaining with the corporation until its dissolution in Year 11. From here he would move to help found Trax Sector Vehicles.

Tyrath would not follow his fellow TSV members into Aratech choosing once more to lurk in the shadows and seek his own fortunes.