A New Wave in the Republic

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RNN Headquarters, Republica -- On Day 3 Year 21 the New Republic welcomes former Minister of State Galen Darksol as the newly elected Chief of State (CoS). Galen Darksol is replacing Jin Solas, who served one full term as Chief of State. After a week long election Galen Darksol emerged with 75% of the popular vote, chosen to lead the New Republic by the people and for the people.

Day 351 Year 20 marked the opening of the campaigning season for the office of Chief of State. With CoS Jin Solas wrapping up his 1st term in office and forgoing a second run for office, the Republic’s eyes were ready to see what new faces would appear. Galen Darksol and Robby Rae both decided to run for the top position. Galen Darksol was the newly appointed Minister of State and Incom Corporation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as well as a former New Republic Senator. He faced another veteran of the New Republic, Robby Rae, a renowned Senator and leader/owner of FreiTek Inc.

Galen Darksol’s campaign largely ran on promises of his dedication to the positions, and knowledge acquired from his experience in legal and political matters. As a long standing citizen, and dedicated expert in civilian operations as the CEO of Incom, his claims of experience and resolve were well backed. With his role in the Republic Diplomacy Command as a Pro Consul in addition to his 3.5 years as a Senator he was well versed in both internal and galactic affairs. Galen is no stranger to military affairs either, as he served 18 months in the New Republic Military Reserves, being promoted to the rank of Major and a role in the Reserves leadership.

Taking into account the strong backgrounds of both candidate Darksol and Rae, many citizens found it difficult to decisively pick a candidate. To help with this, the campaigning period was filled with multiple intense question-and-answer sessions with the candidates, and broadcast to all New Republic worlds. Attendance was high, and each candidate received a plethora of questions, some specific to their campaign promises and others which they shared. Having multiple Q&A sessions lent the added ability to allow further outreach of voters and garner greatest interest with populous in harder to reach locations. The Q&A format of campaigning has been important to the (New Republic’s) elector and diplomatic process. Collaboration from citizens of all walks of life is inspiring, and helps to bring every citizen into our representative government. Our representative government is the key to what makes us truly who we are.

With the election results announced, and Galen Darksol the new Chief of State, Robby Rae took the chance to address his supporters and Galen himself “I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me in my campaign and believed in me. I would also like to not only congratulate CoS Darksol, but pledge to him my support and assistance in anyway that I can. The Republic is in excellent hands and I know all of our citizens, as well as myself, look forward to working with you as you continue to advance our prosperity and our way of life.”

Later on in the day Galen Darksol swore into his role as CoS. As is customary, he also gave his first speech to the New Republic as CoS.

" Greetings fellow sentients of the Republic. It is with great pride I address you this day. The New Republic Constitution calls for a commitment to serve all people of the Republic. I like that wording - it outlines our greatest responsibility: service of others. Too often we are caught in cycles of selfish pride through our search for faster ships, better medical care, and more credits. I contend that only when we look outside ourselves do we find true happiness and true peace. "

" To better serve others, during my campaign I committed to 3 points. "

Increase the New Republic's presence via community-focused events. Increase opportunities for economic growth. Focus on alliances that allow the New Republic to be more agile against galactic threats. " Work is in progress in several of these, but we need your help. What can we do to improve the New Republic as a force for good?"

Closing, Darksol took the opportunity to discuss a general plan of action for the upcoming year. The New Republic will increase diplomatic efforts to form better bonds to thwart the galactic threats and bring about more unity, work towards economic growth, and increase morale within the Republic. Galen closed by thanking Robby for a good campaign and to the Citizens for putting their faith behind him.

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