Aging sith comes out of retirement to rebuke up and coming emperor

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Posted by Thraken Solo on Year 5 Day 289

Location Unknown

Following soon after Teniel Djo's congratulatory letter to the Imperial News Grid, we at the GNS have received a carbon copy of Thraken Solo's letter recognizing his Imperial bounty.

"You can imagine my consternation when I realized that an Imperial bounty was put out for my life.

I have no doubt that the Imperial citizens enjoy having their tax money spent on contracts taken out on decrepit, retired old citizens of the galaxy. It was interesting to see the Empire's reaction time, however. I slighted them seven or so months ago, and just now we see the fruits of my labor. I have, of course, been in hiding ever since the Empire has started raiding the coma wards for people to execute, because who knows... I doubt that Mister Bonias only 'kills' those he finds comatose in the halls of his ships.

Nevertheless, I will periodically broadcast my position to all of you bounty-hunter types, I'd hate to make your job too hard. Of course, I'll also double my bounty, because I was jealous of my counterparts, Miss Djo's, bounty being larger than mine. In any case, I think that Mister Bonias will find it a little harder to capture and execute real, active characters.

Whatever. Have a nice day."

Attached to the letter was Mister Solo's itinerary for the next few weeks. Currently, he is at Lorell, following which he is headed to Corellia for some sightseeing. Following a week in Coronet, he is going to pick up a few ships at Coruscant and then 'meander over to Republica' to 'chill with teh jedai.'

The is Veronica Blatoplast, GNS, reporting.