Aliit Ukoro

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Aliit Ukoro
General Information
Status Active
Leader Burun Ukoro
Motto "Always Forward"
Historical Information
Founded 4004 BCGT (Historical)
Political Information
Type Mandalorian Clan

Aliit Ukoro is a Mando'an Clan led by Aliit'buir Burun Ukoro. The clan currently does not recognizes any Mand'alor.

The Beliefs of the Ukoro

The Six Actions as practised by the Ukoro


All Ukoro are expected to raise their children as Ukoro, guiding them in the clan’s customs and traditions, teaching them the skills and knowledge needed for their survival and prosperity. It is expected that an Ukoro educates their own children, while additionally assisting in the communal raising of all children.


All Ukoro are expected to be prepared for war at all times. This is not a requirement that they possess the required materiel on their person, only they have access to it easily, and in quantities sufficient for a sustained conflict. Descendants of the earliest crusades, the Ukoro acknowledge their destiny is that of warriors. As such, the Ukoro believe that an individual must be a warrior in addition to all other things.


The Ukoro believe that in order to sustain the future crusades, they must establish industry and infrastructure. Capital investments are natural targets for opposing forces and as such, the Ukoro must be prepared to defend them with all appropriate force.


The Ukoro believe that the Community must come before all else. Actions undertaken must be to the benefit of the clan. Community is the foundation that supports all endeavors, and that provides refuge for all members. Without community, we are nothing.


The Ukoro, like any Aliit, possess a clan language or Aliit’joha known as Ukoro’joha. This clan language is the result of generations of isolation and linguistic development in an environment unique to them. The Ukoro all learn and use Mando’a on a daily basis, but for the most part it is used as a Lingua Franca with other Mando’an/Mandalorian clans, as well as used as a Liturgical Language or religious language internally. Every Ukoro is fluent in Aetos’joha, Mando’a, and Ukoro’joha.


The Ukoro do not believe in the role of the Mand’alor. It is their belief that the role has fallen into the relics of the past. With the extinction of the Taung, the lineage of Mand’alor’s from Mandalore the First onwards, should have ended. Canderous Ordo’s betrayal is noted as the beginning of the end of loyalty to a Mand’alor by the Ukoro. They do not denounce the role of Akaan’alor (“Warlord”), who lead large factions of Mandos, nor even Ori’akaan’alor (“One who leads a Crusade”). They simply do not believe in a single monolithic authority to govern a myriad of autonomous nations who is selected through martial prowess alone.

The Canons of Honor as practiced by the Ukoro

“Strength is Life, for the Strong have the right to Rule.”

The Ukoro reject this Canon. Strength exists as a product of circumstance and choice. It is impermanent, always in a state of balance. A single change to circumstance or choice can turn an overwhelming strength into a fatal flaw. As such, the Ukoro do not admire the strong. They do not worship the strong. They believe that in all situations, one must work towards ensuring circumstances and their choices result in a favorable outcome. To this end, they believe in martial prowess, physical fitness, mental acumen, and situational awareness. With these things, they can best affect change on the circumstances of an event or situation and ensure their choices have the most pronounced effect.

“Honour is Life, for with no Honour, one may as well be Dead.”

The Ukoro reject this Canon. Honor does not feed the hungry, heal the sick, comfort the survivors. Honor exists for the living, and as such, if a honor would lead to death, then the honor is secondary in consideration.The Ukoro believe Survival Above All, though it does not mean the individual in this context. It is the clan, the sub-clan, the sept, the family, then finally the individual. At all times an Ukoro’ad is to act with consideration to these groups and ensure their course of action does not increase the threat to them. If an Ukoro’ad may best serve the clan by deception, then it is a valid weapon. If they may best serve the clan by retreat, then it is a valid course of action. Personal honor is for others.

“Loyalty is Life, for without one's Clan, one has no Purpose.”

The Ukoro accept this Canon.

“Death is Life, One should Die as they have Lived.”

The Ukoro reject this Canon. Death is inevitable. It may be outrun, outsmarted, outflanked, but it will never be outlasted. Death comes for all people and all things. The goal of an Ukoro’ad should always be to delay Death’s embrace for as long as possible and to ensure they may contribute to the clan as much as they can during their lifetime. This desire to delay death is for the personal only. See the Second Canon in regards to actions. If an action would save the Ukoro’ad but endanger other members of the clan then it is the obligation of the Ukoro’ad to not engage in that course of action.

The Eight Truths

The Eight Truths are a heretical ideology created by Namuura Ukoro in 3940 BCGT, in response to the failings of Te Taylir Mand'alor. The Eight Truths are universally known by the Ukoro, but not universally practiced.

  • The First Truth - “Strength is an illusion, for it exists only as a product of circumstance and choice.”
  • The Second Truth - “Honor is a chain, for it may bind together, lift one up, or shackle one down.”
  • The Third Truth - “Duty is a choice, for devotion given is greater than any obligation demanded.”
  • The Fourth Truth - “Death is inevitable, for all things pass with time.”
  • The Fifth Truth - “Stagnation is defeat, for decay wages a constant war.”
  • The Sixth Truth - “Growth is victory, for every asset gained provides opportunity.”
  • The Seventh Truth - “Opportunity is battle, for all things consume and all things are finite.”
  • The Eighth Truth - “Survival above all, for bones of the dead build the ground upon which the living walk.”
  • The Ninth Truth - “Nothing is true.”

The Ka'ra

The Ukoro believe that the souls of the honored dead reside amongst the Ka’ra, the Council of Fallen Kings. It is their belief that the Ka’ra actively watch over and guide their descendants. To this end, the Ka’ra may be petitioned through rituals or sacrifices for their aid or their wisdom.

When an Ukoro dies they arrive at the Ge’tal Nu’ani’aran or “The Red Gate”. This gate appears as a smooth stone when one first approaches it. As they stand before it, the stone begins to shift, as if being carved by unseen hands, forming a mural that depicts the life in the entirety of the petitioner. The ancestors of the petitioner who are among the Ka’ra are to watch over this process. If they have any doubts about the worthiness of the petitioner, the petitioner is denied.

A petitioner who is denied receives one of three outcomes.

The first outcome, rebirth as an Ukoro, is reserved for those who were close to achieving the requisite honor needed to join the Ka’ra. A petitioner who receives this judgement is reincarnated into a new Ukoro, returning to the clan. They do not possess their memories or experiences, and must start fresh. After they have lived their life, they return to The Red Gate, and their memories of all their lives are returned to them. They are judged again and the cycle continues.

The second outcome, rebirth as a Mandalorian, is reserved for those who possess honor, but not the requisite commitment to family and community. They may be valiant warriors but they failed to understand why a person fights. A petition who receives this judgement is reincarnated into another Mandalorian clan. They do not possess their memories or experiences, and must start fresh. The Ancestors will guide them slightly, offering opportunities to rejoin the Ukoro, as it is believed that they must be Ukoro to achieve MandaAfter they have lived their life, they return to The Red Gate, and their memories of all their lives are returned to them. They are judged again, weighing their last life, and the cycle continues. T

The third outcome, rebirth as an Aruetii, is reserved for those who possess neither honor or a commitment to family and community. A petitioner who receives this judgement is reincarnated as an outsider, born to a non-Mandalorian family. After they have lived their life, they return to The Red Gate, and their memories of all their lives are returned to them. They are judged again, weighing their last life, and the cycle continues.

The Long Rest

The Long Rest, or Suum Ca’nara, is a period of the afterlife after a soul has served on the Ka’ra. During this period, they slumber until such time as their clan needs their aid.

The descendants of the individual typically leave offerings so that while they rest, they need not hunt nor engage in any strenuous activities, resting and enjoying the spoils of their service.

The Socio-Political Structure of the Ukoro

The Central Council

The Assembly of Representatives

The Sub-Clans of the Ukoro

Kih’aliit, literally meaning “Small Clan”, is translated as “Sub-Clan” by the Ukoro’alor. Sub-Clans within the Ukoro are defined as a collection of Septs in a geographic area which have unified for the purposes of administration, commerce and defense. The leader of a Kih’aliit is known as a Kih’aliit’alor, translated as “Viscount” or “Viscountess”

Traditionally there were eight sub-clans of the Ukoro. Prior to the exodus from Dxun, two sub-clans emigrated to Rori, following Haat’ad Ukoro.

The Muun’kurshi

Muun’kurshi, a wrecked Foray-class Blockade Runner, is overgrown with the jungle's plants and vines, with the plant-clad hull, rising out of the jungle as if it was a soaring tree. Over time, as the lower panels have weakened, bit by bit bricks are used to build up a real foundation. In time, it will likely not have a metal exterior, even clad in vines. This was a large landmark which was lacking beneath the canopies of Dxun. Caravans would have climbers, who would get above the canopy, to direct the group to the Muun'kurshi. It became the commercial center for the region, and thus the seat of the sub-clan.

The Septs of the Ukoro

Tal’tsad, literally meaning “Blood Group, is translated as “Sept” by the Ukoro’alor. Septs with the Ukoro are defined as extended familial units tracing lineage from a progenitor ancestor, and down six generations. Numerous septs will be operating with a Sub-Clan’s territory, and will trade, raid, and intermarry with its neighboring septs. The leader of a Tal’tsad is known as a Tal’tsad’alor, translated as “Baron” or “Baroness”.

The Families of the Ukoro

The Hierarchy of the Ukoro

The Aliit’alor

The Aliit’alor (“Clan Leader” or “Count/Countess”) is the leader of an Aliit. They are the political and military leader of the Clan.

The Kih’aliit’alor

The Kih’aliit’alor (“Sub-Clan Leader” or “Viscount/Viscountess”) is the leader of a Kih'aliit. They represent their Sub-Clan within the Clan. They receive three voting representatives in the Central Council.

The Tal’tsad’alor

The Tal’tsad’alor (“Sept Leader” or “Baron/Baroness”) is the leader of a Tal’tsad. They represent their Sept within the Sub-Clan. They receive three voting representatives in the Assembly of Representatives.

The Alii’tik’alor

The Alii’tik’alor (“Family Leader”) is the leader of an Alii’tik. They represent their household within the Sept.

The Aliit’ad

The Aliit’ad (“Clanmember”) is a Clanmember, Mandalorian. They have pledged loyalty to the Aliit’alor, and are members of the clan by birth, adoption, or marriage.

The Laanda

The Laanda (“Weak Person”) is a Clanmember, Non-Mandalorian. They are individuals who do not have the capacity, ability, or inclination to live as Mandalorians, but have still pledged fealty to the Aliit’alor.

Within Ukoro communities, Laanda live in secure, confined areas, where they may be best protected. They provide labor, services, and goods to the Clan in exchange for their protection.

Externally, the Laanda are considered Ukoro, being allowed to wear a modified aliik (“Clan Sigil”) showing their allegiance. An attack on an Ukoro’laanda is an attack on the Ukoro.

Internally, the Laanda are second-class citizens, being seen as inferior but still above Yaimi and Aruetii.

The Laanda may undertake the trials at any time to become a full Ukoro’ad.

The Yaimi

The Yaimi (“Neighbor”) is a Non-Clanmember, Mandalorian. They follow Mandalorian teachings and customs, as well as speak Mando’a, but they do not belong to the Ukoro. These individuals are guaranteed some protections and rights within an Ukoro community, as prescribed by treaty between Clan Ukoro and their clan. Lacking a treaty, they are treated as unaffiliated Mandalorians.

The Aruetii

The Aruetii (“Outsider”) is a Non-Clanmember, Non-Mandalorian. These individuals have no guaranteed protections or rights within an Ukoro community, but they are also not forbidden.

The Traditions of the Ukoro

The Burning

The Burning is a cultural tradition commonly held around the age of four, for species that age at a similar rate to Humans, and as appropriate for other species.

The Burning consists of the child departing into the forest or jungle, to find firewood, and bring it back to the community. The minimum distance they can travel is one kilometer from the community.

The child seeks out firewood and harvests it with a kurshi’kad (“Bladed Woodcutting Tool”). They return the firewood to the gate, where they will prepare it for conversion into charcoal.

The process is as follows: The firewood will be placed leaning in a circle against a chimney. The chimney consists of 4 wooden stakes held up by some rope. The logs are completely covered with soil and straw allowing no air to enter. It must be lit by introducing some burning fuel into the chimney; the logs burn very slowly and transform into charcoal after burning for a period of 40 Hakbe (“Watch” or 1/8th of a Day). If the soil covering gets torn or cracked by the fire, additional soil is placed on the cracks. Once the burn is complete, the chimney is plugged to prevent air from entering. The true art of this production method is in managing the sufficient generation of heat, by combusting part of the wood material, and its transfer to wood parts in the process of being carbonised.

The purpose of this task is to introduce them to hard labor, but also problem solving and the ability to recognize resources.

From this trial, an Ukoro’ad will be able to locate appropriate combustible materials and create a functional charcoal kiln in the field. Additionally, they will be knowledgeable in the production of charcoal to heat the clan’s hearths and forges.

Successful completion of the task rewards the child with their first kurshi’kad as well as their first coin, as the Clan’s Waad’alor (“Paymaster”) will purchase the charcoal from them.

The Gathering

The Gathering is a cultural tradition commonly held around the age of five, for species that age at a similar rate to Humans, and as appropriate for other species.

The Gathering consists of the child departing into the forest or jungle, to find a source of clay along a riverbank. The minimum distance they can travel is three kilometers from the community.

The child seeks out a source of clay then extracts it with a bucket and shovel. They are to carry the clay back to the gate, where the Choruk’nau (“Clay Kiln”) is located. They will form the clay into bricks and fire them. They take the bricks to the Nau’taap (“Forgeworks”) and they begin construction on their own forge. They are to repeat these steps until their forge is complete.

The purpose of this task is to allow for early problem solving, and instill a sense of diligence and endurance. Once the forge is complete, they will receive instruction on crafting a myriad assortment of metal items, eventually culminating in the weapon that they have shown the most promise in.

From this trial, an Ukoro’ad will be able to locate clay deposits and create bricks, which will allow for the creation of all manner of objects, as well as lead to their instruction in creating metal items.

Successful completion of the task rewards the child with their own forge in the Nau’taap as well a set of goran’ika (“Apprentice Blacksmith”) tools.

The First Hunt

The First Blood

The Pilgrimage

The Returning

The Union

The Passing

The Lastfire

Upon death an Ukoro'ad is transported to their place of birth if possible, and to the location of their clan if not.

Six volunteers prepare the body, removing tissue samples for later usage, and ritualistically cleansing the body is a mixture of herbs, these six representing the Resol'nare.

Nine volunteers gather wood for a funeral pyre, these nine representing the Sh'ehn'haat.

The body is covered in a thick clay, mixed with sacred herbs. The surface is smoothed. One by one, the deceased's relatives will mark their names into the clay, with the deceased's descendants instead marking with a handprint or fingerprint.

The pyre is built inside the Hall of Ash, where it is similar to a kiln. The pyre ignited while the survivors recount the life and stories of the deceased.

Once the Lastfire has burned, the body is removed and transported to the Lastfire Outpost, where it is stored and protected.

All those who wish enter the Hall of Ash and retrieve carbonized wood or ash, which is ground finely to make a sort of paint.

The Ukoro wear this paint around eyes to represent seeing beyond that which can be seen and to represent mourning.

The Sapling

The History of the Ukoro

The Exodus (230,000 BCGT)

The Discovery (7000 BCGT)

The Mandallian Crusade (7000 BCGT)

The Migration (7050 BCGT)

The Fenelar Crusade (6000 BCGT)

The Pathandr Crusade (5447 BCGT)

The Nakat Incursions (5124 BCGT)

The Ubdurian Crusade (4622 BCGT)

The Nevoota Crusade (4020 BCGT)

The Basiliskan Crusade (4013 BCGT)

The Basiliskans are conquered, with the few survivors kept as Lagaroz War Dragons, named for Clan Lagaroz, who enslaved and tortured them. The Basiliskans killed their world in a last ditch effort to hurt the Mandalorians, and succeeded. Many Taung were lost. The first Ukoro ancestor, Talyc Ukoro, a Mandallian Giant, lived during this time and fought during this crusade.

The Iskallon Crusade (4004 BCGT)

The Crusade against the Iskalloni, imperialistic cybernetically enhanced humans, is waged. During the course of the war, non-Taung/non-Mandallian Giants freed from Iskalloni slavery and are incorporated into the clans. Talyc Ukoro was quite successful in the war, seizing many hundreds of slaves and recruiting other Mandalorians into his clan. It is during this conflict that a Kandosii-type Dreadnaught is acquired by the clan.

The Great Shadow Crusade (3994 BCGT)

Known as the Great Sith War, this Crusade was the eighth crusade. Ultimately lost, this war led to the downfall of the Taung and the rise of the Neo-Crusader ideology.

The False War (3972 BCGT)

The early years of the Mandalorian Wars, this an asymmetrical and irregular war. The Mandalorians raided for supplies and conscripts, and learned Republic response patterns and tactics. Clan Ukoro dwelt upon a single Kandosii-type Dreadnaught and three Jehavey'ir-type Assault Ships. They, along with sixteen other clans, formed a northern spear to assist in the coming onslaught. They lost the Battle of Muunilinst, which caused the northern spear to be broken instantly. At this time, Clan Ukoro was led by Orjor Ukoro, the daughter of Talyc Ukoro.

The Onslaught (3959 BCGT)

Having been defeated in the north, they regrouped and joined the main push. They fought with honor, but without much note. At this time, Clan Ukoro was led by Beviin Ukoro, the son of Orjor Ukoro.

The Sundering (3956 BCGT)

Delayed by engine damage, the Ukoro flotilla did not make it to Malachor V in time for the last battle. This misfortune allowed the clan to survive. They fled to Dxun, where they still had caches and allies, in preparation for a new Mand'alor to restart the crusade.

The Resurrection (3947 BCGT)

Te Taylir Mand'alor unified the clans on Dxun, and prepared for a new era for the Mando peoples. It was during this time that Clan Ukoro participated in the Onderonian Civil War. At this time, Clan Ukoro was led by Tracyn Ukoro, the daughter of Beviin Ukoro

The Betrayal (3945 BCGT)

The Schism (3940 BCGT)

The First Great War (3798 BCGT)

In the time after The Schism, there were five remaining clans on Dxun. The clans were: The Debrek, The Jare, The Saar, The Tenau, and The Ukoro. Each of these clans were centered around former warships, now used as sedentary communities.

The First Great War has two main fronts. The first, near the Muun’kurshi, was involved between the Ukoro on one side, and the Jare and Tenau on the other side. The conflict was primarily over resource exploitation. The Ukoro kept the Muun’kurshi somewhat operational and could use the sensors and communications equipment to coordinate with their hunting parties. The Jare and Tenau lost valuable hunting territory to the Ukoro’s highly efficient hunters. Feeling desperation, they attacked the Ukoro first.

The second front was in the north, near the Templedowns, where the Sith had constructed massive complexes now buried by foliage. The Debrek had landed near the Templedowns and had operational AA batteries. They kept their area of sky clear of Drexls, which benefited them, but disrupted the migratory pattern of Drexls for the territories further away. Because of this, the Saar had mass starvation and mobilized for war.

The war lasted eight years and decimated all the clans. Ultimately, Saar annexed the Debrek. The Ukoro fought off both the Jare and the Tenau, seizing a stalemate from the jaws of defeat.

The Second Great War (3507 BCGT)

The Isolation (3493 BCGT)

The Emergence (711 BCGT)

Children of survivors from the Mandalorian Excision found their way to Dxun, seeking caches of munitions and war materiel left from the previous crusades. Being fully disarmed by the Republic, for these Mandalorians to practice the Resol’nare, they must locate weaponry or depart Republic space to acquire it.

One group of these children, known as Aaray’pirunir, or “The Weeping”, seized a Valor-class Cruiser and fled, seeking out relics and assets from the ages past. This vessel entered the Japrael System, and broadcast a Neo-Crusader signal. The Muun’kurshi of the Ukoro received the signal, and responded. The vessel made its way and landed nearby.

The Exploration (49 BCGT)

The Heresies (37 BCGT)

Current Members