Ancient Sith Artifacts
Sith Artifacts, sometimes known as Sith treasures, were priceless dark side items, ancient in their creation but invaluable to darksiders for their potency and unique interaction with the dark side of the Force. Sith artifacts included Sith spellbooks, Sith amulets and talismans, Sith holocrons, Sith swords, Sith scrolls or tomes as well as statues and other things that were created in bygone eras.
Shattered Sith Artifact
Shattered Sith Artifact | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
When the Sith Empire expanded through out the Universe, 4000 years ago, they built temples to glorify their order and the lords who were exceptionally renowned for their knowledge in the Dark side of the Force. When the empire fell in decline, the temples that once stood as the symbol of the culture and power also fell to the eons of time. Over the years these temples were raided and looted by tomb robbers or angry inhabitants of the planets. Various artifacts were uncovered, in different states of decay. While some claim that they posses some essence of the Dark side of the Force, most view them as simple curriosities made up from strange mineral substance. Now, these artifacts find their place in different black markets in Outer Rim territories.
Altar of Eternal Pyre
Altar of Eternal Pyre | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
Constructed near to the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban by the Sith Empire, the Eternal pyre was located in a natural depression which housed several altars and minor temples. Smoke from the pyre rose constantly from the burning heap and its fires constantly stoked by the bodies of dead slaves.
Following the arrival of the Dark Jedi Exiles( almost 7000 years ago), Dark Lord of the Sith Sorzus Syn led an expedition across the planet to sites of interest to learn what she could of Sith culture. Pyre become a special interest as it seemed to be emanating outwards a dark energy and made one to be more attuned with the Darkside. This made Sorzu's, to study the Eternal Pyre in detail and she found out that the ground stones were the flame touched became powerful channellers of the Dark side of the force. So piece of stones were casted in the Eternal Pyre and later removed and placed in altars all over the Sith worlds, to retain some power that the Pyre possed.
Sith Burial Urn
Sith Burial Urn | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
Sith Burial Urn, also known as a spirit urn is an ornamental vase on a pedestal used by the Old Order of the Sith Lords to store important items such as the remains of deceased Sith. They were usually placed at the central chamber in the tomb. While mostly Sith Lords preferred being buried in large sarcophagus, is wasn't uncommon for them being buried in these simple urns.
Sith pylon
Sith pylon | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
During one of the archaeological expeditions on the jungles of Dxun, a cache of conductive pylons was uncovered near a Sith temple in a adjacent building. These pylons are excellent electrical conductors, and have high tolerance for high voltage, they also have inbuilt capacitors that can also at command discharge their load. Some experts in Sith mythos have teorized that these pylons were used for sith acolyte force lighting training as well as a punishment device for their failures.
Sith wall plaque
Sith wall plaque | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
A Sith Temple was a structure built by, or dedicated to, any of the various incarnations of the Sith, as well as their various allies. Such temples stood on Thule, Krant, Geddes, and countless other worlds with some association to the Sith. They served both as places of worship as well as rest places for the Dark Lords, as such great detail was put in designing them. The long corridors that led from entrance to the main antechamber were decorated with different wall plaques that resembled past lords that looked upon those who entered their sacred place and judged their worth.
Statue of Ancient Sith Emperor
Statue of Ancient Sith Emperor | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
The statue is dedicated to long deceased emperor Vitiate who ruled over the Sith Empire( c. 4980 BCGT to c. 2000 BCGT). These statues were placed in various governmental institutions through the Sith Empire holdings, to symbolize the power of the Empire and the one who wielded it.
Vitiate , known for the vast majority of his life as simply the Sith Emperor, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after its destruction in the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for over 1300 years. After the fall of the empire, through out once Sith held territories statues were destroyed by the inhabitants of the planets to symbolize the freedom from the oppression. Some remained in possession of loyal subjects or simple collectors and were spared the vandalism.
Statue of Naga Sadow
Statue of Naga Sadow | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
This is stone statue of The Sith Lord Naga Sadow, that has been carved during his reign and after his passing. Scholars belief that these statues were placed in various settlements of the Sith Empire, to make inhabitants worship the dark lord and show their dedication to march with him in to the battle. This is backed by the fact, that during this time Sith Empire had caste system where Sith Lords were even compared to the god-like beings.
Naga Sadow, also known as Darth Naga Sadow, was a male Sith Lord and renowned dark side magician during the days of the first Sith Empire. Sadow had ancestors among both Humans and the Sith species of the planet Ziost. He rose to prominence in the final days of the Sith Golden Age, when Marka Ragnos, the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, passed away, leaving the mantle of Dark Lord vacant.
Naga Sadow led the first Sith Empire in brutal war against the old Galactic Republic during the Great Hyperspace War ( circa 5000 BCGT), where he lost, and the Sith were almost wiped out by the Jedi during the controversial extermination that occurred on the Sith worlds. This made him to flee to Yavin 4 with his remaining Massassi warriors, where he hoped to rebuild the Empire. There many of statues of Naga Sadow had been discovered both in various bogs and underground temples. It is rumored that for each statue 100 Massassi warriors were killed to symbolize their devotion for the dark lord.
Rakata Statue
Rakata Statue | |
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Type | Ancient Rakata Artifact |
The Rakata (also known as the Builders), were a humanoid species with distinctive amphibian features. They were a technologically advanced race that developed early in galactic history (well before 36,453 BCGT), even developing some early hyperdrive technology. Long term use of the dark side of the Force corrupted their society and turned them into a race of merciless warriors. The Rakata used their potent Force-powered technologies to conquer and enslave every other species they came across throughout their known galaxy. With their empire expending, they build statues in their holdings to symbolize their rule and show who is in charge to the inhabitants of the planets. Most of these statues like records of Rakata empire were lost due to time, but recently some have been uncovered in a cave that was deep underground on the planet of Corellia. They are in pristine condition, and even most veteran archaeologists cant explain it. There are rumors that like with all Rakata creations, statues embodied dark energy as workers were sacrificed to build them and over time became force conduits.
Sith Obelisk
Sith Obelisk | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
The Sith Empire was established by the Sith of Korriban circa 28,000 BCGT when warlord Adas unified the many scattered Sith tribes on Korriban and established himself as the sole ruler and lord of Korriban. Three hundred years later, King Adas died following the defeat of the Rakatan invaders. After the king's death, the Empire was torn apart in the ensuing power struggle as many warlords claimed kingship for themselves. Although the Sith Nations engaged in open wars with each other, it didn't disparage Sith Kissai Caste of different tribes to work with each other, to further the understanding of the dark side of the force. Many obelisks were build to help communicate between various Library-temples where sorcerers of pure Sith-blood meditated and tried to unlock the secrets of the force.
The obelisk itself was an ancient Sith artifact, dating back to c. 14,000 BCGT, that used the dark side of the Force, to transfer information instantly over millions of light years to other obelisk that was activated. It was done through meditation, and it has been described on old runes, that it could even carry one's mind to other side of the connection. Only couple have been uncovered from various archaeological expeditions that happened on old Sith worlds. Many attempts have been made to activate them and contact someone on the other side of the line, but all have failed.
Statue of a Sith Lord
Statue of a Sith Lord | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
Sith Lord was a title that was conferred on members of various Sith Orders who had both considerable knowledge of and strength in the dark side. Sith Empire granted this title to its high ranking members, with the Dark Lord of the Sith as one of the most powerful. In the days of the past, those who aspired to become a Sith Lord had to train at the Korriban's Sith Academy and pass several brutal trials that would test their prowess and strength in the dark side,if they succeeded,they were admitted in the Order as a new Sith Lord. In their images, various statues were enacted and placed in temples and their tombs, to symbolize their power even after their death.
Ancient Sith Scroll
Ancient Sith Scroll | |
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Type | Ancient Sith Artifact |
The ancient Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Andeddu was the author of many Sith scrolls which he hoarded in his Fortress on his homeworld of Prakith. In 3997 BCGT, wayward Jedi Exar Kun found ancient Sith scrolls when he raided the Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Freedon Nadd spirit gave the scrolls to Kun after he opened the sarcophagus. With these scrolls, Kun unleashed dark arts on the galaxy, even allowing him to twist living things with the power of the dark side of the Force in to something different, and conjure up horrific illusions to render the enemy useless. After the fall of the Exar Kun, they came into possession of various Jedi knigts, while some of these scrolls were immediately destroyed by the Jedi Order, some were saved as they corrupted the carriers. Some say that like all artifacts that come from the old Sith Empire, these scrolls are conduits of the dark side of the Force. They are written in strange Sith dialect, and the scrolls that have been discovered are practically useless without the right translation.