The Antarian Rangers

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This article is about the current medical corporation. For the defunct government, see The Antarian Rangers (Years 4 - 11).
The Antarian Rangers
General Information
Status Active
Leader Mador Anami
2IC Char`Kargis Olort
Historical Information
Founded Year 10 Day 341
Dissolved Year 25 Day 91
Political Information
Affiliation New Republic
Galactic Alliance
Industry Medical Service
Holosite The Antarian Rangers


The rangers have been around for several hundreds of thousands of years. Their heritage vast and libraries are filled with their missions of exploiting the Sith and helping the Jedi. Whether they be on protection missions for the Jedi or contributing to the wealth of the New Republic to forge armies, The Antarian Rangers have always been there. The official creation date is not known but however traditions and legacies have always been passed on since the birth of The Antarian Rangers.

Episode 0 - The Founding (Pre Year 5)

Over the course of many years, the rangers have always had its heritage to be looked up. Under the direction of the House of Antaria, the rangers were under the leadership of Choibacco Antaria as a droid producer. The headquarters was located on Lorrell and was believed at one time it was a station in Hapan space called the White Star. At one point the rangers were close to the Wraiths, another military group.

Episode 1 - The House (Pre Year 5)

During this period The Antarian Rangers were rebuilt to become a paramilitary force but only to be robbed and betrayed by the Jedi Jawa Samus Augill and his apprentice, Maximus Archer. Also the House of Antaria left the organization only for the Rangers to be held on to dear life by a few dedicated rangers.

Episode 2 - The Rebuilding (Pre Year 5)

Shortly after the House of Antaria pulled out all assets from the Antarian Rangers and a small dedicated band of rangers including Dedrick Rogue saved The Antarian Rangers. This truly showed the spirit of the ranger will never fail. The small band were only mentioned briefly but are: Von Krolok, Jack Darooky, Andrew Bodowski, Deakon Jarvis, Kyle Navras, Ranos Jolpar. A relationship formed with the Jedi Praxium as the rangers became brothers/sisters with them. Jedi Praxium dealt with Diplomatic and TAR strengthened military and security. Majority of Jedi Praxium military assets were transferred over to TAR.

Episode 3 - The Stagnation (Pre Year 5)

Jake Azzameen took up temporary leadership when Dedrick Rogue went missing. Tine Darky became Ranger 1 briefly before stepping down and leaving TAR to marry a Jedi Master. This period led to another leadership change to Garik Vordarian to be the next Ranger One.

Episode 4 - The Disbandment (Year 5)

This period had two notable ranger 1s, Garik Vordarian and Deakon Jarvis, were in charge. Vordarian, was one of the oldest Veterans of Jedi Praxium and became a worthy inspiration to rangers but in his modest words Garik never did want leadership and only held the position of Ranger 1 for a month for he was the most senior veteran. Administration and day to day running of the organisation never was Vordarians specialty, but he excelled in as key advisor role, so he invited Deakon Jarvis to take over instead. This period only lasted till Kal Fisto, Master of the Jedi Praxium, decided to loot the Jedi Praxium and formed The Exchange, a pirated organization. Isoldor Storm around this time was holding Dedrick Rogue and two other rangers ransom. At this point Isoldor Storm told the Rebel Alliance that the ransom was up and executed Dedrick Rogue and the two rangers, before TAR even knew of the kidnapping. It wasn't the best start of new leadership, but forced TAR to make changes.

Episode 5 - The Stability (Late Year 5 to Year 7 303)

The Jedi Praxium's remaining leaders decided to merge the remaining assets and members into The Antarian Rangers while under Deakon's command. He led The Antarian Rangers for over two years with Rhys Skywalker being his Ranger 2. This era came to a close when Deakon Jarvis became ill and had to step down as Ranger 1 to only let Rhys Skywalker to become it.

Episode 6 - The Expansion (Year 7 Day 303 to Year 8 Day ??)

Rhys being given the mantles of The Antarian Rangers, boosted the income of The Antarian Rangers. At this time Rhys was able to purchase the vehicle producer known as Aratech from Jesfa of the Sons and Daughters of Freedom and rised the Outer Rim Excavations. This was probably the most beneficial time period and most financially stabled since the times when the rangers got robbed.

Episode 7 - The Preparation (Year 8 Day ?? to Year 9 Day 221)

Daktal Hearst became ranger 1 shortly after Rhys stepped down. Although Rhys was still around, Daktal forced an organizational reformation to operate way more efficiently. Once he got what he wanted he ceded his powers to Liam Helmrow. One month before the official GNS flashpoint news released that The Antarian Rangers was going to become a government, Liam fell gravely ill and decided to step down as Ranger One.

Episode 8 - The Reformation (Year 9 Day 221 to Year 10 Day 341)

The news flashed all over the universe, The Antarian Rangers did it! They became an government entity on Year 9 Day 221. Char'Kargis Olort became Ranger One after the Liam era. Another reformation was to come to allow the new status of the Rangers to reflect upon its newer needs. Flich Warfield returned during this era to ease the transition of the government status. As the Rangers prospered and advanced in all of their affairs, this drew unfortunately the attention of the hostile Black Sun, which finally and treasonously managed to dissolve the government. After a short period of disarray the Rangers reformed, with undaunted spirit, unbent will and eager focus, to continue their work under their own banner, the banner of the Antarian Rangers.

Episode 9 - The Restoration (Year 10 Day 341 to present)

With the medical group as new operations base quickly established, the reforms originally planned quickly carried through and resulted in what they originally were meant to achieve: stability and an environment to better support the Rangers' operations. Under the lead of Char`Kargis Olort the group expanded its operational capabilities and, formally not part of the GA anymore, conducted its operations in the spirits of the Rangers of the old.

Episode 10 - The Consolidation (Year 25 on)

The Antarian Rangers were rolled into Aratech and then the whole renamed The Antarian Rangers



Ranger 1

Ranger 2

  • Azzameen served as acting Ranger 1 until The Antarian Rangers could appoint a new Ranger One.


  • (Year 9)
  • (Year 12)