Astralwerks Engineering

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Astralwerks Engineering

General Information
Motto "Supplying your needs."
Status Defunct
Leader Juno Xaed (Year 2)
Green Devil (Year 3)
Others (List of leaders)
Owner Various individuals and entities
Historical Information
Founded Circa Year 0 (founded)
Year 5 Day 393[1] (reincorporated)
Year 6 Day 29[2] (reincorporated)
Political Information
Affiliation Kiner Corporation[3] (Year 6)
Dyna-Corp Family[4] (Year 7)
New Republic[1] (Year 10)
Industry Item Manufacturer
Holosite Astralwerks Engineering (Year 4),
Astralwerks Engineering (Year 8),
Astralwerks Engineering (Year 10)

Astralwerks Engineering (AE) was a notable manufacturer of trade goods originally headquartered on Lorell.


"In times or turmoil such as these, one can only rely on two things: Their sense of self preservation, and their equipment. The first one we can't supply, although the second we have been supplying for years with the utmost quality. Our goods are hand sorted, packed, sealed, and delivered with the most stringent quality checks. We have outlets on most of the major commercial planets, and are soon to be opening up on Lorell. Although if you prefer the more exclusive service, or wish some privacy, our goods are guaranteed to be delivered on-time to your door-step. Another service is our optional training in some of our more exotic items. So why look elsewhere when you have Astralwerks range to choose from."
Juno Xaed, First President of Astralwerks Engineering[5]

In Year 4, the organization consisted of President Incubus Kaine, Vice President Raiden, Finance Director Paige Wellington, and Commerce Director Troy Des.[6]

On Year 6 Day 27,[2] Astralwerks Engineering was reincorporated as a subsidiary of the Kiner Corporation[3] which was governed by Shadow Darklighter and Seele.[7]

In early Year 7, Astralwerks Engineering was purchased by notorious entrepreneur Isoldor Storm and became part of the Dyna-Corp Family. It originally stood alone as a single entity. After being purchased by Isoldor Storm the company was revamped. A complete revamp of how things ran to key personnel such as the President and Vice President to engineers themselves was reworked. Their new leader being Starenska Enoya helped Storm turn the company around into a prosperous entity of the Dyna-Corp Community.[4]

After increasing the overall net worth of the company, Isoldor promptly sold off the company to his brother Dantius Storm circa Year 8. Following this transaction, Dantius appointed Tomra Kotar and the company grew to new heights. Now, Astralwerks mainly focused its operations to the Joiol system in the Orus sector, where new construction facilities and a totally revamped research and development area are being constructed.[8]

By Year 10, the business was a nationalised company of the New Republic. On Day 175 of the same year, Astralwerks Engineering and Toskan Industries merged under the name of Astralwerks Engineering with Shaun Lightforce as leader. The business went well and revenues increased. On Day 266, Shaun Lightforce was replaced by Chief Administrative Officer Serli Sarn. At that point, on Day 343 Serli Sarn looted the company, destroyed the data archives, and fled leaving no trace behind. Following this event, an interim leader was appointed: Ezekiel Nien. The new leader managed to reorganize the company and on Year 11 Day 2 he rechristened it as Noga-Ta Industries.

Serli Sarn was eventually murdered on Day 364. The following investigations brought to light that Serli Sarn had joined Black Star Recycling on Day 344, where she was placed in charge of all production. Twenty days later, she was reportedly killed by her friend and boss Sirrela Corleone and her brother Stefan Corleone.

Item Datacards

Astralwerks Engineering possessed the following datacards: Arctic Survival Helmet, Arctic Survival Suit, Thermal Survival Suit, Thermal Survival Helmet, Vacuum Survival Suit, Vacuum Survival Helmet, Vacuum Survival Backpack, Amphibian Survival Suit, Amphibian Survival Mask, Amphibian Survival Backpack, Portable Power Fusion Generator, Restraining Bolt, Electronic Lock Breaker, Multiple Sensor Pack, Jetpack, Large Backpack, Heavy Belt, Camouflage Scout Armour, Camouflage Scout Helmet, Sub-Space Radio and GPS.[1]

Known Management


Main article: Timeline


  • (Year 3)
  • (Year 4)

  • (Year 8)
  • (Year 9)
