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Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 6
Sublight Speed 60mglt
Max Speed 800km/hr
Maneuverability 7
Sensors 1
Escape Pods {{{escapepods}}}
Docking Bay {{{dockingbay}}}
Hangar Bay {{{hangarbay}}}
Landing Capacity {{{landingcap}}}
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts {{{repulsor}}}
Graviton Generators {{{graviton}}}
Docking Port {{{dockingport}}}
Medical Room {{{medicalroom}}}
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling {{{recycling}}}
Weapons/Utilities {{{weaponsutility}}}
Cargo Stats
Weight 400T
Volume Volume: 3,780 m³
Weight Capacity 25T
Volume Capacity 70 m³
Max Passengers 8
Party Slot Size {{{partyslotsize}}}
Hull Statistics
Length 27m
Hull 180
Shield 135
Ionic Capacity 85
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 418,552 (extra 100,000 for modifications)
Quantum 59
Meleenium 504
Ardanium 52
Rudic 41
Rockivory 52
Tibannagas 74
Varmigio 273
Lommite 14
Durelium 81
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Ordo Perkins, various criminal groups

The Beskar'gam was found in deep space by Ordo Perkins, who tractored the ship aboard a YV-666 he was transporting. The ship was abandoned with only a dead body and a deactivated R3 astromech on board. The ship computer linked the ship to various criminal organizations as a contracted freighter. Ordo Perkins added some basic modifications to aid in combat and infiltration. The ship is rumored to have sensor distorting plates to avoid detection at long ranges as well as a matte black finish that allows it to blend into the back drop of space. Other modifications are smuggling compartments and High out put engines for slightly faster atmospheric and sublight speeds.