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Production information
Galactic Registry ID# 87
Production Date Unknown
Class Corvette
Model CR-90
Manufacturer Unknown
Technical specifications
Length 150 meters
Engine Unit(s) Corellian Engineering Corporation ion turbine drives
Power Plant Mason-Branger 7085 ionization reactor and regulator
Shield System Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4E screen control and shield projector
Speed Hyperdrive: 6.0
Sublight: 60 MGLT
Armament Turbolaser (4)
Heavy Laser (4)
Standard Systems Docking port (2)
Escape pod (2)
Hangar bay (1)
Modified Systems Upgraded hyperdrive system
Weapons system
Exterior paint scheme
Crew 7
Passenger Capacity 160
Cargo Capacity 1,000 tons
Consumables 1 year
Commissioned Blindsight Year 13 (CGT) or earlier
Role(s) Blockade runner
Home Port Woldona system
Owner(s) Tomas o`Cuinn
Previous Owner(s) Cait Catra
Black Sun
Commander(s) Cpt. Resmi Senesca

The Blindsight is a modified CR-90 Corvette owned by Tomas o`Cuinn and operates under the command of Captain Resmi Senesca. Though the vessel's origin has been lost to history, it rose to prominence within Black Sun in Year 13 when it was assigned to a task force led by the Imperial Star Destroyer BSS Nemesis. The ship was used extensively by Kelmanis Vaan during the Battle of Axxila against the United Rebel Front, whose actions during the conflict earned him both a position on the Family Council and governorship of Axxila.[1] Near the end of Year 14, the Dael'mor Mandalorian clan took possession of the vessel upon their departure from Black Sun. The Blindsight is known to boast an upgraded hyperdrive and a modified weapons package.
