Cait Catra

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Cait Catra
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Wodan
Spouse Niobe Asha
Born Y-19
Quote "You can accurately judge a person by the enemies they make."
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.65m
Coloring Fair
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Dael'mor
Prior Affiliation The Resistance
Gree Trade Authority
Black Watch
Black Sun

Cait Catra is a member of the Dael'mor Mandalorian Clan. She is best known for her years of accomplishments as a Vigo in Black Sun and, as the chosen successor to Dark Prince Banquo Knox, a short reign as Dark Princess before handing the throne to her wife, Niobe Asha.

Dark Princess (Black Sun)
Preceded By:
Banquo Knox
Cait Catra
Year 14 Day 230Year 14 Day 300
Succeeded By:
Niobe Asha