Cha Raaba

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Cha Raaba
General information
Sector Hutt Space
Galactic Coordinates (397, -20)
Date of Discovery Before record-keeping began
Planets 2
Suns 1
Moons 1
Asteroid Fields
Controlled By Eidola Pirates
Astrographic Entry Cha Raaba


Cha Raaba is an old, red star of organgish tint. Linguists differ as to the precise meaning of the term behind the name; there are a number of different word roots from which it may be derived. This has caused some controversy among galactic scholars, which is likely to remain unresolved. As often happens in such cases, native experts in the Huttese tongue (of which there are a remarkable number) all seem fully content in their own interpretation and little surprised or much concerned that most of the others are wrong.

The star supports a small planetary system consisting of only two worlds, both of which orbit close to the primary. Ice and debris in the outer reaches never coalesced into bodies of any size; comets and asteroids are virtually unknown. The inner planet, Ylesia, does have a small moon, however, and the moon bears a life-sustaining atmosphere similar in composition to Ylesia's own. Nevertheless, it is that planet itself which is most settled; the Cha Raaba system is often known as the Ylesian system for the society centered around the tropical world.

The system, in all of its segments, remains mostly given over to natural wilderness. There are no native sentient beings, and although it has long been inhabited, little serious development has ever been undertaken. It is one of a handful of star systems tucked away in a remote corner of Hutt Space. Although the Hutts traditionally own all of these systems, none in living memory appears to have taken much interest in them. The area is not heavily patrolled, and no large space battles have ever occurred there. Despite rumors existing of some more nefarious affairs here, the main business in Cha Raaba is the ranching and exportation of indigenous reeks, which are popular throughout the Outer Rim for use in combat and as beasts of burden. However, due to the well-known territoriality of the Hutts, the wise visitor will nonetheless seek permission before coming into the region.


Cha Raaba is a remote system in the Outer Rim that has long been under the control of the Eidola Pirates, although the system contains a moon occupied primarily by the Knights of the Fountain. Although it had long been largely unobtrusive and easily overlooked, Cha Raaba was brought to the galaxy's attention in Year 14 when Syn of the Eidola Pirates captured Executor Seele of the Galactic Empire on the surface of Ylesia, its largest and most populous planet. Since then, the system has been the origin of many of Eidola's news broadcasts and is visited frequently by avid hunters and reckless sightseers. Tourists are advised to seek out Eidola's permission prior to conducting business within the system due to the high levels of local pirate activity.