Clone Advocacy Office

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Whilst Ternion Corps has been advocating for the clones since the end of the war, formalizing an office on Arvala-6 allowed for the creation of Ternion Corps' Clone Advocacy Office (CAO). Taking on the role of Chief Advocacy Officer, Siou Wolfsbane started to work to embed a more official system.

Ternion Corps - Clone Advocacy Office
Status Active
Leader Chief Advocacy Officer Siou Wolfsbane
2IC Director Nayru Kahn
Motto Vode an
Founded -25 BCGT
Headquarters Arvala-6
Language Basic
Political Information
Standing Anti-Imperial
Former Affiliation The Republic
Type Veterans Society, Not-For-Profit, Charity

The Fate of the Clones after the First Galactic Civil War

When the Clone Wars ended in year -23, the Clone Army remained in service to the Empire, who continued to use batches of clones that were in production and training at the wars' end. After the war, however, the Empire no longer ordered any additional clone units. As clones aged twice as fast an normal humans, they began to be phased out as the Empire turned to conscripting them. Older clones were often transferred to Outer Rim units or given teaching positions at the many Imperial Academies.

While still skilled and sharp, clones became increasingly looked down upon by the Imperial leadership as either genetic abominations or reminders of a corrupt Republic and the tragic years of war. By Year -10, all clones had been decommissioned or retired.

In Year 18, Ternion Corps, an advocacy group for Clone War veterans and their families, partnered with cloning scientists to resume production of clone soldiers using the original Kaminoan template in an effort to educate the galaxy and keep the legacy of the Grand Army of the Republic alive.

History of Clone Advocacy

The goal of the advocacy office is to help those clones who were abandoned and left to fend for themselves after the end of the war. Whilst they had been deemed a requirement to help the Republic's fight against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, it was also deemed that they should not be treated with the same respect offered to other sentient beings who had taken part in the war. This has left many displaced from the other life they had known with no ability to integrate into a "normal" life in peace time.

Some clones were lucky, and were able to find work, putting their skills to work where they could. Those who couldn't had no place to turn, until Ternion Corps started its reach out program, helping those who needed assistance. Initially, assistance was provided by way of working for Ternion Corps in their standard corporate jobs; mining, manufacturing, construction.

Where possible, clones were also provided with accommodation, and guidance on how they can build new lives for themselves.

At the beginning of the year 26, the CAO secured premises in a city on Arvala-6. The aim of this was to formalize and expand upon the assistance that can be provided to clone veterans from healthcare, to working with third party companies to provide work outside of roles within Ternion Corps. Beyond herself, and a protocol droid, HK-4Q, Siou brought on board Doctor Vokro Bikrav to head up the health care department. Shortly after, Bikrav was followed by two clones offering their services, Keng Stel'ynks and Oyssir Zinn, heading up Clone Assistance and Training, respectively. Siou's companion, Nayru Kahn, took the position of director, heading up External Placement, and a weequay called Shudlum Krustenk came on board as director of Housing.

The main focus for the team has been to help with elder care. Since the end of the war in year -24, clones who survived the war are now elderly. With the forming of the office, focus is starting to shift to the descendants of clones. Prior to this, Ternion Corps had set up a few retirement communities across the galaxy to provide free housing.

Roles are still vacant, and open for applications. If you believe you can help, please contact Siou Wolfsbane. Please note, roles are voluntary, and as such are unpaid at this time.

Departments within the Clone Advocacy Office and notable staff

Health Care

Doctor Vokro Bikrav and his team provide affordable healthcare to those who require it. Assistance initially will be provided on site, at the Advocacy Office, but the plan will be to in time make home visits, be in on Arvala-6, or elsewhere throughout the galaxy. Medical aid will range from the treatment of illness, injuries to emergency and even mental wellness.


Director Shudlum Krustenk assists clone veterans in need of obtaining housing when required. This can vary from short-term lets in neighboring cities, to Ternion operated retirement communities, to working alongside External Placements to helping clones find homes on other planets.

Clone Assistance

Director Keng Stel'ynks department helps clones and non-clones alike with a varying array of assistance, from reconnecting friends, and sometimes family members with one another, to educational information provided to dispel myths and separatist propaganda around the war.


General Oyssir Zinn, formerly of the Grand Army of the Republic, heads up the department briefed to helping individuals finding a new vocation in life after the war. Zinn's staff will provide courses ranging from farming, engineering, medical training, working with the Health Care department, to teaching, administration, social care.

Ben Rivengold signed up to assist clones with civilian life skills, aiding veterans from the Clone Wars, current generation clones, and clone descendants.

External Placement

Director Nayru Kahn's brief within this department is to work with companies and governments of non-local systems to aid finding jobs for those in need.

Mission of Ternion Corps - Clone Advocacy Office

As with its parent company, the CAO upholds the ongoing mission statement:

  • To uphold the ideals of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Galactic Republic.
  • To recognize the sacrifices made by veterans of the Clone Wars.
  • To preserve the memories of the Clone Wars.
  • To care for veterans of the Clone Wars.
  • To foster camaraderie among veterans of the Clone Wars.
  • To educate the descendants of veterans of the Clone Wars.
  • To maintain readiness for future armed conflicts.
  • To preserve the Clone template.