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HomeworldMunto Codru
LanguageCodruese [1]
Average Height1.6 meters (adults) 1.0 meters (juveniles) [1]
DistinctionsFour arms [1]
Average lifespanUsually up to 85 standard years

The Codru-Ji are a race of four-armed humanoids that inhabit the planet Munto Codru. Born as six legged canines known as Wyrwulves, they encase themselves in a cocoon at puberty, emerging weeks later as a two meter tall adult humanoid. Codru-Ji sleep standing up, and communicate on a hypersonic level.

Biology and Appearance

The Codru-Ji have a highly differentiated two-stage life cycle separating adults from adolescents. Codru-Ji children are born as meter long canids with the six limbs that are distinctive of all Codru-Ji. These pups, known as Wyrwulves, are frequently mistaken by outsiders as no more than family pets, an impression aided by their inability to speak in anything more than snarls and growls. The juveniles are sociable, often licking guest as a sign of greeting, however, they can also deliver a strong bite to deter attackers. Wyrwulves are given affectionate nicknames such as "Hrika" or "Lirri" and do not receive their real names until adulthood. Wyrwulves mature for 8 years before entering a cocoon. They remain in this rubbery blue cocoon for a period of a few weeks before emerging in adult form.

Adult Codru-Ji appear as humanoids, albeit with four arms. They lose the thick pelt of their earlier form, but retain other features such as their strong skin. Codru-Ji hearing extends to a supersonic level undetectable to many species. The mature form averages 1.6 meters in height. Of their four limbs, Codru-Ji have one primary hand, with which they are most skilled. The remainder ware “off hands”, though still utile. An unusual trait of the Codru-Ji is that they sleep standing upright. They developed sleeping harnesses to secure adults in this position. Adults can learn quickly using one hand they could then duplicate their ability with all their limbs. They can go days without food and water and had senses that allow them to scan the surrounding area.[1]

Society and Culture

Highly xenophobic, Codru-Ji were originally reluctant to allow members of other species access to their society. Although not particularly afraid of off-worlders, the Codru-Ji were concerned that outside influences would "rub off" on their society. Several aspects of their culture, such as ritual kidnapping of children of political rivals, were considered barbaric by galactic standards, and as such the Codru-Ji thought it best to remain removed from the greater galactic scene.[1]
