Corporate Alliance

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Corporate Alliance
General Information
Motto Freedom through Commerce
Status Active
Leader CEO Mishka Sorokin
2IC Myattjat Feska
Owner Mishka Sorokin
Historical Information
Founded Year 6 Day 10
Political Information
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems
Industry Trade Conglomerate
Holosite Corporate Alliance

The Corporate Alliance is one of the Galaxy's largest trade conglomerates and a former founding member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems(CIS), built upon the idea of bringing free and unrestricted trade to all beings. In order to achieve that goal, the conglomerate works with, and represents, many leading companies on the galactic market offering banking and civic management to hundreds of planets.

The Alliance not only has a major role in commerce, but also acts as the regional governing body for the Kalarba and Glom Tho star systems, making them the majority territory holder for the sector.


The Corporate Alliance was founded on Year 6 Day 10. At one time, the reputation of the Corporate Alliance was one of ruthlessness ironically only looking out for their own profit margins. Leadership fell into the hands ofHorley Cyan, who built the conglomerate up from practically nothing into a major trading organization. The Corporate Alliance was one of the founding members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

After a successful period of leadership, Horley left the Corporate Alliance to move onto greater heights within the Confederacy itself, leaving his trusted Vice President, Bren Morgarr, in charge of the conglomerate. Once again Bren was at the helm assisted by his Transport Director, now Vice President Garven Stalwart. The trade department continued to excel and the Transport department boomed. After an unfortunate illness, Bren left the Corporate Alliance to the Mon Calamari Garven Stalwart.

Garven now lead this group assisted by yet another Bren trainee from Renketsu, Gariad Highflier. With all these two had learned from both Bren and Horley over the years the Corporate Alliance still stood strong with honesty, integrity, and a stringent anti thievery stance.

But misfortune was to strike again. Gariad Highfler was forced to take a leave of absence for personal reasons and Garven led the conglomerate alone during this time. When Gariad returned, he resigned as Vice President but continued as a dedicated Logistics Captain. Garven now looked for new assistance in running Corporate Alliance and he found it in Jacob Jansen, who had already proven himself by taking over Gariads other role as Deputy Head of Logistics during his absence.

In Year 7, after bringing the Corporate Alliance back into prosperity, Garven left the conglomerate to take care of himself and his family, leaving Krayt Fel in control of the Alliance. Fel worked to recruit personnel and improve its overall efficiency. He used the vast resources the Confederacy had to offer to make the Alliance more influential in the Galactic Trade Market. With its unsteady past, the Alliance was finally moving down a path to stability.

Good things dont always last, and, in year 8, the Corporate Alliance underwent a major change. With its member base and assets mostly absorbed by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy at large, the Alliance was sold to Rand Axim, proprietor of the extremely popular Galactic Gaming Corporation gaming holosite. The conglomerate saw little growth during this period, but was successful in keeping the dream of the founders alive.

Late in Year 9, when most had forgotten the once successful Corporate Alliance, Siejo Kutol purchased the conglomerate from Mr. Axim. Determined to bring the company back to glory, Kutol took what he saw as necessary steps to improve the organization as a whole, and hopefully bring it back to its former glory.

Year 10

The Corporate Alliance stock quickly rose, claiming the spot as one of the more notable trading company in the galaxy. Its independent nature allowed it to work with many groups in the galaxy and still stay very legitimate. Initially, a nautolan named Saul Cohmre lead the CA while Mr. Kutol worked in the Techno Union. Chief Magistrate Cohmre had a great business mind and kept the CA on the cutting edge of the galaxy. The Alliance focus was more then just trading and involved many areas of work including mining, ship building and construction. It was during this time that the Corporate Alliance become the major stockholder of a ship-production company Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.. HKD was integrated into the general CA structure and also become hugely successful.

Year 11

With the addition of HKD, the CA workload increased significantly, but the challenge was met. Siejo Kutol took over for Mr. Cohmre as Chief Magistrate and the CA ranks swelled. It was during the end of Year 10 that the Alliance began to gain a strong presence in the Oseon System, taking control mid year 11. With Hoersch-Kessel Drive a major success, other companies soon pledged to join the Alliance. Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company and Phoenix Recycling Corporation joined mid year and lead to making the Alliance one of the strongest Independent Conglomerates in the galaxy. Close to the end of the Year, the Corporate Alliance joined with an old ally, The Order of Kampar. and reestablished the Confederacy of Independent Systems

Year 12

With alot of success comes growth, and with much growth comes hardships. Chiewab was the first to be hit in the Alliance, closing at the beginning of the year due to lack of interest. Phoenix, which had been merged with Haven Corporation to become Haven Recycling Corporation, was having a hard time keeping the supply lines open, so Kutol transferred over to help lead them back to the right path. Family Friend Elm Aran was appointed leader when Saul Cohmre retired from the public spotlight. Mr. Aran immediately took command of the reigns and steered the Corporate Alliance back onto a path to profit.

Year 14

After a 2 year exodus, Siejo Kutol took command of the Alliance once more. He introduced new provisions the enabled the Alliance to enter into the Banking and Transport business. This lead to an immediate impact on the Alliance Economy, but brought about a broad shift in many of the Alliance business partners.

Year 16

After a clean separation from the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the tyrannical takeover of Samuel Ashen, the Corporate Alliance was accepted into the Krath Alliance, and joined the war efforts against the Galactic Empire.

Year 18

Magistrate Elm Aran died at 0:47 on Year 18 Day 159, he was succeeded by Shall Ti as leader of the Corporate Alliance. The exact cause of his death was not initially known. Later reports indicated that his death was orchestrated by Shall Ti. Mr. Ti gained control of the group but his's reign would be short though as leader of the Corporate Alliance. Most systems previously controlled by the Corporate Alliance were seemingly transferred to Matukai Dragons. Then at 2200 hours on Year 18 Day 161 the Corporate Alliance dissolved due to bankruptcy.

This would not be the complete end of the Corporate Alliance though as the Confederate Mining Guild would rename itself Corporate Alliance on Year 18 Day 162 just after midnight Galactic Time making Remington Steele the new leader of the Corporate Alliance. That said, this also was short lived. Corporate Alliance eventually dissolved on Day 339 in Year 18.

Year 25

CEO Mishka Sorokin acquires and is placed in charge of the Corporate alliance.


The Corporate Alliance is divided into Four departments: Trade, Logistics, Banking and Security. Each department is headed by a director, that, along with the Chief Magistrate and Vice-Magistrate, make up the ruling Alliance Directorate.
