DOM Arsenal

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DOM Arsenal
General Information
Status Dissolved
Leader Andre Archer
2IC David Archer
Owner Andre Archer, David Archer and Gavin Kaos
Historical Information
Founder Andre Archer, David Archer and Gavin Kaos
Founded Year 21 Day 172
Dissolved Year 22 Day 356
Political Information
Affiliation -ARK-
Industry Manufacturing


DOM Arsenal is one of the most reliable ship producers of the galaxy. Hundreds of Factories and Shipyards working non-stop to deliver thousands of fighters, corvettes and capital ships that reinforce the military of innumerous groups around the galaxy. DOM is currently based on the Venedlia System, Instrop Sector, but the mining operations span several asteroid fields, heavily guarded by DOM's defense fleet.


DOM is led by two Sauvax brothers, Andre Archer and David Archer, who teamed up with their mentor and old friend Gavin Kaos to make their dream come true: join forces to build and enterprise to deliver cutting edge technology to all the beings in the galaxy and help their effort to fight for freedom and respect to all the species.

DOM Creation:

"I want you to partner with me in an asteroid mining company" said their host and esteemed friend. The younger brother loved the idea, raised his glass and replied "And with those RMs we produce ships". Then the older one smiled and finished "and with all of that we trade". Soon, glasses were emptied and a planning session endured for hours. An idea had turned into a Company. The three of them deposited some credits and the adventure started. Their goal, to mine, to produce, to trade and above all, to have fun in the process.

Regarding the name, the three of them were old, they were skilled miners, and they did not mind to get their hands dirty...DOM was the perfect choice.


DOM specializes on bulk orders of fighters, capital ships and weapons. If you want to negotiate a deal, please contact David Archer or join us on our Discord Channel.

We also sell individual products on CPM, bu stay tuned for our special editions in our Discord Channel

Task Force:

Another important branch of DOM Arsenal is the Military Task Force. Different from several Mercenary groups around the galaxy, DOM’s Task Force isn’t available for hire. DOM’s soldiers fight alongside other Rebel groups to protect and defend freedom values and ideals.

Battles and Operations: