Darlene Bazinga

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Darlene Bazinga
Biographical Information
Race Hapan (adopted Devaronian)
Homeworld Unknown
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings Unknown
Children None
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.70 meters
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Political Information
Affiliation SYT Transport
Rank Faction Leader
Positions Wing Commander, Senior Officer
Prior Affiliation None
Awards None


Darlene looks like a normal human female, about 5'7" ft, blonde, with a streak of Hapan beauty. She behaves like a Devaronian though, being raised there.

She tends to dress practical. Her clothing must be comfy and have lots of pockets. She likes to stow stuff... Mostly she wears worker coveralls with a longcoat over them to hide her figure and hidden goodies. High leather boots complete the outfit. If the occasion demands it she can look like a lady with a nice dress and manners to match.


Born and raised on Devaron Darlene only figured out she wasn't Devaronian untill a Hapan delegation visited Idegon city. She was 14 years old at the time. It turned out her mother was found on a derelict ship by a bounty hunter who took her to his place and left her in the care of his wife. She died shortly after Darlene was born. Her Devaronian 'brother' was his son, Harnil Mantell. Lately she has come to embrace her Hapan heritage more.

Darlene was so jealous when he came of age and took to the stars. Something that wasn't for girls they said. 'Girls stayed at home and kept things running' they said. Well she learned a lot about that and was glad for it. Just when she was ready to accept her fate to remain planetbound and rise in local politics, grave news reached the small family; her brother had lost his life because of a fatal navigation error. Now she just knew she couldn't stay. She had to get out there, if only to keep a closer eye on his only son. So now she's plying the space lanes with the group her brother used to work for. It is said they're the best in transport. If that is so, she can help them get even better!