Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle

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Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 5.0
Sublight Speed 73 MGLT
Max Speed 730 km/h
Maneuverability 5.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods n/a
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Turbolasers: 1
Heavy Laser: 3
Cargo Stats
Weight 100 T
Volume 25,000 m³
Weight Capacity 18 T
Volume Capacity 25 m³
Max Passengers 16
Party Slot Size 4.00
Hull Statistics
Length 30 m
Hull 120
Shield 100
Ionic Capacity 60
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 161,552
Quantum 34
Meleenium 357
Ardanium 29
Rudic 35
Rockivory 28
Tibannagas 29
Varmigio 97
Lommite 21
Durelium 32
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation Incom Corporation
Galactic Empire

When designers were asked to develop the ship that eventually became the Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle, they were pointed to the original Lambda design and given a list of desired improvements. The Imperial designers threw out the suggested improvements given to them by the commanders and instead began interviewing pilots of the Lambda Shuttle. They collected first-hand reports of performance shortcomings from those most experienced with the ship's capabilities.

Aside from faster sublight engines and stronger shields, the new design also boasted a reinforced hull to improve the shuttle's chances of reaching safety undamaged. The Lambda Shuttle does not lack the ability to protect itself, but the Delta-Class has better manoeuvrability and a far more respectable amount of fire-power, in the front, three forward heavy lasers and a dual turbolaser turret covering its rear arc, making it extremely dangerous for any pursuer.

What caught the attention of organizations still using the Lambda Shuttle was that it still has a slightly better cargo capacity in comparison to the Delta-Class; within secured sectors, the Lambda Shuttle is still an attractive choice over the more expensive JV-7, explaining why the Lambda Shuttle has not yet been entirely replaced by the newer JV-7. For more hostile sectors, the Delta-Class, with precious passengers and cargo on-board, is the obvious choice over the Lambda Shuttle, as it can get their passengers safely through hostile areas where the Lambda Shuttle would be unable to grant its passengers the protection, manoeuvrability, and fire-power often needed to reach its destination without fighter escort.

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