Edmond Zaccone

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Edmond Zaccone
Biographical Information
Race Ortolan
Homeworld Orto
Physical Description
Gender Male
Coloring Purple
Political Information
Affiliation New Republic
Rank O-2
Positions Senator, Navy Lieutenant
Prior Affiliation Kerdos Company
Awards Prospector Excellence Award, Sluis Achievement Award



As a skilled and gifted Ortolan child, Edmond traveled between several families while growing up, expanding his knowledge and education. While most Ortolans are forced out of home at 7, Edmond voluntarily left at age 6, already skilled enough to provide for himself. Living on the mineral rich planet of Orto, he became supremely skilled at finding and locating deposits. This helped him to acquire a great wealth as he grew older.

Even though he acquired great wealth, he was very generous and always obliging to those in need. He built a school to help further the education of those in his home town and also opened a wonderful restaurant as Ortolans do love their food.

While on Orto, Edmond began to feel the call of the stars, and purchased an old ship from a trader that was passing through. He left his estate and his wealth behind to his family, and set out on a journey that would ultimately shape who he will become.

The New Republic

After setting out on his journey, Edmond decided to stop by the trading station in his home system of Orto. There he met a Gand named Adel Hosny who encouraged him to bring his prospecting and mining talents into the service of the New Republic under JUGANOTH Mining Corporation.

After talking for a while with Adel, and hearing of the vast amount of space and planets that the New Republic controlled that Edmond would be able to explore, he signed up gladly and begun his expedition into prospecting.

After graduating from the New Republic Academy, Edmond was asked to become the instructor of Mining and Construction for the Academy. He was very honored and accepted gratefully, and for a time, enjoyed teaching newcomers about his craft.

After a time however, he wanted to spend more of his time concentrating on prospecting, and moved on to focusing solely on that, and resigned from his teaching position.

After several hundred prospects, on Y13 D90 Edmond was awarded the New Republic's "Prospector Excellence Award". He was very grateful, and honored to receive such an award.

A few months after winning the award, Edmond was offered the position of 3rd in Command for the Kerdos Company from Kristina Roberts. Honored to be requested for such a position, he discussed it with his superiors at JMC and decided that it was best for him to accept the position.

Several months after moving to Kerdos, he was again approached with another promotion, this time to second in command of Kerdos. He accepted and now assists Kristina Roberts in the managing of Kerdos.

On Y14 D140, Edmond again accepted a teaching position in the New Republic Academy, in the Civilian Studies department. He does this as well as his duties with Kerdos.

On Y14 D191 he won a very close election and narrowly defeated Robby Rae, and was elected to the New Republic Senate along with Phoenix Firewind.

On Y14 D210 he was the first candidate to announce their running for Chief of State between Damon Phet and Lukastar Narvaka

On Y14 D227 despite having over 20 pledged votes and over 1,100 campaign Q&A views, Edmond only received 6 votes, and he lost the election alongside Damon Phet, as Lukastar Narvaka was elected Chief of State.

On Y14 D252 he graduated from the Republic Diplomacy Command Academy per Andrew Harris.

On Y14 D253 he was promoted to leader of Kerdos Company as the "Chief Executive Officer" by CoS Lukastar Narvaka.

On Y14 D277 he was re-elected to the Senate, but as receiving the 6th most votes, he will take Qui-Gon Gwynne's seat, who resigned

On Y15 D3 he finished second in another Chief of State election, this time losing to Kara DuMonte but ahead of Orion Chran

On Y15 D3 he retired from his civil posts and enlisted in the New Republic Naval Academy.

On Y15 D11 he graduated from the New Republic Naval Academy

At the end of the 17th Session of the Senate, he did not seek re-election.

Elected Senator for a third time Y15 D277.

He continues to pursue helping the Senate, RDC and the New Republic in any way he can.

Career History

Current Occupations

Former Occupations

Career Timeline

  • Joined JUGANOTH Mining Corporation Y12D256
  • Joined NR Academy as Civilian Cadet Y12D256
  • Graduated from the NR Academy Y12D263
  • Joined NR Academy staff as a "Teacher" specializing in Mining and Construction Y12D265
  • Resigned as NR Academy "Teacher" Y12D346
  • Promoted to "Journeyman Miner", O-4, JUGANOTH Mining Corporation Y13D57
  • Awarded "Prospector Excellence Award" for finding a massive vein Y13D90
  • Promoted to "Third in Command", C-1, Kerdos Company Y13D178
  • Promoted to "Second in Command", C-2, Kerdos Company Y13D347
  • Rejoined New Republic Academy staff as "Teacher" of Civilian Studies Y14D140
  • Awarded "Sluis Achievement Award" by Kristina Roberts, Kerdos Company Y14D175
  • Elected as Senator, Senate, New Republic Y14D191
  • Promoted to "Senior Lecturer", O-3, Civilian Studies, New Republic Academy Y14D191
  • Graduated from Republic Diplomacy Command Academy Y14D252
  • Promoted to "Chief Executive Officer", C-3, Kerdos Company Y14D253
  • Promoted to "Assistant Attaché", O-1, Republic Diplomacy Command Y14 D256
  • Re-elected as Senator, Senate, New Republic Y14D277
  • Resigned post as Senior Lecturer in the New Republic Academy Y14 D350
  • Resigned post as Assistant Attaché in the Republic Diplomacy Council Y15 D3
  • Retired post as Chief Executive Officer of Kerdos Company Y15 D3
  • Enlisted in New Republic Naval Academy Y15 D3
  • Graduated from New Republic Naval Academy Y15 D11
  • Promoted to rank O-1 Ensign
  • Did not seek re-election to Senate Y15 D78
  • Promoted to Lieutenant [JG] Y15 D191
  • Returned to the RDC
  • Elected Senator Y15 D277
  • Promoted to rank O-3, Lieutenant Y15 D283