Erica Ferrari

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Erica Ferrari
Biographical Information
Race Human - Caucasian
Homeworld Tatooine
Mother Emily Ferrari
Father Jean Ferrari
Marital Status Single
Spouse None
Siblings Mina Ferrari
Children Azzure Ferrari
Born Year -9 Day 160
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 156cm / 5'2"
Weight 45kg / 100lbs
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Green
Political Information
Title Director
Rank Commodore

Erica Ferrari is a freelance pilot, trader and former socialite. During her early years she was best known for her avid and honest trading record, outspoken anti-Imperial views, public satire and her unusual vocal quirks. A human native of Tatooine she has traveled the galaxy extensively in her relatively short years. Her allegiances lay with Cythe Group Industries, a neutral conglomerate of industrial companies. She holds a senior position among the group, and has been known to fill roles as varied as logistics pilot, diplomat, corporation leader and even owner of several of the companies. However despite this connection with the conglomerate, which she refers to as her 'family' rather than employers, she lives a mostly freelance lifestyle, traveling the galaxy at the head of a small fleet of capital ships. Erica is known for her highly vocal anti-Imperial and anti-Pirate leanings, and has been rumored to command a small, loyal militia - giving weight to whispers that her long term intentions may be more martial than industrial. She's the former 2iC and later leader of Santhe Corporation and past owner of both Santhe Corp and Sarshen Spaceworks.

Appearance & Demeanor

Erica Ferrari Year 17

Erica is a petite human female with an athletic build, attractive features, deep green eyes and long auburn hair which is most often worn out or restrained in a long ponytail. Standing barely over five feet in height (156cm) and weighing a delicate ninety five pounds (45kg) the young woman is rather small, even for human standards. She has pleasant, youthful features which combined with her small stature often give the impression of being even younger than her years. She carries herself with a confident gait, speaking with a thick Tatooinian accent laden with many regional vocal quirks. Her distinctive stride and athletic figure are thanks to a rigorous regime of exercise and brawling, her tanned skin tone reflecting her many years of upbringing on the desert world of Tatooine.

Erica owns an extensive wardrobe containing both the mundane and the extraordinary. Almost all her possessions being purple, she prefers her custom armour or engineering outfits if on a mission, formal wear or casual civilian attire when relaxing. For special occasions one my encounter Erica in formal ceremonial armour, and reportedly even occasionally Storm Trooper armour. Despite this masculine overture in her style the young woman can also often be found in quite feminine or revealing clothing, known to welcome all guests onto her flagship while dressed in a flowing, figure hugging purple evening gown and heels. Whilst exercising on her flagship or home-station often quite stylish and modern bikinis or gym attire.

Contrary to her almost innocent appearance Erica is reported to be a little mentally and emotionally unstable at times due to her isolated upbringing and subsequent traumatic life-events that followed her departure from Tatooine. As a result is known to often becoming unpredictable or paranoid, sometimes give the impression she's a bit simple or possibly mentally disturbed. In general encounters however Erica comes across very warm, polite and diplomatic. She has a naturally bubbly and flirty demeanor, whilst under pressure or threat exuding a calm, strong and professional confidence. Once very outgoing it's said her demeanor has softened and quietened during recent years after what she describes as very emotional and testing times.


Early life on Tattoine

Jean Ferrari

A native of the desert world of Tatooine, Erica grew up alone with her father Jean Ferrari, a former Imperial soldier. Spending her formative years by his side as he plied the merchant trade, her natural aptitude and love of machines, especially droids, became evident from an early age. She could often be found rummaging in local scrapyards and dismantling her father's droids and equipment - much to his dismay. Growing up without her mother (Emily Ferrari), a young Corellian school teacher who reportedly died giving birth, and with little female influence in her life she became somewhat of a tomboy. Moulding her into the visage of the son he would never have, her father would go on to teach her all she needed to know to survive on the desert planet, as well as the skills needed to protect herself. As a result Erica has a strong tactical knowledge for a civilian, being skilled with most modern weapons and a capable pilot of both vehicles and starships. A natural diplomat, Erica would later also find a love of flying and commanding capital ships. Despite her talents and varied skills Erica has no formal education other than that provided by both the 'University of Life' and her father Jean.

Erica Ferrari Year 3 (Age 13)

Not long after her 19th birthday Erica set out for the first time ever from Tatooine, with her a Jawa companion by her side - Delmon Retarma, a gifted Jawa who Erica had met in a local scrapyard during her youth and effectively grown up with as a sibling. She was somewhat naive but harbored a strong curiosity about the galaxy around her, a drive to find her roots and also a dream of making her father proud, so with his blessing and a portion of his savings she set off from her home not far from Mos Eisley and soon found herself taking a position with Magnaguard Manufacturing working in Droid production for the Empire.

Imperial Employment

Erica Ferrari Year 10

Early Year 10 Erica had only just turned 19 years of age when her life off-world began. After uploading her details to the galactic employment net she found herself with several job offers. Seeking to follow her own keen interest and passion for droids and also hoping to make her father proud, Erica decided to take an offer from Magnaguard Manufacturing in droid production. Shortly afterward she and Delmon were picked up from Tatooine and flown with other fresh recruits to the Magnaguard HQ in an undisclosed part of the galaxy where her training would begin.

Erica was trained within Magnaguard's branch of the Imperial Academy. She learnt the basics of life and survival within the galaxy, and further honed her skills in both piloting and production. Graduating top of her class the company director at the time, Inwe Ventidius, described Erica as "the most promising recruit I have". Within weeks Erica was assigned her first vessel, a PLY-3000, and given her first mission orders. Erica was to collect a consignment of droids and deliver them, during the flight she maintained constant holo-communications with her friends and employers at Magnaguard. It was during a conversation with the directors one evening that an argument broke out regarding newly introduced policies issued by the Empire, restricting the use of private vessels by employers whilst carrying out their work. Heated words were exchanged which angered the company directors who promptly disabled Erica's vessel mid-journey, relinquishing her of command. Adrift in space and feeling persecuted, Erica soon came to believe she had made a very poor decision in taking an Imperial career. This event would begin what would over time fester into a deep hatred of the Empire.

Alone with her Jawa companion, distraught and fearing for her life, Erica remained adrift in space in the Yacht for close to three days. During this time she had no idea what would be install for her - her former employers refusing to speak with her, nor did she have any access to ship systems. However she still had her datapad, and after composing herself it was with this that the young woman decided she would triangulate her position and begin to craft an escape. She contacted the only people she figured would be willing to help, Corellian Transport Service, a corporation with the Republic who offered transport and rescue services. Erica had almost no money however, certainly not enough to pay full-fee for a professional rescue, but the kind hearts of CTS agreed to perform the rescue simply to spite the Empire. And so after a further tense 24 hours in waiting, a young Gungan woman arrived flying a YT-series ship, promptly rescuing Erica and Delmon from the stricken yacht. Erica was later flown to the surface of at the nearby planet of Rodia where she was released, sincerely thanking her rescuer and the Republic for it's kindness. Now without employment, Erica offered to pay for her rescue in the form of work - applying to fly as a pilot herself for CTS. To her dismay however she was declined, Republic intelligence not allowing her to work for the transport company due to her "prior Imperial affiliations".

As a result of this incident the Empire has since levelled charges of "Attempted Theft" and "Threatening to steal" against Erica as it's reasons for disbanding and attempting to trap her, both allegations that she denies vehemently. Erica would later learn through contacts still within Magnaguard that a Sith had been dispatched in an Imperial Star Destroyer to capture and collect her from the stricken yacht. She's been quoted as saying she feels lucky to have escaped in time and owes an eternal debt of gratitude to the Republic from "saving me from being a Sith's playtoy, ayah!".

Time alone & freelance

BR-23 Courier 'Independence'

Void of friends or employment, Erica spent several days on the surface of the planet Rodia pondering her future. Whilst glad to be alive her life suddenly lacked direction or purpose. Eventually coming to the decision to craft her own destiny, Erica approached a local Rodian starship vendor where she purchased her very first ship, a military surplus BR-23 Courier which she named Independence in honour of her new found direction. After hiring a small crew of Rodians and commissioning a new paintjob Erica and her Jawa companion Delmon set off from the watery-world to begin a new life. Coming from a desert world Erica had a natural curiosity and fascination for worlds of differing climate, tropical and aquatic planets foremost, as such she spent many months travelling and visiting such worlds always keeping on the move to avoid Imperial eyes or potential traps. During her travels Erica conducted major renovations and upgrades to the interior of Independence, finding she had a natural talent at ship design it would become a custom she would later undertake with all vessels purchased in the future.

Fearing her father's reaction to news of her split from the Empire, Erica made the determination to keep it to herself. This not only ensured the good graces of her pro-Imperial father, but the continued financial support from his merchant trade on Tatooine with occasional deposits of credits into Erica's galactic bank accounts. It was using these deposits that Erica soon found yet another passion in trading. Aside from numerous purchases of droids for her collection, she began to buy and sell in order to make profits. Soon the young woman found she quickly began to make new friends and contacts from these endeavours on the trading scene. These contacts then began to lead to offers of freelance work and soon Erica would find herself flying around the galaxy doing small logistics deliveries or odd jobs for these new found contacts.

YT-1760 'Voodoo Magik'

A social being by nature, and keen to make connections, Erica found she began to make contacts in all areas of galactic society; Republicans, Imperials, Pirates and neutrals alike. She quickly began to gain a reputation as a reliable, avid and honest trader throughout the galactic community. As this work increased Erica found she needed a faster and more versatile vessel, purchasing her second ship the YT-1760 Voodoo Magik which she named to represent it's impressive speed. Once again she hired a small crew of retainers and had the vessel painted to a colour suiting her personality, interior renovations and customisation would also follow. Whilst speed was now no longer an issue, space was becoming so. Erica found her passion for trading had quickly turned into somewhat of a "shopping addiction", most especially her desire to collect and heavily modify droids of all kinds. It wouldn't be long before Erica would find she needed a significantly larger vessel, and began to dream of oneday owning her own capital-class ship.



The killing of Revan Kanos



Cybot - New friends, a new home



The killing of Han Jones



The birth of a child



Learning of the Force



The Cron Conflict



Near death experience



New Horizons








Public Satire





Holonet links


