First Mahat Race

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Posted by Midge Cellewan on Year 5 Day 220

Location Unknown

The Screen fades from the familiar picture of a pod racer to an ecstatic Falleen News Reporter on a green planet which is indeed Corellia

"Greetings Beings of the Galaxy far and wide. This is Mizakko Rizzouni with of the Corporate Sector News Network reporting to you live from Corellia where the first ever Mahat Race will take place at a date currently unannounced. I will now turn you over to the man responsible for making this event possible...Tobit Ranger!!"

Mizakko passes the microphone to a man (Obviously overdressed) in a Green body suit

"Thank you Ms. Rizzouni... I am Tobit Ranger, the host of the first Mahat Race..

This race is for the best vehicle pilots to test their skills at piloting, and wits about following directions. Do You Have What It Takes? This race will be located in the grasslands on the planet Corellia. This planet has a good location and is perfect for the first race. Now before I go into details of how it will be done we must go over the prizes.

1st PLACE is awarded 1mil credits and the BERUBIAN AWARD

2nd PLACE is awarded 400k credits and the LOWICKAN AWARD

3rd PLACE is awarded 150 HAVEN stocks and the VERTEX AWARD


And now for the 'how'

There will be a starting point all the racers have to meet.. Only themselves and their vehicle.. It will be in a ship... I will be there. All the racers will report in [OOC: All the racers have to say something in the room to prove you are there]..

Then I tell them what time the race starts. They cannot leave the starting point before then.[OOC: I can tell when the racers leave because it will be on the ships events page]. Once the time comes, then the racers are off. There will be a series of checkpoints the racers have to go to, go inside and say something. This will prove you are there and are part of the race.. After 2 checkpoints you head for the finish line.. There will be a ship there to board, say your winning words and unboard.. After all racers have crossed the finish line the racers are able to leave.. I, and my helpers will then go and make sure every racer posted at each checkpoint. When we finish we post the rankings and send the prizes.. You will then be put on my web site as the past racers.

now for a few RULES, yes there are rules.

- 200k entry fee per vehicle

- Only vehicles may participate [ any vehicles ]

- You must check in at every checkpoint [ no exceptions ]

- No cheating

- you must post your vehicle you will be racing

-You must post who is racing the vehicle

- a minimum of 10 racers

- a maximum of 20 racers


- ALL the prizes and the entry fees will be sent to the one and only Midge Cellewan

- 2% will be sent to the Galactic Empire for land Use costs.. [ if you would be interested in hosting The Mahat Race on your land, and is at a good central location contact me]

- The extra credits will then go to buying ships for the check points, more vehicles for me to sponsor, and for the MAHAT RACE ITSELF.

- You will be disqualified if you have not followed the rules of this race. [ a refund is up to me]

- ALSO looking for one lucky new player to help me with the race. 100k..

- Tobit's Shipyard is looking for a new player with good vehicle piloting skills to be sponsored to race.. He will be provided with a Pod Racer and transportation to the race. If he wins he splits half of the earnings with me. If he loses he gets 100k and a free ride to somewhere. If you are interested send Tobit Ranger a darkness message informing him why you should be picked and your vehicle piloting skills.

-Once there becomes enough racers I will make this thread [OOC: Here ] into a Gambling place. It will be a place for the spectators to place bets on who is going to win. By that time you will know the racers and what kind of vehicle they are racing. Never will the stats of any racers be given.. there is no need to give them to me or anyone of the spectators. The gambling will come later, so first we focus on the riders...

ONE LAST NOTE: I encourage factions and rich people to sponsor new players, or old players in this race.. As I will sponsor at least one racer every race.. Many more races will come..


"Mizakko- Well you heard the man, this will definitely be an exciting event and I hope to see you all there even if you choose not to participate, for now this is Mizakko Rizzouni..signing off"

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