Gaan be Arasuum

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The CR-90 Gaan be Arasuum is a ship affiliated with Dominic von Black, which now houses his Shrine of the Mandalorian God Arasuum, and stands for "Hand of Arasuum" named to represent that those who Stagnate will be consumed by those who Conquer.

Gaan be Arasuum
AffiliationDominic von Black
Navigational Stats:
Sublight Speed60 MGLT
Turbo Lasers4
Heavy Lasers4
Cargo Stats:
Weight12,500 T
Volume250,000 m³
Weight Cap1,000 T
Volume Cap500 m³
Max Passengers160
Hull Stats:
Length150 m
Deflector Shields800
Ionic Capacity500

East Ghost Nebula

The CR-90 dubbed the "BattleWagon" was not always in Pirate hands, it was aquired by Ellipsis Agents for the sum of 100,000,000 credits from a private collector, in which they then lured the collector with promises of riches if they joined their Organization, however this was a set up and the individual was extorted out of 900,000,000 credits in assets by the group once they stranded them aboard the CR-90.

Rise of the Suns

At the end of his life, Avicii Tempah was captured by his Shadow Second in Command who did all the "Legit" work by fencing the groups stolen assets, Dominic von Black. After Avicii ran off with 1,000,000,000 credits of the groups without consent of its Inner Council, the group called a vote of death upon the "Pirate Lord" and hunted him down aboard one of the factions ships as he was making his way to unknown destination.

It was here aboard the Pirate's "BattleWagon" that he was executed by his other Second in Command, and Jawa Pirate, Uli-ah Gafsa. The ship then became the Flagship for Uli's Pirate Group Twin Suns, while Dominic abdicated his position, and left to Mecrosa.

When a Sun goes Super Nova

The ship fell into the hands of Alliance Special Operations when Lieutenant Commander Zibbi Hizk captured Uli-ah Gafsa and the assets of Twin Suns were repossessed.

House Black

The ship has since been reacquired by Dominic von Black from Alliance Special Operations for the paltry sum of 35,000,000 credits, a small sum for its sentimental value and original cost. The ship has since been moved from the Herglic Sector to the Phu Sector.