Gau Midu

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Gau Midu
Biographical Information
Race Weequay
Homeworld Sriluur
Clan Midu
Mother Wila
Father Venu
Marital Status Single
Siblings Many brothers and half brothers
Children none
Born Year -40
Languages Mute. Unknown
Religion Quay
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.5 meters
Weight 50 kg
Coloring Dark brown
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation None
Title Hermit

Gau Midu is an old Weequay hermit that had lived all his life on his homeworld of Sriluur. Even though he can communicate through the discharge of distinct pheromones, similarly to other members of his species, he is basically mute and unable to interact with anyone but his own species. He is approximately 50 to 60 years old, with his exact birthdate unknown.

Early Life

Not much is known about Gau's early life, as he is not known in general. However, he was raised in a very religious household, as his mother was a simple young girl, and his father an occult mystic that believed he can communicate directly with Quay, the god of the Wee'quay-kind, and therefore has earned a lot of prestige amongst his clan, along with many other wives and children other than Gau. Perhaps it is because that Gau's clan was small and isolated, that had caused Gau's eternal vocal silence - for significant portion of his lifetime, where he was surrounded only with his own kind, he did not need to verbally communicate.

However, at the rare times were he indeed encountered off-worlders on his hunting seasons, he looked at them with naïve hatred. If these off-worlders have ships that can let them travel across the stars, they probably have a much wider source of food, unlike himself, that is earthbound to his remote homeworld. Being a competent speeder pilot, he taunted and heckled the offworlders with rude gestures, and when they chased him, he would then lead them into the nearest sandstorm to die, while the prey was left alone until he returned to hunt them.

What Gau did not understand is that these offworlders weren't hunting for food, as they have the credits to buy themselves a meal every now and then; they hunted the wildlife of Sriluur in the name of glory and of fame. Gau could not understand this because he and his clan were always poor people, and couldn't afford moving into the cities constructed by richer and by off-world corporations. Therefore the Midu clan are a minority; one of the many remnants of the pre-industrial age of Sliruur.

Nonetheless, some of the off-world technologies, from speeders to blasters, were common even in Gau's childhood and teens; the tribesmen would loot colonies and corpses of offworlders and thus taught themselves how to drive vehicles and use ranged weapons.

A Mateless Adulthood

Although most of the Weequay-kind were relatively tall compared to other species, Gau was shorter and thinner than the average alien-kind. Being only 1.5 meters, when he reached adulthood and was required by his father's command to bond in marriage along with his brothers and half-brothers, he was often overlooked by female Wee'quay, in favor of taller candidates. Shameful of one of his many sons, Gau's father was religiously convinced that the god Quay sent Gau as a bad omen for the fate of clan Midu, even though the clan was getting along fine despite of being poor and remote, with many future marriages.

Therefore, to protect himself from the possible omen sent by the moon god, Gau's father has renounced him of being his own, forcing him to grow seclusion braids even though he was never absent from Sriluur. The mystic patriarch has left Gau no choice but to leave the clan grounds permanently.

To make things worse than they already are, the seclusion braids had forever marked Gau as an outcast and an eccentric among every clan Gau had found during his clueless journeys. Because of all of this, Gau has never been able to have children, making him a proper wandering hermit in a collective-based world.

The Hallucinations

The extensive alien desert of Sriluur can do many things to a solitary nomad. Predators, sandstorms, the heat of the sun and the cold of the night under Quay, to name a few. However, nothing can prepare one to the hallucinations that may occur while being so deprived of communication and stimulation. As Gau's speeder ran out of fuel and collapsed to the ground by gravity, he had no choice but resume his aimless journey on foot. As he went and strolled and killed predator after predator from afar with his trusted blaster, he was sure he already was in this place, and in that place, and so forth. Because he was so convinced that he was present in previous locations on his nomadic exile - this is where the hallucinations occurred.

Beautiful visions surrounded Gau's line of sight; visions that he never knew that existed before he got to experience them. Waterfalls, fountains, rivers and icy snow; it was clear that Gau needed fluids more than anything else. Entities that have accidently encountered him found him eating grass and drinking sand, mistaking them as food and water.

The last time he was seen was when he sold organs of animals, portraying them as "gems", "jewelry" and "trinkets of Quay" to a Weequay vendor in a major city. Perhaps out of mercy or out of religious persuasion, the vendor accepted the exchange, and Gau went to buy two pistols, ultimately getting rid of his low-tech, scavenged pistol he kept since childhood, in favor of two modern pistols, which he uses for hunting and for a better self-defense against wandering bandits and criminals. From this sequence of actions, one can conclude that perhaps Gau did not lost his mind completely, even though he could still see things that aren't there.

It seems that Gau has decided to dedicate the rest of his life to becoming richer by selling organs which are granted with an image of mystical power, instead of simply hunting the beasts and eating them completely. Luckily, since he claims that he is a son of an important mystic and patriarch, the Weequay vendors, whom have rarely hard of the Midu clan, believe the pheromones of the old and experienced hunter. Considering this business is a relatively luxurious one, it is unknown what the old alien hermit intends to do with his future riches. Maybe the credits he trades with are seen differently to him, due to his hallucinations.

It is also important to mention that Gau was seen to be living in a hut made out of mud, somewhere near a modern Weequay city. He was also seen worshipping the small hut in front while looking high above. It is perhaps that Gau hallucinates the hut to be a grand altar to the god Quay.