Gav Technical Services

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Gav Technical Services
General Information
Motto "Kot adol Aliit"
Status Active
Leader Gaarurra Madclaw
Owner Gaarurra Madclaw
Headquarters Dagu
Historical Information
Formed from Year 20 Day 344
Founded Year 20 Day 344
Dissolved N/A
Political Information
Affiliation Mando'ade
Industry Mercenary


Kot adol Aliit - Strength Through Family - is the Clan Gav motto. Through family many things can be done. And through strength may you accomplish your goals.

Born from the fires of tribulation, hardship, and perseverance Gav Technical Services (GTS) is a paramilitary faction that provides behind the scenes services to those who pay the right price. For years from behind the scenes Gav has worked alongside others to accomplish goals with precision for no customer should ever go unsatisfied. Providing services such as ship construction, asset support, and facility construction GTS strives for the utmost satisfaction from its clients. GTS operates mostly in the Dagu System with a few assets in undisclosed locations for operational and asset security. For information about joining, please contact Gaarurra Madclaw.

Note: You do not need to be a mandalorian nor a part of Clan Gav to join provided you pass a extensive background check.

Notable Events
