Gilford Otto Drako

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Gilford Otto Drako
Biographical Information
Race Ithorian
Homeworld Ithor
Mother Hanna Kolgo
Father Richard Drako
Spouse Michelle Drako
Siblings Robert Drako (deceased)
Mary Drako(deceased)
Born -25 BCT
Quote "done what I must to raise the sleeping Dragon"
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6'4"
Coloring Tan
Eye Color Grey
Political Information
Affiliation House Drako
Title Dragon Scythe, Ithorian Butcher
Rank Lord of the House of Drako
Positions Baron, Criminal, Trader, Ryll addict
Prior Affiliation None


Gilford Otto Drako was one of three children born to Richard and Michelle Drako. His father, a baron was from a wealthy herd who resides on their own deep space herd colony. Like most Ithorians he never set foot on the beautiful planet of Ithor. As it was considered to be sacred ground. He grew up happily and peacefully with his siblings Robert and Mary.

The years past without incident as they travelled as many Ithorians did to restore and reconstruct planets devastated by war, until one day Drako's herd became part of the all too common Galactic equation when a civil war broke out between the lower and higher castes which led to the untimely demise of his herd. Drako was the only survivor of his family and he was captured and sold into slavery.

After three long years as Drako went about his daily routine he witnessed an attack on another slave, a male Jawa, and against his natural Ithorian nature related to violence to assist him, beating to death the perpetrators of the attack and his own enslavement. Knowing he would be punished or more likely executed for his actions Drako concealed himself in a garbage transport which ultimately led to his escape.

Drako moved from job to job for the next six years joining a variety of organisations, the names of which remain unknown.None of this particularly intrigued him however so he decided to see if in fact any of his herd remained despite his inner feelings. He was wrong, some of the herd had survived and with that he found out that his father had made provision for him as his eldest. In a luxury space colony located in deep space his father had left Drako and sum of credits which was more than substantial for him after his life of slavery and toil. Drako travelled to the station and located his inheritance. With the credits lay a note. It was as if his father had known what was about to become. It read.."Son, you are a Baron and the leader of our herd now. Rise up and lead our people and allow all to join"

(work in progress...tbc...)