Grouta Vermilic Smaga

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Grouta Vermilic Smaga, commonly known as Grouta the Hutt, was a member of the Vermilic kajidic and was, arguably, a rising force in the Hutt community.

Grouta Vermilic Smaga
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Father Vaalo Vermilic Gejalli - Deceased
Siblings Three siblings; Unknown status
Children Aogak Seba :Year -163 to -110:
Deceased (crushed to death; aged 53)
Born Year -445
Died Year 13 Day 359 (Aged 458)
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (feminine personality)
Height 3.7 meters long
1.66 meters tall
Coloring Gray/Blue
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Serv-O-Droid
Hutt Grand Council
Rank CEO
Council Seat Member

Personal History

Early Life

Born to Vaalo Gejalli, and into the declining Vermilic kajidic, Grouta and all her siblings were prematurely ejected from their father's brood pouch to be immediately put to work.

First of her siblings, Grouta's childhood consisted of overseeing child criminal rings on Nar Shaddaa, and eventually, raising her siblings alongside her father.

Over time, her childhood and adulthood regulated, following traditional Hutt life, Grouta obtained strong managerial and criminal experience.

Vermilic's Fall From Power

For many years before and during Grouta's time, the Vermilic kajidic was on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse.

Caught violating a Hutt Commercial Law, the Vermilic kajidic was embargoed by the other Hutt clans and within a year the family struggled to keep their holdings in Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa.

Two months later, armed reclamation agents arrived at the clan palace and began to take property in order to pay off the debt; Vaalo Vermilic Gejalli and several other battle-hardened Hutts stood their ground and engaged in a firefight with the agents. Dubbed "Day of Dead Slugs", the result was a catastrophe, Vaalo Gejalli and his courageous brothers and sisters lie dead on the blood stained floors, even nursing mothers and chidren were caught in the cross fire.

Grouta and one of her siblings survived, thanks to Grouta keeping her brother safe within her young pouch.

Aftermath And Future

That is not the end of the Vermilic kajidic, however. A branch of the family survived and lived on in prosperity on the planet of Alderaan.

With her kajidic practically destroyed, and her future looking grim, Grouta left Nar Shaddaa to wander the galaxy, ever looking for opportunities to promote her clan.

Recent Projects

Meeting back up with her distant relatives on Alderaan and with the help of Gilbert Reed, Grouta re-organized and oversaw the rebirth of Serv-O-Droid.

Through her efforts, the corporation saw accelerated progress. Grouta lead Serv-O for a short while before departing the company, leaving it in the capable hands of Harada Malani.


Grouta met her demise shortly after departing Serv-O, and notifying Gilbert Reed of her resignation.

She was en route to joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems when her personal bulk, the Class VI Bulk "Yuna Puna" had its self-destruct sequence remotely activated while orbiting Alderaan

A co-investigation between Serv-O and the local planetary government yielded no conclusive suspect.

Past & Current Vessels

Ulwan's Yavoo, meaning 'Smuggler's Hail' in Huttese

Naturally, The ship has been modified by Grouta to fit her own needs. The cockpit was redesigned to fit a full grown Hutt, and one other person.