H-1 Light Battle Tank

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H-1 Light Battle Tank
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 100 km/h
Maneuverability 4
Sensors 1
Terrain Restrictions Glacier, Jungle, Ocean, River, Swamp, Volcanic
Weapons 2 Medium Blasters
Cargo Stats
Weight 6 T
Volume 14 m3
Weight Capacity 0.1000 T
Volume Capacity 0.5000 m³
Passengers 1
Hull Statistics
Length 4 m
Hull 40
Ionic Capacity 30
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 11
Meleenium 116
Ardanium 9
Rudic 18
Tibannagas 7
Lommite 8
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Hapes Consortium

The H-1 Light Battle Tank was designed to provide an effective garrison for Hapan planets and is frequently deployed by the Royal Hapan ground forces on reconnaissance missions. The H-1's strength, unlike many other battle tanks, is not in brute force, but in speed and agility.

Armed with a pair of medium blasters, the H-1 can hold its own against light-classed vehicles and large companies of infantry, but it lacks the same rugged durability of many larger tanks. With both poor ionic capacity and thin armour plating, the H-1 relies heavily on its greater speed and manoeuvrability to evade, rather than confront, enemy targets. Its transparisteel cockpit provides a 360-degree view of the field, but the tank's effectiveness in skirmishes can be limited by the skills of its pilot, who must manage both drive controls and weaponry.

The MTV-7 is a more readily available armed vehicle in comparison though the H-1 is sturdier, more heavily armed and faster. The only advantage of the MTV-7 is that it is able to travel in more terrain types.


MLC-3 (Mobile Laser Cannon 3): This variant which is sometimes seen in small numbers has a modified track train that allows it to operate on glacier terrain. This however is at the expense of some of its armor and thus the MLC-3 more closely matches the hull and ionic capacity of the MTV-7 than the H-1 that inspired it.