Hapes Cluster

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Hapes Cluster
(Full Resolution)
General Information
Region Inner Rim
Systems 58
Population 671,676,676,868 (18:100 CGT)
Controlled By Hapes Consortium
Astrographic Entry Hapes Cluster
"The Hapes Cluster has sixty-three worlds, with hundreds upon hundreds of different governments and thousands of cultures."
Leto Tini'duran

The Hapes Cluster is a region of space - typically regarded as a sector in its own right - situated in the Inner Rim of the Galaxy, Galactic North by Galactic East in the Slice, between the Perlemian and Trellen trade routes. It borders Neshig, Japrael and the Ktilac Regions.

The sector is a grouping of several thousand stars within the nebula known as the Transitory Mists. The Mists are characterised by an assortment of massive gravity wells, ion storms, and concentrations of cosmic dust that greatly impedes hyperspace travel to the region and has kept the inhabitants of the Cluster mostly isolated from the rest of the galaxy over the course of several millennia. Few hyperspace routes in to the sector are considered safe to navigate, forcing travelers to enter the Cluster through either Lorell or Roqoo.

Official records of charted celestial bodies within the Hapes Cluster indicates that the Hapes Consortium is made up of close to one hundred planets and an assortment smaller planetoids, spread across six distinct astrographic regions. The sector's high density of stars, nebulae and moons bathes its worlds - particularly Hapes Prime - in bright light, which has caused the native Hapans to lose most of their night vision.

In historic times, it was typically said that the Hapes Consortium consisted of either 63 systems or 63 worlds. While colonisation and settlement programs have since expanded the number of inhabited worlds, the historic number remains firmly imbedded as a basic "fact" about the Hapes Cluster.


The Hapes Cluster's exact astrophysical definition varies, but it is traditionally acknowledged to be similar to an open star cluster wrapped in a dark nebula. The area's coreward boundary lies approximately 15,000 light years (4,609 parsecs) north-east of the galactic center, midway between the Colonies and Expansion Region in the Inner Rim. The expanse is circa 3,300 light years (1,012 parsecs) across from east to west, and 2,500 light years (766 parsecs) from north to south (defined by the extreme points of the surrounding nebula, not taking in to account the irregular borders.) Additionally, it extends approximately 1,500 light years (460 parsecs) from bottom to top on the Z-axis. Traditional educational star charts and astrographic maps give a somewhat distorted view of the Galaxy. The X-axis of maps defines a location along the east-west axis, while the Y-axis pinpoints the north-south location. But many fail to take in mind the depth of the galactic disk, where a system’s location above or below the galactic plane (or alternatively Coruscant’s location on this axis) is defined by positive or negative on a Z-axis. Compared to surrounding sectors, the Hapes Cluster is located somewhat further up on the positive scale of the Z-axis, with the bottom "footprint" starting closer to the outer edge of the thin disk, that extends from the galactic plane. Hapan scientists typically divide the Hapes Cluster into four layers: the Transitory Mists, the nebulae surrounds and permeates areas of the sector; the Void, interior sections of the Cluster free of impeding nebulous gasses; the Base, meaning the sector "footprint" in the thin disk; and the Halo, meaning the "lid" of the nebula that extends into the thick disk of the galaxy.


"Who dimmed the blast-tinting?"
— Popular saying among spacers, upon entering the Transitory Mists

The nebula is named the Transitory Mists, and surrounds the sector's star systems like a bubble, while some gaseous drifts in the so-called interior void also occur. Hapan scientists therefore differentiate between the two sections of the Transitory Mists: the Outer Veil, for the surrounding nebula; and the Inner Veil for sections of nebula that divide various areas of the Hapes Cluster's astrographical regions. Furthermore, individual nicknames have been given to various parts of the Transitory Mists, typically by virtue of their distinct colors or other individual characteristics. The Dillaem Wall, Cloak of Orelon, Rivved Space, and Nele'serin Arm are all part of the Outer Veil. Meanwhile the Inner Veil has the Keltros Expanse (between the Lorelli Reach and Corsair Outback), the Irrea Mist (between the Rifle Worlds and Gateworlds), and finally the Scoteian Mists, Temporal Clouds, and Ta'a Chume's Veil between the Interior and Hapan Rim Worlds.

Travel to, from, and in the Hapes Cluster is dangerous by most standards. Within the Transitory Mists, there are massive rogue comets, vast asteroid fields, lone stars in close proximity, ion storms, and other impediments that makes diverging from defined hyperspace routes extremely hazardous. In part, these types of obstructions is what made widespread settlement by the Hapes Consortium go slowly across the millennia. But it has also kept the rest of galactic civilisation out of Hapan affairs, as there are few gaps in the Outer Veil that actually lead to the safe interior hyperroutes. On official charts, only the Lorell Route via Lorell and the Knot Holes and the Hapan Spine by Roqoo are listed as safe and sanctioned passages in the clouds of ionised gas and impeding hyperspace eddies.




Ancient History

Artist's rendition of Centrepoint Space Station under construction. Theorized as an instrument of the Celestials utilised in constructing some of the Galaxy's unique phenomena.

The history of the Hapes Cluster stretches back millennia, with much of it lost in the mists of the past. No written accounts of pre-Galactic Republic settlements exist, but there is some evidence to suggest non-native attempts at exploration and settlement prior to the arrival of humans. Some native species, however, have kept written documentations of their own lengthy history, largely pertaining to their own worlds. Information regarding the sector’s role in greater galactic history stems from ancient archives on foreign worlds and archaeological research conducted in more recent years. Most of the concrete and solid chronology begins with the arrival of the Alsakani, but more so the founding of the Hapes Consortium - with which the sector’s history is undeniably intertwined.

The history of the Galaxy predating the Galactic Republic is largely shrouded in mystery. However, advances in technology, communication between civilisations and races, as well as joint research efforts, have unveiled more information in recent years. It is believed that the ancient beings known as the Celestials, who held dominion over the Galaxy some 100,000 years ago may have had an influence over the Hapes Cluster. Remnant, dormant, and unusable Celestial technology, such as Centrepoint Space Station, is a theorised instrument used to create the Corellian system, the Kathol Rift, the Maw black hole cluster, and indeed the Hapes Cluster. The evidence of such comes from the unique and unnatural makeup of these astrographical locations, where unlikely combination of celestial objects appear to be more by design than natural occurrence. For instance, the combination of numerous planets with native sentient species in the Corellia system, seemingly pulled from different locations in the Galaxy. In the case of the Hapes Cluster, the unusual attributes of the Transitory Mists, combined with the abundance of temperate worlds within that share similar geographical features, lends weight to the theory. Some scientists, primarily Hapans who have sought to elevate the significance of the sector, have referred to the Hapes Cluster as "the Celestial Vault." Archaeological evidence such as monumental pillars and mysterious inscriptions found on numerous planets indicate that the sector was at least partially explored and settled in the distant past by some unknown race, and then abandoned for reasons unknown. However, no evidence has been found to prove settlement by the Rakata Empire and their Infinite Empire as no relics present can be attributed to their known designs, though they are known to have had a presence on Onderon, which is situated in the adjacent Japrael sector.

In documented, greater galactic history, the Hapes Cluster first appeared on astrographical charts pertaining to exploration dating from the Galactic Republic’s Great Manifest Period that lasted from 20000 to 15000 BCGT. During this era, the Republic expanded in to outer areas of the Inner Rim before moving in to the eastern parts of the Expansion Region, and onward to the outer edges of the eastern Mid Rim. The Republic had explored and colonised tightly along the Perlemian Trade Route in the north-east and Corellian Run in the south-east, but the vast area inbetween was largely unknown. This region eventually became known as the Slice, and received its name for its wedge-shape between the two hyperlanes, extending outwards from the Inner Core sectors designated the Arrowhead, but at the time the Slice was simply known as the Exploitation Region. While discovered, the Hapes Cluster was avoided by spacefarers and designated as an impediment to hyperspace travel due to the hazardous Transitory Mists. Some minor hyperspace lanes within the Slice were established that skirted close to the sector, but all within safe distances.

As navigational equipment and spacefaring technology advanced, efforts to approach the Hapes Cluster from the Zeemacht Cluster and Neshig sector, particularly through the Manress system, were made. The Lorell system was discovered by exploratory travelers from the Alsakani faction of the Galactic Republic circa 16000 BCGT. The Core world Alsakan had been a Killik colony prior to Celestial meddling, was then later a Rakatan colony, and had finally been settled approximately 26000 BCGT by humans from Coruscant. An aristocratic, human-centered culture oriented around a monarchy arose, and Alsakan was one of the founders of the Galactic Republic. Limited and strictly periodical efforts were made by the Alsakani to actually colonise the Lorell system - possibly due to its impractical location - and no attempt was made at traversing the depths of the Hapes Cluster. Lorell was, however, used as a way-point on a minor hyperspace route between Taanab and Japrael. The relevance of this settlement was its role as a supply station in many of the seventeen Ancient Alsakan Conflicts where Coruscant and Alsakan fought for dominance of the Galactic Republic.

The Ancient Alsakan Conflicts were wars motivated by cultural concerns, as well as economic and political division, leading to increased militarism along the Perlemian Trade Route (then known as the Axis) which the Alsakani dominated. Alsakan challenged Coruscant’s role as the center of galactic affairs and sought to be the capital of civilised space. Furthermore, the planet was disgruntled with the non-human-dominated settlements and colonisation efforts along the Corellian Run that were sponsored by corporations in the Arrowhead, particularly because of the Republic’s bureaucracy and the lack of independence colonies enjoyed. The conflicts spanned centuries and would occasionally flare up again over the millennia that passed, but also decreased in intensity as time went by.

Settlement & Exploration

The planet Lorell, the first world of the Hapes Cluster that was settled by non-natives in documented history.

The so-called Lorell Raiders originated from a small group of Alsakani settlers who had arrived on Lorell during one of the very first Alsakan Conflicts, and had ever so slowly grown over time. While a world with abundant resources, the star system’s location was far from heavily traveled hyperspace lanes, and as centuries went by it became neglected and largely forgotten by both Alsakan and Coruscant. A minor civilisation arose on the planet, but efforts to promote further settlement and commerce failed. Drawing on Alsakan militarism, the population of Lorell used local defense ships as well as mercenary outfits from other worlds to form a relatively prominent military force. In one of the later Ancient Alsakan Conflicts where Coruscant and Alsakan were once again at odds circa 4500 BCGT, the Lorell military was ordered to assist in attacking and raiding Republic shipping. Lorell answered the call of their ancient homeworld, but when the conflict came to an end, the Lorellians saw no need to cease hostilities.

In the decades and centuries that followed, Lorell largely ignored directions from Alsakan, or made false promises to reassure them. Lorellian forces continued to raid shipping lanes and worlds from the Colonies to the Mid Rim even in peace time, indiscriminately targeting vessels and populations. The Lorellian mentality was that Lorell had become an ignored colony, only good enough to fight and die for Alsakan. And consequently, if Alsakan could not encourage further settlement to Lorell, the Lorellians would force it themselves. The entire civilisation descended in to barbary with piracy tactics, robbing wealth and whisking away countless human women from other worlds to help further their civilisation. As time progressed, the population of Lorell became known to the rest of the Galactic Republic as the Lorell Raiders. They were widely feared, particularly by spacers and settlers on minor colonies along the Perlemian Trade Route, but other threats such as the Sith remained a greater priority for both Coruscant and Alsakan. Furthermore, it was Coruscant’s view that Lorell was a child of Alsakan, and as such the Alsakan’s responsibility to deal with.

Knowing that settlement in the Neshig sector would expose their population to danger and draw attention from the Galactic Republic, the Lorellians turned their eyes inwards in the Hapes Cluster. They traversed the Knot Holes, mapping the hyperspace anomalies and dead ends before proceeding north through what is now the Lorelli Reach. Eventually they came across the Maires system where they made contact with the native aquatic race, and by proxy the Morthorn of Vergill, who had some limited spacefaring abilities and contact with one another. The Mairans, in cryptic terms, told the Lorellians of the Hapes Cluster’s interior where there was an abundance of worlds with rich natural resources. As part of their human-centric Alsakan heritage, the Lorellians took little interest in the affairs of either race, but used information obtained from them to travel further, discovering worlds such as Charubah and Gallinore, and eventually Hapes Prime itself.

The Lorellians established colonies on these worlds, and their society prospered. The interior of the Hapes Cluster was a safe haven where their civilisation could develop unchallenged by the galactic powers. Raiding fleets based on Lorell continued to bring people and wealth in, and the riches from the interior worlds were occasionally exported out. These exotic goods, such as Rainbow Gems from Gallinore, were sold at tremendous prices to collectors and the like in commerce centers and on the black markets on Coruscant and elsewhere. Efforts were also made by the Lorellians to decrease their dependence on foreign goods, such as medical supplies. They raided and imported a kolto hybrid and put the oceans of Maires to work on farming and producing the substance. But as the pirate civilisation grew, so did the needs of the population that was steadily growing, leading to more frequent raids outside the Cluster.

The Lorell Raiders had long been a thorn in the Galactic Republic’s side, and by 4031 BCGT the piracy and plundering had become more than a minor, local nuisance. Jedi Knights spent some time investigating the matter before they decided to act. Backed by a Republic military force, the Jedi Knights were dispatched to deal with the pirates. A conflict followed where most of the Lorellian society was called to arms. The affair culminated in a battle in the Lorell system in 4030 BCGT where the Lorell Raiders were defeated by the Jedi Knights, and Lorellian military forces were almost completely wiped out. Surviving Lorellian representatives vowed to not interfere with the Galactic Republic again, which satisfied the Jedi Knights who were also unaware of Lorellian settlements in the Hapes Cluster’s interior.

Rise of the Hapes Consortium

As a result of the Jedi Knights’ campaigns against the Lorell Raiders, Lorellian society became heavily skewed. Many of the civilisations male warriors had been killed in the conflict, and on most of the settled planets the females were now in majority. The women seized the momentum to stage a revolution across the Lorellian settlements. A conflict followed that spanned four years, with the revolt led by Ta’a Chume, a female Lorellian chieftain. She united with Enilithia Nele’serin of Lorell, the great-granddaughter of an Alsakani slave and the wife of a chieftain who had died in the conflict with the Jedi. She enjoyed great respect among the settlers on Hapes and Lorell, and had her late husband’s remaining resources at her disposal, despite her gender. Together, the two drove the campaign for freedom, aided by Mairans and Morthorn warriors who were tired of paying tribute to their pirate overlords. Their efforts were eventually successful, with the women becoming dominant in Lorellian society. This led to Enilithia Nele’serin making herself Queen of Hapes after Ta’a Chume’s death, and the founding of the Hapes Consortium in 4027 BCGT. The initial member worlds were Hapes Prime, Lorell, Charubah, Gallinore, Theselon, and Baldavia - all former Lorellian colonies - as well as Maires and Vergill.

The Hapes Consortium was initially formed as a loose union of member worlds under the reign of Nele’serin as the Queen of Hapes. The other worlds enjoyed great autonomy with internal self rule, especially in the case of Maires and Vergill who were practically devoid of human settlement. Some colonies were established on known planets along the Lorell Route and Gallinore Reach, with Cheruba, Relephon, Daruvvia, Andalia, and Ket becoming member worlds in this time period. In part colonisation efforts there were aided by extra-cluster immigration and the arrival of refugees. The latter came as a result of the Galactic Republic’s series of conflicts that took place during this time: the Great Sith War (4000-3996 BCGT), the Mandalorian Wars (3976-3960 BCGT), and the Second Sith War (3959-3956 BCGT). However, the frontiers of the Hapes Consortium were not expanded. The utilisation of the old (and now defunct) Lorellian Path hyperspace lane between Theselon and Hapes Prime - an impractical and complex route - meant that many nearby systems in close proximity of the throne world were not discovered, and also partially isolated the planet.

Not until the reign of Nele’serin III starting in 3970 BCGT did the Hapes Consortium as a proper government take true form. She changed her title to be Queen Mother, with the monarchs styled in Hapan as Ta’a Chume - in honour of the revolutionary war hero who had helped bring about the founding of the Hapes Consortium. The title was also retroactively bestowed upon her predecessors. Hapes Prime also began to take a more active role in overseeing the affairs of the member worlds, attempting to consolidate a unified Hapan state. To that effect, piracy along the Consortium’s borders, raiding Mandalorian clans, and Republic worlds out for revenge for Lorellian raiding parties, played a role in providing a common enemy for the Hapans. A proper military, an army and space fleet with units contributed by the various worlds, was established, answering to the Queen Mother.

Very little official contact between the Hapes Consortium and the Galactic Republic took place up until 3019 BCGT. Alsakani ships visited the Lorell system uninvited and a period of superficial talks ensued, in which the Alsakani delegates rained gifts on the Queen Mother and nobles. The Queen Mother finally began to warm to their ancient family, charmed by their praise and gifted treasures, eventually inviting an Alsakani delegation to tour the worlds of the Hapes Consortium, culminating in a lengthy stay in the Castle of Per’agthra on Hapes Prime itself. During this visit, the Alsakani kowtowed before the Queen Mother, officially apologized for the neglect Alsakan had shown Lorell, and expressed a desire to bring the Consortium in to the galactic community. Furthermore, the Jedi Order was condemned for its aggression towards the Lorellian population, undoubtedly a safe statement for the Alsakani given general animosity towards the Jedi since the Great Galactic War against the Sith Empire that spanned 3681-3653 BCGT. However, the Chume’doro with their advanced surveillance methods were able to reveal a different purpose for the Alsakani visit, discovering that Coruscant and Alsakan were once again at odds. A conflict was brewing and increased militarism along the Perlemian Trade Route to counter Coruscant’s development of new, more advanced battleships. Alsakan was doing its best to meet this potential threat with missile corvettes and the like, but Corellia and its vast, neutral hegemony was joining in the game with an armada of frigates. The intention of the Alsakani was to sway the Hapes Consortium to their side and bring the Hapan naval forces in to the conflict to shift the odds in Alsakan's favour.

Upon learning of the Alsakani deceit, the Queen Mother was furious. The members of the delegation on Hapes Prime were arrested, and the ambassador deported. Their ships in the Lorell system were destroyed, save one, which was dispatched with ambassador back to their homeworld. By 3017 BCGT the Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict was in full swing, with both Coruscant and Alsakan suffering major losses to Corellia's forces. The war concluded with a peace treaty imposed by the Corellians, ending Alsakan’s bid for galactic dominance once and for all, and uniting the three factions of the Galactic Republic.

The same year, the Hapes Consortium declared its intention to isolate itself fully from the rest of the Galaxy by order of the Queen Mother. The Hapans had had enough of the Galactic Republic, its wars, and its deceit. Crossing the borders of the Hapes Cluster would be punishable by death. The events also brought about a partial new-found respect for the Lorell Raiders among Hapans, feeling they had in a sense liberated the humans of the Hapes Cluster from the Alsakani. But it was indeed only partial, as a distinct image of the Lorell Raiders as oppressors and slavers endured, and justly so. This love-hate view of them remains to this day. In the three millennia that followed, the Hapans were left to their own devices, expanding further within the Hapes Cluster through periods of exploration and colonisation, while also enduring a multitude of internal conflicts.

Recent Developments

Predominantly unspoiled landscape is typical of many planetoids across the sector, such as the forest moon Icco.

As a consequence of Hapan isolationism, the civilisation within the Hapes Cluster developed without further influences from the rest of the galactic community. The Consortium prospered over the centuries, but eventually started a slow decline that culminated a century ago with the outbreak of the Hapan Civil War after the death of the last Queen Mother. As the various member worlds rallied behind different factions in bids for power, the Hapes Consortium ceased to exist as a unified governing body for close to fifty years. The war would have long-lasting effects on the Hapan populace, with the ravaging of several prominent worlds, industrial infrastructure shattered, the death of a significant percentage of the sector's inhabitants, as well as the end of matriarchal rule in society after the reunification. Following the conflict, the Hapans needed to look outwards for much needed supplies that could help them rebuild.

As a result, the Hapes Cluster saw an increase in contact with the outside Galaxy from approximately 2 BCGT, when the Hapan government began a concerted effort to promote trade and commerce. As a first step in this endeavor, Lorell was opened as the Consortium's embassy world, inviting foreign ambassadors and large corporations to settle and invest. It did not take long for immigration to begin in earnest, with members from virtually all of the Galaxy's sentient species coming, seeking either employment and opportunity. Even so, the Hapes Consortium has continued to imposes strict travel restrictions on foreigners wanting to visit the sector, with most systems being off-limits to non-citizens. However, the Hapans themselves have become a more common sight in the Galaxy outside their native sector, and can be found in essentially all lines of work.

While the Galactic Civil War rages across the Galaxy, it has gone virtually unnoticed by the average Hapan, most of whom are not involved in government affairs, nor do they speak Basic or interact with foreigners. Apart from the Black Sun Crisis in 3 CGT, no foreign power has yet to make an aggressive move against the Hapans inside the Hapes Cluster, leaving the sector in a peaceful state.


Lorelli Reach

The Lorelli Reach is the region of the Hapes Cluster closest to the Galactic Centre, situated Rimward. Essentially a bottleneck, the region contains the Lorell system, which forms a void in the surrounding Transitory Mists regions, which are known as the Keltros Expanse and Dillaem Wall.

The Knot Holes, essentially a major hyperlane junction with numerous rifts in the Mists, is located just beyond Lorell, sprinkled with automated beacons guiding ships towards their destination so that they do not risk flying blind in to the hazardous nebulea. Chosper, Andalia, Sennex, Daruvvia and Ket are other systems located within the Lorelli Reach, most of them along the Lorell Route, which extends from the Knot Holes and in to the Rifle Worlds region.

Rifle Worlds

The gas giant Relephon and its numerous moons, a chief supplier of tibanna gas.
"Where House Olanji leads, the Rifle Worlds shall follow... either by free will or under our lash!"
— Alidra Ta'`din Olanji of Olanji

The Rifle Worlds region is situated west in the Hapes Cluster. Its name derives from the historical heavy weapons manufacturing infrastructure that was located here, essentially serving as the Hapes Consortium's foremost industrial hub. The Lorell Route intersects with the Gallinore Reach route, the Rynmar Trail, and the Great Rim Route within this region, all leading to different areas of the Hapes Cluster.

The region's most prominent system is Charubah, which has historically been a dominant player in Rifle Worlds affairs. However, the Maires system is also considered to be among the Cluster's most significant, due to the aquatic race known as the Mairans. The species is native to the Hapes Cluster, and also an influentual faction of the Hapes Consortium. They have often been at odds with the inhabitants of their neighbouring system Vergill, which also enjoys a high standing within Hapan political circles.

The other systems of this region are Lovala, Modus, Cheruba, Wodan, Algnadesh, Divora, and Relephon.


Situated north in the Hapes Cluster, the Gateworlds are considered to be fairly remote by Hapan standards. The name of the region comes from its proximity to the Rifle Worlds and the Interior, and also because of the Rynmar Trail which provides convenient access to the northern end of the Rim Worlds region without having to travel through the Corsair Outback.

Consisting of a mere four star systems, the region has seen sporadic exploitation of local natural resources in the form of mining activity, but its importance is considered fairly low in Hapan political circles, despite recent attempts to encourage settlement. Systems of this region are Sargorn, Febrini, Zadaria and Phelope.

Corsair Outback

The Corsair Outback is seldom visited, except for those travel through the region on their way to the Rim Worlds, and those who earn their living working the sparsely populated planets. The planets are characterised by harsh conditions, though the region has seen periodic industrial development throughout the history of the Hapes Cluster. Systems of this region are Jodaka, Stalsinek and Nantuker.

Rim Worlds

Named for its remote location within the Hapes Cluster, as well as proximity to the rest of the Galaxy, the Rim Worlds region extends around the Cluster in the south to the north-east. While essentially the backwater of the Cluster, the region has a variety of commerical and industrial activity, and population centres of various prominence.

The Terephon system, located in the densest populated area of the region, is considered to be the most important system of the region, and is also where the Great Rim Route intersects with the Hapan Spine coming from Roqoo. Close by is the enigmatic and virtually abandoned Maad system, situated in a pocket of the dense and hazardous Transitory Mists region known as Rivved Space, and only accessible by a complicated route known as The Throat.

The Rynmar Trail from the Gateworlds ends in the Rynmar system, which is close to Zalori and Rainboh. Other systems of the region include k'Farri, Calfa, Dreena, and Reboam. Of note are also the stars Orelon and Roqoo, both orbited by major asteroid fields with minor outposts. The latter of the two is located on the Hapan Spine hyper route, and serves as a junction for entering and leaving the Hapes Cluster, with Roqoo Depot being a popular refueling station and customs port.


The Interior region is the densest region of the Hapes Cluster, containing a total of twenty-three star systems in extreme close proximity, many of which are the most prominent and wealthy worlds of the sector. At the centre of the region is the Hapes system which contains the Hapes Consortium's capital and throneworld Hapes Prime and its seven iconic moons.

Many of the systems of this region are famed either for their abundant natural resources, distinct cultural traits and abilities, or local natural wonders. Such include Gallinore and their Rainbow Gems, Ut and their talented singers, and Selab and its Trees of Wisdom. Other systems of this region are Novi, Farnica, Sivoria, Talcharaim, Baldavia, Theselon, Millinar, Lalmy'ash, Archais, Jovaria, Thrakia, Lemmi, Harterra, Arabanth, Carlania, Ediorung, Tumani, Tinta, and Rbollea.

The region is shielded in the south and east by the Transitory Mist regions known as the Temporal Clouds, Ta'a Chume's Veil, and Scoteian Mists, which can only be traversed in the north via the Rynmar Trail from the Gateworlds. Situated within Ta'a Chume's Veil is the five star cluster known as Queen Mother's Pearls, which also contains an asteroid field with an outpost used for collecting scientific data on space phenomena.


System Position Planets Population Controller
Arabanth (152, 107) 4 131,437,522 Hapes Consortium
Gallinore (148, 108) 3 930,923,228 Hapes Consortium
Cheruba (145, 109) 4 6,649,494 Hapes Consortium
Lorell (136, 99) 6 1,974,369,138 Hapes Consortium
Hapes (152, 106) 10 776,168,279 Hapes Consortium
Selab (151, 104) 3 3,600,780 Hapes Consortium
Dreena (160, 103) 3 4,217,953 Hapes Consortium
Modus (143, 110) 3 2,936,899 Hapes Consortium
Ediorung (152, 109) 5 6,097,308 Hapes Consortium
k'Farri (149, 98) 5 768,188,841 Hapes Consortium
Stalsinek (145, 101) 5 11,550,785 Hapes Consortium
Charubah (142, 109) 4 89,519,630 Hapes Consortium
Sargorn (145, 112) 4 62,515,036 Hapes Consortium
Maad (159, 111) 4 4,918,263 Hapes Consortium
Maires (141, 109) 3 3,216,742 Hapes Consortium
Relephon (146, 108) 7 4,004,841 Hapes Consortium
Roqoo (161, 113) 2 47,639 Hapes Consortium
Terephon (157, 111) 3 68,038,284 Hapes Consortium
Zalori (156, 112) 3 4,634,426 Hapes Consortium
Rainboh (157, 114) 3 1,622,531 Hapes Consortium
Rynmar (156, 113) 3 3,216,742 Hapes Consortium
Orelon (154, 113) 3 57,787 Hapes Consortium
Reboam (161, 106) 3 3,216,742 Hapes Consortium
Calfa (157, 100) 3 3,216,742 Hapes Consortium
Nantuker (146, 100) 2 1,093,548 Hapes Consortium
Jodaka (144, 103) 3 4,898,596 Hapes Consortium
Chosper (139, 99) 2 3,290,225 Hapes Consortium
Andalia (138, 101) 3 335,880,269 Hapes Consortium
Sennex (138, 102) 2 1,608,371 Hapes Consortium
Daruvvia (139, 104) 2 1,681,569 Hapes Consortium
Ket (139, 105) 2 54,803,274 Hapes Consortium
Lovala (140, 108) 2 1,273,102,395 Hapes Consortium
Vergill (141, 110) 3 4,898,596 Hapes Consortium
Febrini (149, 111) 3 19,204,855,440 Hapes Consortium
Zadaria (150, 110) 4 3,384,391,984 Hapes Consortium
Phelope (150, 109) 2 1,746,073 Hapes Consortium
Wodan (146, 107) 2 2,801,060 Hapes Consortium
Algnadesh (145, 106) 2 1,608,371 Hapes Consortium
Divora (143, 106) 2 1,660,207 Hapes Consortium
Farnica (147, 106) 2 2,871,212 Hapes Consortium
Novi (148, 107) 3 3,258,056 Hapes Consortium
Sivoria (147, 105) 2 1,746,073 Hapes Consortium
Talcharaim (147, 104) 2 1,702,852 Hapes Consortium
Baldavia (149, 107) 3 3,311,223 Hapes Consortium
Theselon (150, 107) 3 3,268,578 Hapes Consortium
Millinar (150, 106) 2 44,867,834 Hapes Consortium
Lalmy'ash (149, 105) 3 3,289,940 Hapes Consortium
Archais (150, 104) 3 1,369,707,261 Hapes Consortium
Jovaria (153, 104) 3 243,015,479,703 Hapes Consortium
Harterra (151, 105) 2 6,089,164 Hapes Consortium
Ut (152, 105) 3 96,213,377,075 Hapes Consortium
Carlania (151, 108) 2 1,681,568 Hapes Consortium
Thrakia (154, 103) 3 51,146,170,588 Hapes Consortium
Lemmi (155, 104) 2 1,681,568 Hapes Consortium
Tumani (153, 109) 3 3,216,742 Hapes Consortium
Tinta (154, 108) 2 1,608,371 Hapes Consortium
Rbollea (155, 107) 2 1,608,371 Hapes Consortium
Queen Mother's Pearls (157, 106) 6 54,721 Hapes Consortium