Heytzo Von Duro

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Heytzo Von Duro
Biographical Information
Race Muun
Homeworld Muunilinst
Mother Viv Von Duro (Deceased)
Father Jaemu Von Duro (Deceased)
Born Year -68, Day 154
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.2 meters
Coloring Pale Flesh Tone
Eye Color Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Kingdom of Elysia
Rank Knight-Lictor
Positions Hedge Knight of Elysia


Early Life

Heytzo Von Duro was born to a family of Muuns who were renowned in Harnaidan for having a large stockpile of raw materials which translated into wealth on Muunilinst, making his upbringing comfortable and relatively normal for most Muun children. He was calculating complex mathematical algorithms before he could speak basic, which would be his second language, and through his teen years he focused exclusively on his studies to keep university options open in the financial district. Upon completion of basic schooling, he moved on to the Harnaidan University and as expected completed the four year program easily, though at the average level, making it a simple matter for him to be accepted at an insurance firm which managed claims for the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

Things would swiftly change for Muunilinst during the Clone Wars, however, at which point Heytzo found himself drafted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems as part of the IGBC's Collections and Security Division. Mostly seeing action against pirates who took advantage of the Wars chaos in the surrounding sectors, Heytzo served as a sublieutenant on one of the Divisions many Munificent-class star frigates employed by the Banking Clan though was spared of the larger battles in the Clone Wars. With the end of the Republic and subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire, he was able to end his military service and return to Muunilinst working in a small accounting firm on the fringes of Harnaidan.

Joining the Kingdom of Elysia

"Time is Muuney, Friends..."
— Sir Heytzo Von Duro, KKE

Just another Muun, trying to make some Muuney, Heytzo left his homeworld of Muunilinst, where he now lived a mundane life as a low ranking banking clerk, to become a citizen of the Kingdom of Elysia on Year 16 Day 205. Once his papers were processed by the local starport, he bought passage to the Gendius Sector where he would start his new career as a member of the Government's Department of Infrastructure to help the Kingdom build glorious cities that may one day rival those of Coruscant. He enjoyed his work but would take up many side projects such as the Von Duro Emporium based within Elysia to buy, sell, and trade various odds and ends to work his way to personal fortune and prestige within the organization.

After weeks of hard work and dedication to both the Kingdom and his own efforts, Von Duro eventually began to see returns on his time invested in the form of recognition within Elysia. He would inherit responsibilities for recruiting new Elysians into government work as well as handling more encompassing work orders on behalf of his supervisors. As his personal wealth expanded, it was time to start thinking long term, eventual retirement after years with the Kingdom, this drove him to acquire a Corona-Class Frigate, which he christened the "Muuney Time" as a first step towards securing his currently underwhelming assets.

By Year 16, Day 234, Heytzo would gain recognition within the Kingdom of Elysia not only as a recruitment liaison and member of the Office of Culture and Education, but also in the Department of Infrastructure as an Artisan, giving him additional responsibilities which catered to his skills within the government. By this time, the Von Duro Emporium would see substantial success on the open market, buying and selling items for customers throughout the galaxy and receiving various offers that would soon see his pockets becoming filled with what he craved most; Muuney. Using his new found financial capabilities, the Muun would swiftly work towards shoring up his personal self protection force, now based off of his mobile command centre, a newly manufactured Corona-Class Frigate, amongst his crack team would be highly skilled mercenaries and a squadron of swift action snub fighters.

Through successes born of taking on the mantle of Editor & Chief of the Elysian Crown News network for the Kingdom, Heytzo would find his actions rewarded with the title of Knight of Elysia, the First Knight of many, which allowed him to select land within the Kingdom which would eventually serve as the centre for Heytzo's base of future operations. Having earned the medal of achievement for passed actions on behalf of Elysia, he would start adopting a more proactive stance on Academy training programs and basic recruitment efforts with the Office of Culture, including developing new ways of providing entertainment and information to the citizens of the Kingdom. In his pursuit for Muuney, the Elysian Muun would begin seeking out business partners in the free market in the hopes of building a more stable foundation for the Von Duro Emporium, ensuring a supply of products was readily available and commercial information would transit better between merchants with similar goals.

As an Artisan in the Service of Elysia, Heytzo Von Duro would see himself becoming more and more involved with the Office's of the Government in the following months. By Year 16 Day 270 he was named Director of Recruitment and the Academy which put him in a supervisors role to work with new recruits from the moment they applied for citizenship in Elysia to the day they eventually graduated from the Academy and became assigned to a Department or Crown Corporation. Under Heytzo, who worked a great deal alongside the Lord Chancellor and the King, various changes would be made to both Offices which would see vast improvements to the systems for recruitment and training, making Elysia much more competitive in various fields from the military to infrastructure.

Time as an Elysian Officer

"Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all."
— Unknown

With additional responsibilities came additional vision on the organization of the Kingdom of Elysia as a whole, which gave Heytzo insights into Departments other than Infrastructure and what he saw was a great disappointment. As new recruits left his care in the Academy, many were assigned to bolster the ranks of the Department of Defence and they were swiftly being forgotten as larger projects took place bringing a crucial decision before the Muun; Should he resign from Infrastructure and assist Defence? The decision was made for him relatively quickly by the nobility of Elysia as Heytzo was promoted to a junior officer position and transferred to Defence in the hopes of assisting the chain of command develop communications within the military to increase it's own efficiency.

The newly promoted and knighted Muun would work closely with Lictor Aaron Koon, an ex-commander from the Republic Army, to build upon existing policies and advance the Militaries capabilities through a step program which began by engaging the other officers and meting out assignments which coincided with the individual soldier's appropriate skill sets. Sir Heytzo took control of an Elysian Dreadnaught with over a hundred Non-commissioned members and junior officers under his care, the group would soon be known as "Duro's Wings" deployed from the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser "Aru'e Naast". From his flagship, Sir Heytzo would enact dozens of changes alongside Chancellor Virai and Lictor Koon to ensure the policy and training changes were properly applied and stated as clearly as possible to make the transition forward for the Military as seamless and easy as possible.

Aboard the "Aru'e Naast", Sir Heytzo would personally lead various small security missions on behalf of the Kingdom to protect the citizens from piracy and apprehend smugglers in operations alongside his fellow Elysian officers. Amongst his greatest achievements was responding to a distress signal from a freighter pilot of Czerka Corporation who had been beset by a small team of pirates, who were dispatched during a small battle where no Elysian losses were recorded. Finding his work beginning to take a turn for the complacent and knowing the disasters that could follow without clear thought in the military, Heytzo would make the decision to take a long term break for most of Year 17 which he would later call the "Year of Personal Pilgrimages", as he effectively left the Kingdom of Elysia aboard his Corona one Friday afternoon and not be heard from in the Kingdom for the entirety of that year.

A Year of Personal Pilgrimages

"The second you aren't paying attention is the second you lose everything, son."
— Jaemu Von Duro, Father

Year 17 Day 23, Heytzo Von Duro boarded his Corona with two squadrons of mercenaries and departed Elysian Space, heading towards Galactic South deeper into the Outer Rim.

The rim was a cold and harsh place, few of the crew knew why their commander had directed them to this Force forsaken region of space where there was nothing but empty blackness, only previous scans of home could possibly guide them as they proceeded deeper and deeper into the darkness. Heytzo had hired the mercenaries more for personal protection, giving them access to his own weapons and vehicles, including a squadron of old Aurek starfighters and equally aging blasters, he never told the mercenaries why they left or where they were going, only that the credits were good as he had financed everything personally. This would be his personal pilgrimage, a time he could use for self exploration as his ship barreled ever Southward without reason.

Year 18 Day 39, Heytzo Von Duro returned to Elysian Space with half the men and ships that he left with, the Corona was now pocked with black craters and some sections had fallen to disrepair.

Awards & Honours

Achievement Medal of the Kingdom of Elysia
First Officer of Elysia to be Knighted
Ret, Elysian Crown News Editor & Chief KoE
Ret, Director of Recruitment KoE
Ret, Director of the Academy KoE