Hive Squeegor
Hive Squeegor was a Vratix Hive that roamed through the galaxy.
Around Year -100 about 200 Vratix separated itself from the decaying Hive Mbraka and formed the Hive Squeegor. Because of their social cohesion and accepting anybody they grew to the fourth largest Hive on Thyferra counting around 2000 members. Until Year -80 the Hive accumulated wealth and huge territory in the northern regions. This was because they sold most of their produced Bacta to Foreigners.
With growing numbers the original spirit of the Hive (solidarity between it's members) faded and tension began to rise within the Hive. After several big turmoil's the Hive split up and only a small portion decided to call themselves Squeegor. Although the social cohesion in the Hive itself settled down, the other Hives didn't want to see them rising again. After several sabotages and battles the Hives council complied under public pressure to leave Thyferra. With the remaining wealth they bought some ships and left Thyferra forever.
Until Year 12 the Hive lived on the Ships of their fleet offering their working power to anybody willing to pay for it. Most of their members worked in the Bacta Refinement and on Alazhi Farms while the main fleet roamed across the galaxy.
On Year 12 Day 336 the communication ship of the fleet (Dawn) sent out a distress call to the members working for customers. The message only gave away the current coordinates and that they were under attack. When the ships of the members later arrived only wrecks, corpses and very few survivors in escape pods were left. The remaining members picked up everything the could before they left to counsel on their future.
New beginning
Deciding about the future of the Hive the members held talks with serveral governments of the galaxy and decided, after 1 month of talks, that they will building up a new home on the planet Polordio II under New Republic protection. There a new city called Squeegor Refuge was built up which now serves as the home and working place for the Hive's members.
The Hive Squeegor is led by the Hive Council where every Hive member can voice it's opinion and decide on future developments.
Not much is know about the culture and beliefs of the Hive members. What is publicly known has been gathered here.
All members are called breedling until after their Adulthood Ceremony where they are able to decide on a name for their self.
Adulthood Ceremony
Is a ceremony performed by all member of Hive Squeegor after reaching the eighteenth Year since their breeding. It's composed of 2 steps where the breedling must prove that it's mentally and physically ready to serve the Hive. After completing the Ceremony they can decide on a name and are then fully integrated into the Hive.
Destroyed Fleet
The Fleet consisted of these three capital ships until they were destroyed in Year 12.
A Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser equipped with any kind of communication devices available.
A C-3 Passenger Liner containing the sleeping, training and dining quarters for most of the members.
A Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser equipped with a workers compound where wrecks, ship parts and debris got repaired or recycled