Hodniwa Stone

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Hodniwa Stone
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Brooklyn Stone
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year 9 Day 164
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.9 meters
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Arkanian Royal Engineers
Rank O-6
Positions Director of Production
Prior Affiliation New Republic, Incom Corporation, Republic Media Services, SoroSuub Corporation, Sarshen Spaceworks, Phoenix Recycling Corporation, Arkanian Trade Syndicate, Noga-Ta Industries, JUGANOTH Mining Corporation, Rogue Squadron, Tresario Star Kingdom and Akheton Vehicle Corporation
Awards CRI Director's Citation, Executive's Citation (x2) and Instructor Dedication Award

Hodniwa Stone is deceased. He spent most of his life affiliated with the New Republic.

Early life

Hodniwa Stone grew up in Theed and loved to spend time in Varykino with his beautiful wife Brooklyn Stone. He had always dreamed of joining the New Republic (NR) Army; eventually his wife agreed and, as soon as he finished his other commitments and was able, he joined the Army. After honorably finishing his service he transferred to another division within the NR. Incom Corporation, the ship production arm of the NR, was looking for more volunteers in order to increase their production capabilities to better meet the starship needs of the NR in the war against the Galactic Empire. Hodniwa decided to give Incom Corporation a try and finding it more to his liking, learned to call it home. He met to of his very good friends there, Gavin Kaos and Desto Drake, both former leaders of the company. Not too many months into his career at Incom, Hodniwa was given the opportunity to lead Republic Media Service (RMS) and was named Editor in Chief. He worked very hard at RMS, but he desired to return to Incom. Returning to his previous work at Incom he was driven and focused that he was previously. Proving his dedication and demonstrating his trustworthiness he was transferred to lead SoroSuub Corporation, another NR shipbuilding company, until SoroSuub could be merged with Incom Corporation. Gavin Kaos nominated him and was awarded the Executive's Citation for his work at Incom.

Life In The Shadows

After his work at Incom was finished Hodniwa bounced around several positions in the NR. He served as a Civilian Instructor for the New Republic Academy where he was awarded the Instructor Dedication Award. He also worked in the shadows for a while serving as an agent for the Center for Republic Intelligence. For a long time, Hodniwa had to keep his identity and this work silent. Nevertheless he served with distinction and was named Deputy Director, and did his best to protect the NR from threats within and without the government. He was instrumental in bringing Black Sun agents that had infiltrated the Advisory council to light. Hodniwa was one of two agents that were awarded the CRI Director's Citation for helping foil the Black Sun agents' plans. After his Force sensitivity was revealed Hodniwa was pleased to serve additionally as a member of the Jedi Order.He eventually returned to Incom Corporation after his time as Deputy Director. However, two of his good friends asked him to come lead a Private Sector Affiliate of the NR, SarShen Spaceworks. Hodniwa had not been there long when the New Republic asked him to return to lead Incom.

Tumultuous Times

Times became somewhat difficult and tumultuous for Hodniwa. He left the New Republic for many reasons and joined the Tresario Star Kingdom. Very soon after, Gavin Kaos approached him with a great offer to lead Arkanian Trade Syndicate (ATS). After staying at ATS a few months he then joined the NR Army again, though he still found it wasn't the place for him. Hodniwa then joined the Ministry of Trade and Industry where he was a member of Noga-Ta Industries. Very soon after that he joined Akheton to work in his native Naboo but then rejoined the NR. During this time he became a Knight in the Jedi Order, though he left to join the Knights of the Republic. He then worked at Juganoth Mining Corporation while he was still looking for his place in the galaxy. He earned another Executive's Citation for his work in securing the Darglum System.


Hodniwa's last stint was with the Arkanian Royal Engineers as the Director of Production where he had the opportunity to work with all his friends.

During Year 12 on Day 120 at appx 13:53 the following transmission came through to ARE officials - The Cloakshape/H Fighter ARE Trainer 01 piloted by Hodniwa Stone has been destroyed by the gravitational pull of Bpfassh sun, melting anything inside.

At the time of his death, Hod owned the following:

  • 175,219,397 credits
  • 122 ships
  • 62 vehicles
  • 1 Shipyard III
  • 8 Shipyard 1
  • 1 Luxury Space Station
  • 1 Asteroid
  • 80 Facilities
  • 130 Droids
  • 277 items
  • 1 City
  • 20 piles of Raw Material
  • Employed 636 npcs

Past Positions

  • Chief Executive Officer, Arkanian Trade Syndicate
  • Chief Executive Officer, Incom Corporation
  • Chief Executive Officer, SarShen Spaceworks
  • Chief Executive Officer, Sorosuub Corporation
  • Editor-In-Chief of Republic Media Services
  • 2ic of Akheton Vehicle Corporation
  • Deputy Director of CRI, NR
  • New Republic Speaker of the Senate, Session 9
  • New Republic Senator
  • Governor of Orto System
  • New Republic Middleman, Level 3
  • NR Academy Civilian Instructor
  • Knight of the Jedi Order
  • Member of the Knights of the New Republic
  • Internal Management Director, JMC
  • Pilot,Noga-Ta Industries
  • 2nd Lieutenant NR Army


  • Trade Value: 1,283,491,550
  • Buy Value: 381,895,500
  • Sell Value: 901,596,050
  • Average: 4,503,479 / trade
  • Total: 98.95%
  • Positive: 285 (99.3%)
  • Neutral: 1 (0.35%)
  • Negative: 1 (0.35%)