Holocron:Featured Articles/2012/October

The Battle of Meridian (known as the Meridian Campaign or Krazny Oktobyr by Imperials) was the expulsion of Renegade Inc forces from the Meridian sector by the Galactic Empire. Mid Year 9, Imperial Executor Arturus Goth was approached by Aay Zavos, a commander of Renegade Inc. Zavos claimed to represent a number of Renegade personnel who had grown weary of leader Roy Starkiller's supposed lack of communication or direction. Zavos proposed to Goth that he plant transmitters on Renegade planets and outposts then unknown to the Empire, revealing their location and thus their development to the Empire. Goth directed Moff Orphaea Imperium to coordinate this project. The preparatory stage lasted several months, during which Imperium and Zavos made detailed observations of Renegade locations and patrol routes. In order for any invasion to succeed, Navy forces would have to infiltrate the sector and the planets within without attracting attention from Renegade forces, requiring them to arrive at precise locations at specific times. (Full article...)