Holocron:Featured Articles/2017/July

Tex Navos was a Kuati with a troubled nature. Despite the promise of a blossoming childhood, neglect from her parents meant her life would go down a different path. Instead of living in the Imperial realm as her parents would have wanted, she turned to a life of an unsavoury nature. Mixing with criminal crowds and developing drug addictions, her childhood was not a normal one. As she grew throughout her teenage years she began to tame herself, but still embraced her rebel nature. As time passed she found ways to use her skills and beauty for her own personal gain, running small syndicates and raids throughout the Inner Regions of space. After several years of incarceration, she began to start embracing rebellion while enhancing her image in the business world. Such nature helped Tex get what she wanted, while remaining out of the law enforcement radar. Working with close friend and confidant Lilith Delcroix, she joined Dark Skies Gearworks and worked on the administration of the recycling business until its closing. While the legitimate nature of the company may have strained Tex and tempted her to return to a previous life, that eventual return only met Tex with death by her own hand in a haze of drugs and alcohol towards the end of the fourteenth galactic year. (Full article...)