Holocron:Featured Articles/2020/October

Eidola, more formally known as the Eidola Pirates, is the largest and most notorious organised gang of pirates in the galaxy. Although the group controls numerous galactic sectors, their activities seem primarily concentrated throughout the Outer Rim Territories, particularly within Hutt Space. Originally founded by the notable scammer and thief, Keir Santage, and subsequently led by his daughter, Teniel Djo, the pirate gang evolved from a small nucleus of thieves circa Year 4 into a powerful government. Which begun as a small operation under Outrider Trading after Keir was given its leadership, the company was transformed into a den of thieves who became widely regarded as the best in the galaxy's criminal underworld. Before long, the new collective group morphed into Malebranche, consisting of two separate but similarly named groups. Soon after, one of the two Malebranche groups became what was to be know simply as Eidola.(Full article...)