Holocron:Featured Articles/2023/April

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Yaneta Ora is a civil engineer in the Rebel Alliance, and a Jedi Padawan of the Jedi Praxeum. She is a female Twi'lek native to the planet Ryloth, where she had grown up and spent most of her life. In her early twenties, she had developed sympathies for the Rebel Alliance and its cause, and decided to leave her homeworld in order to join the fight against Imperial tyranny. In Year 23, Yaneta graduated from the Alliance's academy with a reward for academic excellence, and joined its civilian branch as a civil engineer. Afterwards, she was found to be Force Sensitive and was taken in as a student of the newly formed Jedi Praxeum. Yaneta has been a proud citizen of the Rebel Alliance ever since, and works diligently to deepen her mastery and understanding of the Force. As she grew up on Ryloth, Yaneta was raised bilingually and was taught both Ryl - the language of the Twi'lek - and Huttese. Later in life, she also had taught herself Galactic Basic and quickly became proficient in its use. As a result, she speaks each language without a discernible accent and can be considered a near-native speaker of each. (Full article...)

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